Thee Talkers Podcast: Unscripted

Unfiltered Politics A Little Bit Of Humor

Joe, Remo, Benny and Thee Gooch Season 2 Episode 78

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Engaging in heartfelt banter with humor, we tackle the importance of politics, media biases, and current events affecting everyday life. Our discussions bring light to issues often overlooked by mainstream media, making the episode thoroughly engaging for those wanting to remain informed.

- Reflection on personal lives and community engagement 
- Impact of time slot changes on podcast dynamics 
- Commentary on the war in Ukraine and perceptions of Zelensky 
- Revelations on local government corruption 
- Discussion about the relationship between comedy and politics 
- Tribute to comedian Ralphie May and his impact on humor 

If you enjoyed our conversation, don't forget to support our podcast for just $3 a month and includes a shout out!

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Joe :

What's up, what's up? What's up everybody. What's up, what's up, what's up everybody, what's up, what's up? This is Thee Talkers Podcast, Unscripted. My name is Joe. How's everybody doing? Everybody, what's up? Los Angeles we have Thee Gooch.

Thee Gooch:

Hey, what's up, what's up, what's up, how you been Gooch.

Joe :

Good how you doing. I've been doing good too. It's a beautiful Sunday, fun day, beautiful day. It's kind of windy today actually in Los Angeles, real, real, real, very windy. Oh really, yeah, I mean surprised it's not that cold, but it's windy. Oh really, yeah, I mean surprised it's not that cold but it's windy.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, it's a fucking nice day out there right now too.

Joe :

And where you live at. Yeah, man, before we start the show, I just want to thank all the listeners out there that are downloading our podcast and listening and tuning in. Thank you very much. Now we're starting on Sundays. Now we're trying to avoid Saturdays because we all get exhausted coming out of work and you know how that goes right, gooch, that's right, that's right, that's right.

Joe :

Yeah, so welcome everybody. We're live on Twitch Facebook On Gooch, that's right. That's right, welcome everybody. We're live on Twitch Facebook on Gooch's Facebook account and the Talkers podcast on Facebook on Joel's account, and we're also on YouTube. Thank you for tuning in, thank you for listening and if you guys want to support our show for $3 a month and we'll give you a shout-out included and you can cancel anytime no hard feelings on our end, everybody. Thank you very much. So how's?

Thee Gooch:

everything Gooch Good, good good, just trying to stay busy. Can you hear me? Good, I can hear you good, I can hear you good, perfect, yeah, just trying to live life and you know, just do all the adulting stuff and shit, you know.

Joe :

Just trying to get by, right. Yeah, same here, same here. I think I feel more fresh now since we changed the new time slot, so I think I'm more relaxed, more aware now, you know Right right right. Drinking my coffee.

Thee Gooch:

Oh, drinking coffee instead of beer.

Joe :

Yeah, no beer that's in, like, maybe, like what, in three more hours after we're done with the show? You know what I'm saying?

Thee Gooch:

Ooga booga yeah, ooga, booga yeah. So what's you know? Last podcast, I was talking about trying to stay away from politics, right, but it's kind of hard yeah it is.

Joe :

There's just so much shit going on right now, I mean it's not like we're getting into the politics to bring into the show. It's just that we're trying to inform people over there Like we're understanding what's going on.

Thee Gooch:

There's some out there that don't understand what's really, really going on. I don't know if you noticed. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. If you want, if you people want to be informed this, they come to the right place yeah, yeah, you know what I'm saying.

Joe :

Yeah, because, um, people could be in different mode, different motions, different. They could be everywhere. Or we could be everywhere. We don't even know I don't know if they really really paying attention to us, but everywhere. Or we could be everywhere. We don't even know, I don't know if they're really really paying attention to us, but sometimes we could be morons, you know.

Thee Gooch:

Oh yeah. Not sometimes all the time. Oh, all the time, but yeah, so yeah, but you know we reach out to Germany Germany is probably our biggest area. That we're listening to right Germany, I'm sure they're well aware. But their media and our media are two different medias. They're not all the same. One will be propaganda and the other ones just can be truthful and honest. But who knows?

Joe :

Well, yeah, we're not trying to be political here. It's just that we're trying to inform people out there that are missing the news. Maybe they're like driving in a car in traffic right now they don't have nothing to hear. Some people are tired of hearing music at times. You know, let me give music a a break. For now let me put a podcast or some shit like that.

Thee Gooch:

You know what I saying and and of course we, we, we got you know what was going on. Everybody knows. You know what's going on in the oval office between the president of uh, ukraine and the us president and vice president. Yeah, you know, it's no secret, I'm sure everybody knows. Everybody's seen it. What a fucking shit show man. Yeah, I, yeah, I know right.

Joe :

Yeah, I mean, that's his name, right. What's his name from Ukraine? The president of Ukraine, zelensky Zelensky, zelensky, sisky, sisky, you know? I mean I'm looking at him like a I'm pretty sure the whole world sees it, but ever since he went to go visit the White House since Biden, he's been there for money, right that's the way I look at it.

Thee Gooch:

Like a big baby. You know, it's like when we were growing up. Okay, let's be truthful. It's like when we were growing up. My kids do it. My kids will only come around me. You know they want five dollars. You know mcdonald's or you know whatever. It's just like kids. Zielinski is just like a fucking kid. He won't come around unless he needs something.

Joe :

Exactly that's when they know you yeah, that's when they have money they don't know you for shit. You you haven't seen them for months, weeks, days. That's how it is. But yeah, and I'm pretty sure everybody out there they have a family member or a friend that are like that. You know what I'm saying.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, you know the situation that's going on in Ukraine right now. Nobody wants war. Yeah, obviously nobody wants war. Everybody's talking about, oh, russia started it. Ukraine's fighting back. The US is backing Ukraine, which is, you know, the only thing Russia doesn't want is for Ukraine to be in the UN. That's what this is all about, and people are like, oh, we need to protect you, are like, oh, we need to protect you. Why do we need to protect ukraine? Yeah, why do we have to pay for it?

Thee Gooch:

that's true you know, and in case in point, when you see that zaninsky goes to the fucking oval office, he's fucking walking up there with his head up high and shoulders are broad and acting like he's some fucking big shit and he's gonna get what he wants because he already has with the other fucking stupid Biden administration. Right, yeah, but no, he didn't get his way. They're saying that Trump kicked him out. I highly doubt that. I think you know he just wandered off.

Joe :

I think he just took off because he did a temper tantrum and he just walked out of the way right and he just walked out.

