Thee Talkers Podcast: Unscripted

What Lies Behind The Crisis

Joe, Remo, Benny and Thee Gooch Season 2 Episode 74

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What if the American dream isn't what it used to be? Join us as we reminisce about our family's journey to citizenship, contrasting the pride and rigorous effort of past generations with the modern perception of entitlement in immigration. We discuss the shifting realities of what it means to achieve the American dream today, expressing our frustration with the leniency seen in U.S. immigration policies compared to those of other countries. This conversation sets the stage for a broader discussion about national sentiment and identity in a changing America.

Ever wonder how some of the most puzzling aircraft incidents spark conspiracy theories? We dive headfirst into the realm of plane crash conspiracies, from a rumored Black Hawk helicopter collision to speculative tales involving Jeffrey Epstein’s family. Not to mention the tragic event in Philadelphia that has us considering kamikaze tactics and missile strikes. We question the narratives behind these incidents and explore how they impact us emotionally, while also pondering any deeper meanings or potential symbolism they might hold.

Could extraterrestrial forces be influencing our skies? We explore the thrilling possibility of UFOs and drones playing a role in mysterious aircraft incidents, drawing on theories about government conspiracies and clandestine technology exchanges. With a nod to Benny's insights and Haim Eshed’s claims of alien contact, we speculate on the potential for secret agreements and the impact of these interactions on humanity's future. Tune in as we unravel these enigmatic tales and consider whether these phenomena are acts of God, alien interventions, or reflections of societal tensions.

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What's up. What's up. What's up everybody. What's up, what's up, what's up? Everybody, what's up, what's up. This is Thee Talkers Podcast, Unscripted. Everybody, how's up? Everybody. What's up. What's up? Los Angeles what's up? Los Angeles, California. My name is Joe. This is Thee Talkers Podcast, Unscripted my name is Joe and we've got the Gooch. Hey, hey, hey, hey. What's happening? Gooch.

Thee Gooch :

Oh, not much there, Joseph.


How's everybody doing out there? It's a beautiful day in Los Angeles, california, and I just want to thank all the listeners who are downloading and keep up the good work and thank you for tuning in and downloading. How's everybody doing? Welcome to the show Gooch.

Thee Gooch :

Why are you sounding like Wolfman Jack?


Because I grew up watching him, to be honest, but I know it sounds like it right. Wolfman Jack, this is good man. Oh shit, something like that right.

Thee Gooch :

Someone butt-picked. Yeah, dude Well imagine if you didn't smoke all those years when you were younger. You probably could have done it like do it longer.


Yeah, I think I would have done it better and stuff like that. But yeah, but uh, that shit like scratched my throat right there, I overdid it. You ready for a nap? Yeah yeah, I almost fainted too my throat right there, I overdid it. You ready for a nap? Yeah yeah, I almost fainted too, you know? Oh, he's so funny. Yeah, ah, that was a good day Fun day Sunday or Sunday fun day, whatever.

Thee Gooch :

What did you do today? Did you get stuck in traffic with all the fucking protests going on right now?


Oh no, no, I still home, dude, I still home, man, I go, oh my gosh, no, I go. What now, you know? Wait, I mean several civil unrest again, you know. But um, yeah, so it's what it is. I mean, I don't know what they're worrying about. You know, it's not like they're all gonna go back, you know, but I don't know, I don't know it's a touchy.

Thee Gooch :

It's a touchy subject because we we're, you know, we have a parent, that's, you know, a legal migrant, you know, and that's the shit. That just pisses me off is it's like you know where the fuck. First of all, the american dream is dead. Okay, the american dream doesn't exist anymore. That shit died a long time ago. Uh, republicans, and never cause they can point the finger at who did what, but that shit died a long time ago now when our dad came here to the united states uh, legally, you know they got their papers, him and his entire family, our aunts and uncles and grandpa and grandma. You know, they got their papers and shit.

Thee Gooch :

And you know what, back then it was like really cheap, you know, and people didn't, some of them didn't take advantage of it, right, and it was still a process, you know, it was still a process to get the paperwork going and shit, you know, but they did it. They had the American dream, you know. Know, back then that's why we were able to be. I mean, we weren't wealthy by no means. We still struggled as a family when we were born and shit, but they had the american dream. My dad was fucking proud to be an american dude yeah, yeah, you know, yeah, and now it's like now.


Now, these days, now you're like brainwashed, you're whitewashed now.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, now, now they just come into the country, they expect the handout. Oh, because this used to be Mexico. Listen, mexico sold parts of the United States to the Americans, fair and square. Yeah, some parts were 15 million dollars. I mean, we're talking about the mid-1800s, right?



Thee Gooch :

But of course this is native land. But I mean, that's in the fucking past. Now we live in a place where everything's regulated. There's laws to follow. Yeah, there's laws to follow.


Yeah, that's where I stand.

Thee Gooch :

Our parents had the fucking, the American dream. They lived it. Nothing was handed to them. These motherfuckers come in here, expect everything for fucking free. Yeah, it doesn't work that way.


I mean it goes with everybody, you know.

Thee Gooch :

It's everybody.


Not just the Raza, but you know.

Thee Gooch :

No, it's everybody.


It's everybody, you know.

Thee Gooch :

everybody's just coming in and yet they talk bad about the country and the United States is the only country that people feel like they can just walk in and fucking do whatever the fuck they want. You go to Russia, you go to China, you go to Germany, you go to France, you go to fucking China, japan, you go to all these other countries. If you don't carry your paperwork, they're deporting your ass Period.