Joe :

Yeah off, like because he was, he did a temper tantrum he just walked out of the way, right, and he just walked out, yeah, because daddy didn't give him five bucks. Yeah, you know, that's true. I mean like, um, the thing is I don't understand is that, uh, even the democratic people, that the democrats, the liberals you know, the people that voted for democrats saying the same shit, that he's been asking for money and asking for money? Now that trump is in the office, they're still saying the same shit, and it's actually it's the other way around. Now they're saying, oh, trump is acting more harshful and all that stuff isn't that kind of hypocritical yeah, very much so yeah, yeah, I mean, I was listening to it.

Joe :

And then all Democrats are saying that Trump was too harsh. They were against Trump the way he acted. All the Democrats were acting the same way when Biden was in office. They were all like, oh, they didn't like Zelensky to be bugging too much money and all that stuff. I don't know if you've heard about that shit too. Yeah, I've heard. All the Democrats were all people that voted for Joe Biden. They're all like complaining about Zelensky going into the White House bugging for money, sending money to Ukraine. It was all over the news. Now that Trump is all trying to put his foot down, they're against Trump now. Yeah.

Joe :

And you know it's kind of like stupid.

Thee Gooch:

And it's kind of like stupid. And you're exactly right. You're exactly right and at this point you know, trump's not going to give a fuck about what people think of him, dude. He's here to fix the country. That's just the bottom line. He doesn't give a fuck.

Joe :

Yeah, I mean it goes both ways. I mean all the people out there too. I mean they're saying Trump's a foul. What about you other people that they're doing committing crimes? The ones that are committing crimes are saying the same thing to Trump yeah, and you know the media told us to hate Russia.

Thee Gooch:

If you look back in the history, russia used to be our allies of the United States. And then you get people oh, what about the Cold War? The Cold War? What about the Cold War? The Cold War was propaganda, a war for propaganda, to see which country had a bigger dick. Essentially, yeah, you know, that's all that was you know.

Thee Gooch:

But as far as anything else, dude, russia has always. Russia helped us in world war one. Russia helped us in world war ii. They're helping us now. They're helping us now with the aluminum, giving us cheap prices for aluminum, with zero tariffs, or whatever the deal was. But who told us that russia was against us? Who told us that russia was the bad guys? You know but? But people are so fucking lazy and people are so fucking stupid that they won't research it, they won't dig deep to see what the fuck's going on.

Joe :

You know, we have to do the looking for them.

Joe :

Right, that's what we're doing.

Joe :

What do we think we're doing this?

Thee Gooch:

And then you take Ukraine. You take this fucking actor comedian of Vladimir Zelensky, because that's exactly what he was, is or was is an actor comedian. Now he's president of Ukraine. All this motherfucker wants is money. While everybody stands with Ukraine, he's on his fucking yacht his million dollar yacht that we paid for, I'm almost certain, and his fucking million dollar fucking mansion that nobody fucking talks about and his big ass fucking mansion in Florida.

Joe :

Yeah, he has a mansion in Florida. Yeah, oh yeah, zielinski.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, oh, shit, yeah. What the fuck. That's where his wife goes to vacation. How that's allowed, how that's allowed is beyond me. Considering the billions of dollars that were given to him by taxpayers money I'm sure they're all gonna they're gonna do an audit with all that shit, dude. They're gonna find out where all that money went yeah but, um, you witnessed the, the news.

Joe :

Uh, well, we watched it all. I think the whole world watched it the way. What happened with trump and him? Right, yeah, it was like a. It was like a big um skull. That like um. All that trump needed to do is put him in his top of his knees and get a fucking pedal and spank him in his little bottom blue it's like that's the shit yeah it's like.

Thee Gooch:

It's like this is the only way we can get somebody to understand and why. Why it's so uh important for people to understand. It's like me going to go into your house, joe, right, I'm gonna walk into your house. Right, joe? I'm gonna act like I'm some big, like you owe me something, yeah, right. And then you're gonna be like what the fuck? You're not gonna come into my house, you know? Acting like I owe you something no, no, no, you're coming yeah, yeah, start eating your fucking food, you know, no you know, know, that's this whole situation, that's the whole thing that we're trying to get at.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, that fucking guy walked in there with a big fucking heart on and he fucking acted like he was going to come out with a fucking check.

Joe :


Thee Gooch:

And he didn't.

Joe :

He didn't. It's like it's called little man syndrome. That's what it's called.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, I know all about that shit.

Joe :

So, like he saw Trump and he's short, you know he wanted to fucking tell him he didn't want to be bullied by Trump because he knew that wasn't going to happen. You know, and yeah, dude, we have a clip on that one, right? Yeah, yeah, let me put that one here. Let me see. Here's a clip of the big baby getting scolded.


Right now you're playing cards.


You're playing cards You're gambling with the lives of millions of people.


You're gambling with World.


War III. You're gambling with World.


War III, and what you're doing is very disrespectful to the country, this country that's back to you far more than a lot of people said they should have have you said thank you once this entire meeting, no, in this entire meeting. Have you said thank?


you. You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October. Offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the president who's trying to save your country.


Please, you think that if you will speak very loudly about the war, you can. He's not speaking loudly. He's not speaking loudly. Your country is in big trouble.


Can. I ask Wait a minute. No, no. You've done a lot of talking. Your country is in big trouble, I know, You're not winning. You're not winning this, you have a damn good chance of coming out.


Okay, because of us, mr President, we are staying in our country, staying strong. From the very beginning of the war, we've been alone and we are thankful. I said thanks in this cabinet you haven't been alone, we gave you through this stupid president $350 billion.


We gave you military equipment and you men are brave, but they had to use our military. If you didn't have our military equipment, if you didn't?


have our military equipment, this war would have been over in two weeks In three days.


I heard it from Putin In three days. This is something new, maybe less In two weeks.


Of course. Yes, it's going to be a very hard thing to do business like this, I tell you. Just say thank you.


I said a little time.


Except that there are disagreements, and let's go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to fight it out in the American media.

Joe :

Damn what do you think about that Gooch?

Joe :

What a fucking douchebag yeah, dude, you know what uh he called.

Thee Gooch:

He called jd vance um a bitch. Oh he did. Huh yeah, and in his language oh, I don't know what? I don't know what language they talk, but he called him a bitch oh really, you know what everybody's gonna vote for vance for next president.

Joe :

You know that right. 2020. What is it? 2028? 2028. Yeah, I'll do it because I mean, I don't know, man, that guy, ever since he's been going to see Biden I've been looking at this guy's a money grabber dude. He just wants to get money, money, money, money, and I don't even think it's about the war, he just wants to be rich, that's all it is yeah.

Thee Gooch:

So now, what's going on now is that I think yesterday he went to visit the UK, so there was a lot of people in the UK I forget who else was involved but he signed a deal with them. But here's the fucked up part With Joe Biden we're not getting any of that money back, all that money that was given to them, the support we're not getting none of that back. Any deal that he makes, that Zelensky makes like with UK, canada, all these, he has to pay all that back. That country has to pay that. Why didn't that happen for us? I know, right, and that's the deal that Trump was going for. Well, sign this peace deal and then in this agreement, we're going to take the minerals to pay us back for what you owe us. Yeah, that's why he didn't want to do it, because now he has to pay us back.

Joe :

OK, you know, that's why he stormed out. Probably just stormed out, but they're saying that Trump kicked him out.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, that's why this is going on? Because Trump wanted the minerals, rightfully. So. Pay us back with your minerals. Don't pay me back with money. Pay me back with your minerals that your country has and we'll fucking call it good. I mean, this will probably go on for 10 fucking years until he's done. Paying us back, yeah, but that's what this whole thing's all about. Oh jeez.

Joe :

This is how he acts watch.


Right now. What you're doing is very disrespectful to the country this country. And what you're doing is very disrespectful to the country this country. That was just funny. What you're doing is very disrespectful to the country this country oh shit, that's what was cracking.

Joe :

That's a that's a good one, yeah, but dude, yeah, dude, uh, it's ridiculous, dude, ridiculous. And um, did you see the? Uh, the way he acted? Well, he gulped it for you yeah, kind of made a gulp.

Thee Gooch:

That guy's a fucking joke. I encourage everybody who listens to us, whether it's YouTube, Spotify, iCloud I mean the podcast anywhere I encourage everybody to look into Zelensky, what he does to his people. He kidnaps, his regime kidnaps people just for walking their fucking dogs, dude. They kidnap them and shoot them, they send them to the fucking front lines, they kidnap and they imprison innocent men for no fun because they don't agree with his ideas. They imprison him.

Thee Gooch:

And people don't believe that. People here in the United States still, you know, it's like the free Palestine shit the same people that are for free Palestine are standing with Ukraine. But they really need to look into this motherfucker because he is an evil piece of shit and nobody sees it. You guys really need to research this guy.

Joe :

He has that face, that, oh feel sorry for me.

Thee Gooch:

Look, you know like a little, look, you know what I'm saying I was looking into, um, yeah, I was looking into, uh, what he did, what his regime did to the orthodox church in ukraine. Uh, beating up elderly priests, and again, you guys don't have to take my word for it, this is all over the internet. This is all free information. These are priests at an Orthodox church that are getting beat up inhumanely, tortured, kidnapped, even fucking murdered Because he doesn't believe in this church. That's it. That's crazy.

Thee Gooch:

So all you all you fuckers that stand for Ukraine. This is what you stand for. And a lot of them out there wear swastikas because they think that their race, their color is superior than anybody else. Same fucking shit. But nobody sees that people want to still stand for Ukraine. No, the Ukrainian people don't still stand for ukraine. Stand for the. No, the ukrainian people don't even stand for ukraine.

Joe :

Geez, you're probably against him.

Thee Gooch:

Huh, yeah, oh, absolutely yeah, that's fucking crazy but you know, of course, if they go on tv and shit and they do an interview and you get an average citizen and say, no, I don't stand with zielinski, what do you think would happen? Yeah, it's the same thing. Like the north korea, they'll find them, hunt them down, they'll take three generations of their family and fucking incarcerate all of them yeah that's fucking crazy, that's wild it's just horseshit yeah, I mean, that's why um trump put his foot down, huh yeah

Thee Gooch:

I guess you, I guess it was bothering trump for for all the biden years, huh yeah, that's exactly what it was, and a lot of people and a lot of people um support what he's doing. This is what they voted for. This is what they want. Yeah, you know.

Joe :

You know what I find you know what I find that's so odd, dude. They already have the files of the Epstein files already. It's a good thing you brought that up and I forgot to get the clips around that one too. But everybody's fucking saying that Trump was inside and he was involved and I've been hearing it and reading it too and watching it. If that was the case that Trump was involved with the Amsting list, don't you think that the Democratic Party would have fucking unleashed that shit in the news and the media so Trump won't go into office? Don't you think that?

Thee Gooch:

Oh, yeah, absolutely.

Joe :

What people need to understand.

Thee Gooch:

Yes, donald trump was on the flight log 14 times. Okay, he was on, but he never once went to that island. That's what people need to see and there's a lot of people like that. There was a lot of people on the flight log that never made it to the um, the island.

Thee Gooch:

Now, um bondi, the ag, right, attorney general, uh, I believe wednesday she said she was going to release the entire files of the epstein files. Right, people are so fucking mad because, uh, she promised to release, which she did, but the ones that she released was shit that we already know. Yeah, okay, like the flight logs and who's who and who went where. Okay, the old shit. Yeah, now new, the new york fbi refuses to release their files, the ones that we haven't seen, the ones that were actually on the fucking island, and that's the one that we are all waiting for. Okay, because, right there, those are the ones that are going to be like, oh, fucking, bill Clinton was fucking around with a 13-year-old Fucking whether or not Trump was on that island. These are the files that will tell us and shut every single fucking Democrat's face up, yeah.

Joe :

You think Trump was on that island?

Thee Gooch:

I don't think he was. We would have known. Like you said, I think the Democrat Party would have fucking threw that into the media. We would have known if he was there.

Joe :

Yeah, because just to avoid him to be in office, right.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, just to avoid being him, yep.

Joe :


Thee Gooch:

Come on. But that whole fucking charade. Right now everybody's in panic because they were supposed to release the files on thursday. The fbi in new york didn't release their part and she's demanding. The ag is demanding that they release them on friday morning at 8 am, which was last week, two days ago, and I haven't heard if they released them yet.

Joe :

But there's a lot of fucking files. I think the it's. I think they're just waking them up first. I think they're just seeing how they react, right.

Thee Gooch:

And the people, like I said, the files that they released on Thursday. These are the shit that we already know. And the people are oh, of course they're redacted, of course they're covering everybody. This is the shit that we have already seen.

Joe :


Joe :

And you know waiting for the New York one, and what I'm hearing, too, is that some of the actors are fleeing out of the country.

Joe :

Yeah, like fucking, there was a lot of actors on that fucking island, and I heard that Johnny Depp was on it too, and this makes a lot of sense about Amber Heard. I think Amber Heard was fucking tripping out on that shit with. Johnny Depp was on it too, and this makes a lot of sense about Amber Heard. I think Amber Heard was fucking tripping out on that shit with Johnny Depp. That's what the whole commotion was about. That's what I'm thinking. Allegedly. I'm thinking this is the reason why Amber Heard was tripping out. You know what I'm saying.

Thee Gooch:

It makes a lot of sense now there's a lot of like oh fuck, what's her name? Justin Timberlake's.

Joe :

Oh, what's her name? Jessica Biel.

Thee Gooch:

Biel. Yeah, yeah, it's like her. She's finding shit out and she doesn't want to be with that dude anymore.

Joe :


Thee Gooch:

You know, just like.

Thee Gooch:


Thee Gooch:


Joe :

Ben Affleck too right, yep, yep With Jennifer Lopez, yep With Jennifer Lopez, yep.

Thee Gooch:

Because of the whole P Diddy shit yeah.

Joe :

So everything's coming to a fucking domino effect, right? They're all falling. They're all going to fall down like dominoes, dude, yeah yeah, dude. It's just, it's a lot going on.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, we just won't know until we see I want these fucking politicians. Once I start seeing people, these politicians start going to fucking jail, then I'm going to have faith in the fucking system. Until then I can give two fucks, dude.

Joe :

Yeah, that's true, you're right.

Thee Gooch:

You're right about that Gooch Like Hillary Clinton, fucking Nancy Pelosi, fucking Liz Cheney News. Oh, oh, especially that motherfucker. Every time you mention his name, my fucking blood starts to boil.

Joe :

I should call him Gruesome instead, not Newsome fucking Galvin Gruesome fucking.

Joe :

Puto. Yeah, oh, they're gonna investigate him too, because what was it that we mentioned, like last week, about him wanting, needed help, like what was it? How much? He needed? 50 million for assistance, for the aid it gets a giveaway, because we had an incident here in HP. They're investigating, they raided it. Now they're getting City Hall and HP. They're supposed to build this. How do you call it? This center, civic center or some shit? Aquatic center, aquatic center, there you go. They were fixing it but they stopped the construction, right, they stopped it and they didn't went through with it. So now they're investigating. Where did the money go? Where's the rest of the money? It's just the same shit what they're doing with the Las Vegas monorail the speed, rail, the speed rail is it.

Joe :

Yeah, they stopped funding that shit too, so where did the money go? So now that shit's happening right here. Now they're investigating, they have search warrants on every politician, at their homes, their offices, whatever they're at. They're giving search warrants already and then after that, after they're done with this one, they're going to go to Newsom and Karen Bass.

Thee Gooch:

That's what it is. It's going.

Joe :

Yeah, it's going Watch. I got the clip here If you want to see it. Okay, here's the HP warrants.


Also City Hall being raided in Huntington Park.


What's going on here? Yeah, Glenn, and.


Lou what you were just looking at is one of the authorities that's here Part of this raid here at the Huntington Park City Hall. Now, according to authorities, this is part of some sort of corruption probe. City Hall, as well as a couple of the residents from city officials, have been raided under suspicion of corruption. Now, according to the LA City Times, this is part of some investigation into funds that were being used for a regional aquatic center and from right now, what we've seen, we've seen one official that's here in the suit, as well as a couple others that have gone into the building here. That's about as far as what we can see at this point. We're waiting for further information into the raid that's happening here at Huntington Park City Hall and, of course, if we get more information, we'll pass that along. Insky5, rich Frickett, send it back to you.

Joe :

Alright, thank you Rich. That's crazy right.

Thee Gooch:


Joe :

I mean it's a bunch of crooks dude. They're corrupted yeah.

Thee Gooch:

I've got another one here too. Good, I hope to catch them all.


Developing. Now people in Huntington Park are outraged about a corruption investigation at City Hall.


So it involves the alleged misuse of millions of dollars that was supposed to be used to build an aquatic center. Misuse of millions of dollars that was supposed to be used to build an aquatic center. Nbc4's Lauren Coronado is live in Huntington Park, where several current and former leaders are at the center of this investigation. Lauren, good morning.


Lynette Adrienne, good morning. We're talking about a corruption case involving upwards of $20 million. Just yesterday, city Hall was surrounded by yellow police tape as law enforcement raided the building. In fact, we have video of it we can show you right now. This is a look from yesterday. Search warrants were served here at Huntington Park City Hall and the homes of six current and former city officials, including the current mayor and city manager. Prosecutors say the warrants stem from an ongoing public corruption probe, dubbed Operation Dirty Pond, which revolves around this plot of land and the misuse of millions of dollars intended to build a regional aquatic center, which was never built. This is what it was supposed to look like the $24 million project dating back to 2018, at the hands of an unqualified contractor. That's according to a watchdog group that sparked the initial investigation, and this morning we're hearing from former council members one who served just before the project began A lot of promises and a lot of payments to certain entities that are very questionable, and there's nothing to show for.


We're a hardworking Latino community and we deserve better leadership than what we have today. The DA says investigators are looking for records concerning bribery, misappropriation of funds, conflict of interest, money laundry and conspiracy. We're told computers, tablets, cell phones and paperwork have been seized. So far We've reached out to the company in charge of building that aquatic center, the mayor and city manager, but have yet to get a response. Of course we are working on getting those responses and we'll bring them to you as we receive them. Reporting live. I'm Lauren Coronado for Today in LA, to them Reporting live. I'm Lauren Coronado for Today in LA.

Joe :

What about that shit?

Thee Gooch:

You know, I bet you, once they start digging into this investigation you know, and it's happened before, it's happened before Once they start digging into who is who, like they said, the unqualified contractor, I bet you he's related to somebody in CD Hall, just so they can money grab since 2018.

Joe :

Holy fuck, and he just caught on yeah, and I think it's going to go through the same thing with that Las Vegas monorail, that train, that super speed train. What was it?

Thee Gooch:

the same shit what's it called the bullet train or some shit? It yeah, the same shit. What's it called the bullet train or some?

Joe :

shit the bullet train.

Thee Gooch:

yeah, it's identical, like the same situation yeah. Yeah, there's just so much corruption, dude. They see that amount of money, they're going to fucking grab it. You know, and this is what I don't think about.

Joe :

I can't help that all the people that are Democrats, that vote for Democratic, they don't see this. Yeah, I mean, this is our taxpayers' money. This is our money that they're wasting on, you know.

Thee Gooch:

And, of course, it being Huntington Park who do you think's running that show? Democrats, yeah All of them Democrats.

Thee Gooch:

That's what I want to understand.

Thee Gooch:

I'm not saying the Republican Party is any better. Sure, there's going to be some corruption there too, because everybody's not perfect and corrupt Right. But considering where they're at, democrats.

Joe :

I mean because they're already making a bad name on themselves already.

Thee Gooch:

That party's crashing and burning right now and you get that fucking faggot, Harry Sisson, just spewing out lies and shit. He's like trying to take control of something that's not out of control. Because this is what again? This is what the people voted for. This is what we want. Dude, I would pay $20 for one egg so this administration can unfuck what the Democrats have done.

Joe :

Yes, exactly, I mean, I think the Democratic already burned a lot of bridges on themselves.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, it's just stupid the way they think. And, by the way, just so everybody knows, rights cannot be taken away. Privileges can be taken away. So you get these trans, trans people, like you know. They're losing control because they can't go Men. Men can't use women's restrooms, men can't go to sports that women play in. Those are privileges. That's what's been taken away your fucking privileges, not your rights, that is true, gooch, that is true, that's it.

Joe :

You know, I mean it's just a lot going on, dude, it's a lot going on. I mean it's kind of like I can't believe it and I still can't believe with Zaninsky. He went to UK, right, they asked him to go to UK, mm-hmm. Well, he went to UK because I guess he didn't get what he wanted. He didn't get what he wanted with the president, yes, yeah. So he goes to UK and starts bugging him for fucking money. I don't know.


He's like and what you're doing is very disrespectful to the country, this country.

Joe :

The fucking baby.

Thee Gooch:

That's a good one, dude, that's a good one.

Joe :

He's like a fucking baby dude. It's just I don't know. I'm sorry. I mean people out there get offensive on this stuff. I mean you're not going to get. You know he's not going to get what he wants, but like people get offended what we talk about. You guys don't have what it takes to be in social media, but it's like freedom of speech. But I just got the clip. He went over to the UK. I don't know if it's British or you know, uk is a big state.

Joe :

I just want to say thank UK for listening to us because they download our podcast. I bet you, the UK citizens, are probably angry about this too.

Thee Gooch:

I'm pretty sure.

Thee Gooch:

Zelensky's just a big fucking baby dude.

Joe :

Two billion pounds, dude. I thought two billion dollars are going on. It's pounds, right.

Thee Gooch:

Pounds is more than dollars. Oh no, that's not, it's pounds, right?

Joe :

I think pounds is more than dollars, yeah so he gave £2 billion dude for this guy. The Chion, your own Chion, here you go.


Yesterday evening, the UK signed a £2.2 billion loan to provide more military aid to Ukraine, backed not by the British taxpayer but by the profits from frozen Russian assets. And today I'm announcing a new deal which allows Ukraine to use £1.6 billion of UK export finance to buy more than 5,000 air defense missiles, which will be made in Belfast, creating jobs in our brilliant defense sector yeah shit they can, they can, they can tell us they can blow smoke up our ass all they want, but we know that that money is not coming out of Russians frozen assets.

Thee Gooch:

I fucking highly doubt that shit unbelievable.

Joe :

I mean bad enough. Um, we, we can't even get ourselves straight over here with money. You know, like California's fires right here, and then you got what else? Hawaii, that got fired, and then North Carolina had that hurricane, you know, yeah, so we've got our own problems, and that's exactly what it is.

Thee Gooch:

And again, I don't. It's both sides of these stupid parties, but more so fucking the Democrats. They hate seeing the United States recover.

Thee Gooch:


Thee Gooch:

They want to destroy it. In my opinion, that's what I think too.

Joe :

You might be right right there, gooch, you know, but uh didn't. Uh, mel Gibson made a comment about the fires too. Yeah, he was out there in the ruins.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, he was out there in the ruins of, uh, the palisade, palisades yeah, because, uh, he had a house over there too, a mansion right yeah, his, his house burnt down, jesus sucks, dude.

Joe :

A great actor too, you know. Yeah, I love that fucker, I know, and I was like I like the, the, his movie, the bad max and all that stuff, maud Royer and all that he started off and stuff. He's a great, great guy. Patriot Patriot, the movie too. Right, he directed it and he came out of that movie, right. Yeah, patriot, yeah.

Thee Gooch:

The Passion.

Joe :

The Passion of the Christ. He's coming out with a new sequel on that one too.

Thee Gooch:

Resurrection the.

Joe :

Resurrection, the resurrection, yeah. Well, here's a clip, the one you sent me there we go?


No recourse, no insurance payout because the carriers dropped them. Even the carriers realized that California was ill-prepared and had scant resources to deal with the inevitable fires. They knew that. So are we supposed to believe that our elected officials didn't know that? Of course they knew that. Of course Mayor Bass tweeted about the levels of danger days before she blew out of town.


You know, Next, I want to express my thanks and gratitude to the firefighters. I went for a ride in one of the engines with the firemen and we drove around in the PCH and into my neighborhood and various other neighborhoods. Devastating there was, you know, I saw my houses and my friends and neighbors reduced to toxic piles of smoldering rubble, much like here. This looks just like Malibu yeah Land prices should go up.

Joe :

Now he sounds like he's. He's on disbelief he can't believe it happened. He's like in shock or some shit and he's right.

Thee Gooch:

The land prices are going to skyrocket and it almost seems like that's what they did it for. This fucking fires was intentional you know, yeah, they can get because of the whole again, the whole climate change, smart city bullshit. Yeah, these fucking liberals think about you know, and it's just fucking horseshit.

Joe :

Dude it is just a land grab shit. Huh, yeah, it's exactly what it is. So you think they're gonna get investigated.

Thee Gooch:

I hope so, dude. I hope it's. The Gavin Newsom needs to be investigated. The governor of California needs to be investigated. All of them do fucking yeah all the Clintons, karen Bass, pelosi, all of them.

Joe :

All of them, even Michael. What was the name of Cece? What's his name? Harry Sisson.

Thee Gooch:

Oh, that little fucking fucker yeah.

Joe :

What do?

Thee Gooch:

you call him.

Joe :

What do you call him?

Thee Gooch:

Rosy cheeks, rosy cheeks. That's when you know he's getting backed into the corner because his cheeks get all fucking red, fucking. Oh, my gosh little fucker.

Joe :

Um, let's see. Uh, yeah, dude, uh, did you hear? I mean you sent me the clip too about this, about the pope. I mean he had pneumonia.

Thee Gooch:

Right, he has a bunch of shit going on, he just needs to Well, well, well, well, well, well. Hold on, hold on, don't get too ahead of ourselves, actually, from an insider at the Vatican. They're saying that he died on Friday. Oh really, yeah, they're saying that the Pope died on Friday, but they're not going to confirm it until tomorrow.

Joe :


Thee Gooch:

That's what the insiders inside the Vatican are saying. Yeah, I don't know that they could be full of shit, who knows?

Joe :


Joe :

But this guy, I mean, you sent me a clip and I was shocked when you sent it to me, dude, that he had nightmares, that demons were after him.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, and you know that's the first one I saw, so I sent it to you. But there's two other ones from different news sources that are saying the same shit. But the more important thing is that the Vatican is confirming what is being said.

Joe :

They're confirming that. That's what the Pope was saying, right, right. But you know, the funny part is, when I heard this clip, he said he didn't say anything. Oh Jesus or Yeshua, please get these demons behind me, or the name of Yeshua back, right. He didn't say any of all. If this was true, they said that's it. I mean, he didn't mention nothing of that, right, not even once about Jesus. He only said get these bastard, evil bastards away from me, off of me, or some shit. Not even once saying that Jesus and Jesus name, right? So, if this is true, you know we're. How do you call it? What's that word we're? Well, here's a clip. I can't even pronounce it right now because I'm too shocked about it. You know, I hate when my brain farts when I'm trying to think of something, you know me. But OK, here he goes, OK wait, wait, wait, ok, go.


And just in now, pope Francis has spent all night screaming at demons who were trying to drag him to hell. The Vatican has confirmed 88 year old Francis remains in hospital, battling kidney failure brought on by double pneumonia. But this battle pales in comparison posed by be clawed , soul-eating demons from hell. spokes cardinal confirmed that the pontiff had to be sedated last night after screaming get these evil bastards off of me. As a portal to hell opened up at the end of his hospital bed, sparking fears. The end is near for the leader of the catholic church imagine that dude imagine.

Joe :

And I mean, and I was saying this, dude, okay, when this happens, he's, he's probably already in near death. You know, they say that when you die, you, um, you receive your relatives, your, your family or whatever your loved ones. And I've been saying this because in the Bible it says that once we die, that's it, we don't know anything or we're just gone. But until the judgment day, god raises the dead, right, right, our souls wake up. We go to God with judgment day. Okay, that's true, okay, we just die and that's it.

Joe :

But I've been saying this that once we die, we face God. First, he tells us and lets us know that you know what? You're going to be asleep until the Judgment Day, until I come to the earth, to the second day. We see him, he talks to us, he tells us that and then we go to sleep from there, from there, yeah, and this is what the Pope, what's his name? The Pope, pope Francis. This is what happens. But since he's evil, he's going to that warning already, to that stage that it proves that once you're near death, you're going to a realm.

Thee Gooch:

Okay, he's going to hell. Right a realm.

Joe :

You know. So he really experienced the death already. I think we all go through all that. But I think we've got to tell, we've got to say I believe in Jesus back away, the Son of God is my Savior, and things like that. We've got to say that before we die. But he didn't say that they're confirming that. He didn't say that. He only said get these bastard demons off me. He never said once that oh, you know, in the name of Jesus, you know things like that.

Thee Gooch:

You know, and the thing is and I don't mean to offend anybody, this is just my opinion and you have to look into it to understand what I'm saying. And you have to look into it to understand what I'm saying I don't think the catholicism, you know, it's just everything's ass backwards. Yeah, with catholicism, everything from the calendar that we know today to no I, to no idolizing, which that's what they do all the time. Yeah, because we've already talked about how our calendar as we know it today is not the true calendar. We're not in 2025. We are in a different year. So that's where the Catholicism lays, dude, and they preach evil shit. Yeah, that's true. Why do you think there's exorcisms, dude, you know?

Thee Gooch:

Or they claim to have exorcisms that that's like uh how do you call it?

Joe :

that's like, almost like a witch a ritual, right?

Thee Gooch:

a witch row? Yeah. And if you look at all of his clothing, it all boils back to um, god, I forgot the name of that goat head with the human body and he stands like this oh yeah, yeah, all of that's on the pentagram thing. Yeah, that shit, all of that goat head with the human body and he stands like this. Oh yeah yeah, all of that's on the pentagram thing. Yeah, that shit. All of that's on his clothing, on the pope's clothing.

Joe :

Yeah, that's true the snake eyes and shit. Even the the sculptures are there in the vatican too, right. There's like some weird shit behind them, like you know, it has like the demon and behind them and all that stuff, right, right, the snake eyes, the snake eyes and the pentagram and all that stuff, right, right.

Thee Gooch:

The snake eyes, the snake eyes and the pentagram and all that. So I mean, you guys do what you want when it comes to religion. Yes, to my opinion, to my knowledge, yes, there is a creator. We were created. There is a higher being or beings. We do answer to somebody when we die.

Joe :

Oh yeah, I believe that once we, um, we, we meet jesus first and he tells us, like I said again, he tells us that you know, you're going to be asleep until my second coming to, I arrive and judge the living and the dead. That's what I, uh, that's what I believe people don't believe it.

Thee Gooch:

They don't believe in god. They don't believe it, which is cool, you know. But when they're on their deathbed, who the fuck you think they're going to pray to?

Joe :

yeah and it's gonna he's gonna say it's too late, too late, yeah, which I think that that's what happens, you know, yeah, but I think that, uh, god gave the what's the name? The pope, um, um, a test. Right, he gave them a test, gave these demons to haunt him to see if he really believes in Jesus or the Lord, but he didn't.

Thee Gooch:

So you know, yeah, and then you look at all the contributions that they get, all the money they make, it seem like you have to donate your money, just like the Mormon churches. You have to donate your money, yeah, just like the, just like the mormon churches, mormon church they. You have to give up. I think it's five percent of your, your, your, your income yeah, it's like uh they're, they're worse than politicians.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, you know, I'm saying, you know it's like they're like uh, politicians, that just corrupt it's like that, that that lady that you know, the lbgtq community lady that was preaching to don. It's like that lady that you know, the LBGTQ community lady that was preaching to Donald Trump after his inauguration.

Joe :

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Thee Gooch:

Well, come to find out, she received millions of dollars by the Biden administration to harvest or harbor, sorry or hide whatever illegal immigrants. Oh really yeah, she lives in a $10 million house.

Joe :

The irony huh.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, the irony.

Joe :

The irony Isn't that? So, isn't that so?

Thee Gooch:

And I made my choice for myself to just have a personal relationship with our creator. I don't need to go to church. I don't need to go to church. I don't need to contribute to that.

Joe :

Actually, your body is your temple. Yeah right, pray, solids on your lonesome. It has to be privately, that's it.

Thee Gooch:

And I don't want to bullshit anybody, but ever since I came to that conclusion in my life I want to say maybe 15 years my life has been different. Outlook, everything has been different.

Joe :

That's true, same here, same here, gooch, and I was going to ask you. We were supposed to have a guest, a special guest, on what was it? What was the actual date? I forgot it was March 8th. We announced it on last week in our podcast, right, right.

Joe :

Well, it turned out that she couldn't make it to those dates, so she how do you call it? We rescheduled her, so it's going to be April 1st. She'll be on. Her name is, uh, diana khan. She's a lawyer and an attorney. Uh, she'll be joining us, um, let's see, at april 1st, at, and our time will be three o'clock and her time will be like what? 6, 30, 6 o'clock. So, uh, yeah, diana, diana khan, she's a lawyer. Here's her picture, right here Deanna Khan, founder and attorney at Law.

Joe :

So she'll be joining us on April 1st, everyone, april 1st, if you guys want to join in, and our time will be Pacific Standard Time will be 3 o'clock and Mountain Time with the Gooch will be like what? Like 4 o'clock. Gooch, yeah, roughly about that, yeah, so you guys want to join in and take a listen? On that, I really don't know nothing about fucking law, so it's going to be for me, it's going to be hard for me to ask questions to her. I don't know if you are Gooch, but we'll see how it goes. You know what I'm saying?

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, the but we'll see how it goes. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I mean, the only thing I know about the law is just don't act stupid.

Joe :

Yeah, same here dude. Like well, don't cause crimes or anything because you know you don't know. But I think she's into like I guess when you're reigning and you're going to get evicted or eviction notice and all that, that, she helps, she has answers for that and all that stuff. And notary she's. She's into the notary too. So things like that I mean I want to ask her questions about does she do like trademarks? Like if I want to keep my, my main, my name talk the talkers. You know you want to keep it like a trademark, so like a license, whatever, has that that title or the name right? Do I mean you know things like that?

Thee Gooch:

um, I wonder if she goes through that you know not to change the side, but we are talking about laws, right? That's stupid, that stupid bill that california passed about self-defense oh yeah, oh yeah I heard about?

Joe :

yeah, I heard about that, yeah.

Thee Gooch:

How stupid is that dude?

Joe :

Yeah, it's stupid, it's dumb.

Thee Gooch:

I don't know what the you could defend yourself right to a certain point, but you can't kill him or dismember him when they're going to your house right, right, you gotta let them pretty much, let them take your shit.

Joe :

Stupid dude. You know that's fucking ridiculous, right? That's like, it's like.

Thee Gooch:

I don't know what these guys. It's just the democratic liberal way of fucking thinking, dude. It's just fucking stupid. They're for the criminals than the citizens or their own citizens, dude.

Joe :

Because I think the politicians are the criminals and they let the other criminals get away with it.

Thee Gooch:

Oh fuck, yeah, man. Yeah, it's just stupid. Hopefully Polish does. Was it Poland or Danish? They want to buy fucking California. Hopefully they do. I hope they fucking sell California.

Joe :

Everything's going to happen.

Thee Gooch:

Take everybody with them. Everybody Make it hard for other people to go in.

Joe :

Oh my gosh dude. I mean, yeah, I heard about that dude Once someone breaks into your house and you have your Second Amendment right right, Right right and you use it and you unalive that person inside your house, you end up going to jail, you go to fucking prison. You're going to prison. I mean, it's been like that even way before, the stupid fucking law in California especially, but now they stricken it up.

Thee Gooch:

It's stupid. Yeah, they added more restrictions to the fucking bill and I'm yeah, you're right.

Thee Gooch:

And and now they're saying we should all vote for red, you know so you know what, and the last, the last elections, and I think we talked about this. Uh, the last election, california closed their polls before California turned red all the way across the board. They closed the vote. They stopped counting because California was turning red. It was turning red. Yeah, fucking scumbag. That fucking scumbag. Gavin Newsom stopped the fucking counting, jeez man, because that California could have been all fucking red.

Joe :

And you know what, maybe when is the next elections for the mayors and all that. I think it's next year. Next year, yeah right.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, next year yeah.

Joe :

So they're going to start voting for red? I bet you. Oh yeah, because it's ridiculous.

Thee Gooch:

They got to get somebody in there who you know. Honestly, they got to get somebody that's already rich because you know you know, I don't need to get paid to be governor. I already have all the fucking money. Because what does governor make? Three hundred thousand a year? They need to get somebody in there that's fucking rich, rich and doesn't have that fucking libertarian mentality.

Joe :

Yeah the greedy mentality. You know, I want to one. I want more, more, more, more, because the more they're greedy, the more they're going to break laws. You know what I'm saying? Yep, and that's fucking crazy dude. Yeah, I read about that too. So all you Los Angeles, california, up north and south, keep that in mind. Once someone breaks into your house and you unalive them, or you're raping your child and you unalive them, you're going to jail. You're going to jail.

Joe :

Just think about that. It could happen to anyone. It could happen to anybody. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor. It could happen to you. You could be walking in the street, you could get hit by a car. You know what I'm saying.

Thee Gooch:

Right here in the red state that I'm at. I don't know if it's misinformation, but I don't know if it's true or not. But if you have somebody inside, break inside your house and you shoot him and he walks outside the door and he dies outside it, you're supposed to drag him in.

Joe :

Oh really, yeah, you're supposed to drag him in.

Thee Gooch:

Oh really, yeah, you're supposed to drag him inside. That's what I heard.

Joe :

That's pretty cool.

Thee Gooch:

You know, yeah, so you don't go to fucking jail.

Joe :

Yeah, no shit, drag his ass inside. That's his battle, yeah, but what was it like if he has a partner in crime that helps him break into the house and you shoot him? He leaves. He's involved with it too. He goes to jail. And the one that dies right, the one that left let's consider he killed him Accomplice, yep, accomplice of murder.

Thee Gooch:

So think about it yeah, yeah, throw your hands in the air Act.

Joe :

Like you don't care, it gets stupid. What a moron. So what's next? Gooch?

Thee Gooch:

I don't know you want to call it.

Joe :

Call it a day. I was going to put a comedy bit.

Thee Gooch:

Oh, okay.

Joe :

It's. You know, there's a comedian. He's been around, everybody knows him. Rest in peace. His name is, let me see, ralphie May. Oh, the big guy. Yeah, he's pretty awesome, dude. I like him, dude. I think everybody loves guy. Yeah, he's pretty awesome dude. I like him, dude, I think everybody loves him and shit, love him and everything. But on October 6th no wait, what was it? October 6th, 2017, may went into a cardiac arrest and died. May had been battling pneumonia, right, right and for several weeks, and results had canceled shows in the previous month. He was 45 years old, right, jesus, and he was later published hours before his death. May has scheduled a meet and greet after the final performance in Aurora, las Vegas around midnight, but already has signs of deteriorating conditions. You know, it's kind of sad. Yeah, yeah, his career since 2003,. May was chosen a participant on the first season of Last Comic Standing. You know, I mean it's sad because I barely found out about this guy, like last year, and he was really funny, dude, he's really funny, I like him. And what was I?

Thee Gooch:

doing in 2017? Probably jerking off in a closet.

Joe :

Yeah, so he had a comedy. He was doing competition. He finished second place in the competition. He was in second place competing, so with Dan, I mean that fun winning first place afterwards may appear in comedy shows such as the Wayne Brady Show, the Tonight Show with Jay Leno in 2005. He was the only comedian, white comedian, comedian on the Big Black Committee show, which also featured Monique, something like that, and Rodman and Vince Morris. It's a tragic loss. He was a real talented guy. He jokes around with a lot of race. You know it's about race. He's not.

Joe :

He's not racist, it's just it's comedy, you know yeah, it's comedy and this is what upsets me about people that when they go to comedy laugh factory and all that stuff and they you know, these comedians, they do jokes, right, and it's all about humor and people love comedy, right, but there's some people out there they love comedy but they get mad just because they get offended out there. You know, because there's some people they get offended when they, you know, when they hear a comedian talk about our different races, you know, shit like that, most likely a fucking.

Thee Gooch:


Joe :

Yeah, and a woke people too. You know what I'm saying. People are woke, or some shit like that. But well, what? Here's this clip. It's five minutes. You enjoy it? And um, and after that we're in the show. Okay, so here it goes. Uh, here's uh. Ralphie may guys, ralphie mays, uh, one of the talented comedians. Uh, rest in peace. He just had a birthday too. Um, his birthday was, um, I think, last like two weeks ago all right, thank you.


Thank you so much. Wow, fantastic. How are you All right? How are y'all? Everybody okay, we're all cool. I'm a ton of cool. It's great to be here tonight. It's great to be in Los Angeles, even though I'm not from here.


I'm from Houston, texas, and I live here in Los Angeles. I live in a dangerous part of Los Angeles called Los Angeles. I live in a dangerous part of Los Angeles called Los Angeles. I live in a place called Duh Hood, d-a Hood, duh Hood Population all them bitches.


Can I get a woo, woo, holla murder up? I live with Mexicans. We got any Mexicans in here? Oh yeah, woo man. I said shit. Look, what was that a Hocarlo? God, thank you, man. It's a shitload. What was that a Hokarlo? God damn Love Mexicans, man. Y'all are the coolest because if you ever get a Mexican dude's name, you can always just read their necklace and that's just convenient, isn't it? Nomar? What kind of fucked up name is Ramon? Come on, stop, you cut your hair full Crazy. I love Mexicans, man, because y'all can fix anything with like two chiclets and a pocket knife. Seriously, my car broke down on the side of the road and this Mexican dude walked up to me and he's like hey, what's wrong with your car? And I go well, I'll tell you, hector, if some bitch won't start, hey, fuck the hood. So I pop the hood. He's looking in there eating three chickens because apparently, it was a tough repair.


He's like I'll get right now. Holy shit, hector, you rock. Fuck yeah, get in the car. I'll buy all your oranges, cherries, newspapers, put them all in there, bro. Fuck yeah, he's the coolest, that guy. I got his flowers. That guy's great. Hector, right there, he's great. I like the hood, it's just different. You know, stuff happens there that doesn't happen anywhere else, okay it really doesn't okay.


This is a strange event that only happens in the hood. It was about two years ago. I got a knock on the door at like 4 o'clock in the afternoon, all right, and me and my girlfriend are there, right, and yeah, that's not part of the joke. Okay, all right. Anyway, I open the door and the door is a black dude and a white chick right and the brother's like yo man, my name's Alvin or Alvin or Alvin or Alvin, right. And I'm like hello, what the fuck? Right, okay, he goes, yo, player, we just want to know if you want to party. I was like huh, what are you talking about? Yo man, you want to party? What the fuck? It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Just knock on the door and I'm like, hey, you want to party? What the hell? Right. And I'm like huh, he looks down the hall Both the way and go all right, you want some pussy.


It was a pimp and a hooker going door to door selling pussy. That's the only thing that happens there. First of all, I cannot believe this is happening to a comedian, right? I'm like, right, it's God, it's fantastic, but fantastic. But then I said, hey, that's a criminal. He's a criminal, he's a pimp, you know, it's his job to slap bitches and cut people for money. That's his fucking job. He's a danger, okay. So I'm like oh, wow, hey, wow, hey, hey. He thought I was trying to stall him right to like to drive a bargain.


So he's like yo player okay man, look, normally a half and half is $100. All right money, but I see you got a little hesitant. You don't want to spend all that, all right, all right for you. This week we're running a special 70 for a half and a half. What do you say? Player, come on. Half and a half, 70. God damn, now he's selling discount pussy door to door like it's day old. What the fuck are you talking about? Okay, now, what he can't see is my girlfriend is like 10 feet away. Okay now, girls, you really wouldn't like your man to be offered pussy at the front door, would you?


That wouldn't be like oh, that's so cute. Look at him, he's getting pussy at the front door. That's my man. Look at you. So I have danger here and I damn sure got danger there. Okay, so I did the only thing a man could do in that situation be stupid player. That's all you can do. Be stupid, Okay. I was like um, Honey, do we need some pussy? It's on sale. It's on sale. There's a lot of stuff that's different there that you don't get anywhere else. Okay, that's one of them. Okay, but just the little things are different. Like we don't have a Jack in the Box restaurant, Y'all. We got a.

Joe :

All right, guys. That was Ralphie May. His birthday was on February 17th and he was 1972. Happy birthday, rest in peace, and he's going to be surely missed, and I'm pretty sure he is. Michael Donovan is into the family. Ralphie May, everybody. Ralphie May, all right, this is it, guys. Los Angeles, california. Be careful out there, be vigilant and think about twice with who you guys are going to vote. And any last words, gooch.

Thee Gooch:

Don't drink and drive. You guys stay safe out there. If you guys want to reach out, Theegooch76@ gmail. com

Joe :

everybody. There you go, everybody. And if you guys want to support our show or subscribe to our show, it includes a shout out, yeah. So good news is you can cancel anytime. It's $3 a month and you can cancel anytime. No hard feelings on our end and that's all got to say everybody, thank you for tuning in and listening and downloading our podcast. Thank you very much. And where are you Gooch? There you go, there you go. Where are you Gooch? There you go. Oh, there you go. All right, Gooch, that's it. Yeah, that's it. This is Thee Talkers Podcast on Unscripted.

Joe :

My name is Joe and I am the Gooch, all right, guys See you later, and you know what my favorite little slang is it's called bye yeah.

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