Thee Gooch :


Thee Gooch :

No questions asked.

Thee Gooch :

But for some reason these fucking people feel, these immigrants feel entitled to just waltz in here and get everything for free and then fucking fuck this country. Nah, it doesn't work that way. It's an embarrassment, I mean, I know, fuck this country. Nah, it doesn't work that way, it's an embarrassment.


Yeah, I mean I know dad will say or grandparents will say you know what I wish I could have just done? I should have just walked in and just not pay for my papers.

Thee Gooch :

But they did the right thing Because everybody else is doing it. Why can't I? Why do I have to pay? And a lot of mexicans from mexico, you know, you see them all over social media. They're fucking pissed off. They're the people here in the united states protesting. They're embarrassed by them, because mexican people are humble we're supposed to be humble and respect. And a lot of them are saying that you're in a country protesting, a country that you're in freely, and you're waving a flag of another country that you don't even want to live in, you know, which makes absolutely no sense.


It's stupid.

Thee Gooch :

It's fucking stupid. And you get these motherfuckers. Uh, freedom of speech?


yeah well, freedom of speech comes with consequences, so, yeah, deal with it yeah, and then, um, when they have their freedom of protest and we have our freedom of speech, they can't take it. They get married because we're telling the truth. That's what I was talking about when I was in TikTok live earlier. I was mentioning that there's people that like to talk and give opinions, but when you give an opinion back, they can't handle it.

Thee Gooch :

They start getting mad, they get triggered, and all that stuff go to fucking Germany and wave a fucking US flag. See how well it goes for you. I mean granted some Germans love and all that stuff you know, you know. Go to fucking Germany and wave a fucking US flag, see how well it goes for you. Yeah, I mean, granted some Germans love, you know. The US, I mean shit, they tolerate us.


Yeah, yeah but.

Thee Gooch :

I don't know, man, it's just stupid.


Yeah, I mean there's a lot going on. There's a lot going on and I don't know if you heard about that the airplanes. You know what I was telling you about that, Like the early episodes.

Thee Gooch :



You know, didn't I tell you that? Planes were going to be falling down.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, you were right.


Joseph, you were right, and it was one of the times that, I think Remo's daughter was going to some other country I don't want to name the country, but to go visit and travel. And I was telling Remo, you know what? I don't think your daughter should be going traveling right now because it's kind of dangerous. It's going to be in that season all the pain is going to start falling from the sky and there's a lot of controversies. They're saying A lot of theories. What is it?


Conspiracy theories and all that stuff, saying that it has to do a lot with AI controlling too, because it's getting out of hand and it's getting upgraded more and what else.

Thee Gooch :

There was a Go ahead, go ahead. There was another plane, I believe yesterday or early this morning. Oh yeah, in Denver that fucking wing Was smoking dude.


Yeah, there's gremlins up there, huh, yeah.

Thee Gooch :

Something's going on With the aviation.


Yeah, dude, but you know what I don't know. If you heard that the the one in, where was it In Washington? Okay, they said that that flight Was coming from the the one in. Where was it in Washington? Mm-hmm, okay, they seen that that flight was coming from. What is it?

Thee Gooch :

Kansas, utah or Q, I think it was. I think it was Kansas Kansas right?


I think yeah, and the and the helicopter um just ran into it, you know well, because it was Washington DCc and the helicopter that crashed into the plane.

Thee Gooch :

Uh, it was routined. Yeah, they do it all the time, but there's a lot of conspiracy theories. Like you said that, the black hawk, hawk, hawk. I almost said cock, sorry oh my god, what's. Oh my God, what's on my mind? Huh Joe, the Black Hawk helicopter can be unmanned and they can control it from the ground or a tower.

Thee Gooch :

Right right, that's what they're saying, that it's unmanned. I've never heard of it before, but you don't fucking know these days anymore. But they're saying that it was unmanned and these the crew that was on it, it was all bullshit or whatever. But I, I think, I think, I don't think it was unmanned, I think I don't know, man, it's like how do you not see a fucking plane approaching you, especially with all the radars and shit?


and there was a, a theory. They're saying that, um, they had okay, there was like family that were very, very important in that plane. We have figure skaters in there, but they were saying that they had Epstein's family in there. That's what I heard. They were saying they had Epstein's family in there. And then there was a conspiracy about the football Super Bowl. Coincidence that the plane, the hop, the plane from that the fall, fell in Philadelphia. That one's from Philadelphia and the plane that crashed was killed and everybody that crashed it was coming from Kansas.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, you know it kind of connect, connected right yeah, because those are the two teams that are gonna play in the Super Bowl in the.


Super Bowl. So is that like a sign that disaster is gonna hit on the super bowl you?

Thee Gooch :

know what I'm saying maybe do, yeah, maybe. I mean it's a sign it could be. Yeah, I mean you may, you may be on to something. I haven't heard that theory myself, but I don't I don't really pay attention to football anyways yeah.


And then, uh, there was a soldier that came out on tiktok and I forgot to get it and download it. But she's. She says that there's something up, there's something that they did this on purpose. It was perfectly done and I think it was a. She was saying it was like a kamikaze kind of okay. She says that I'm not gonna say this, I don't care, even if they unalive me.


She said the one in philadelphia yeah, but um, I mean, dude, it's quite obvious. Yeah, I mean, the helicopter is going straight at it and it looks like a kamikaze, you know that's.

Thee Gooch :

That's the one in washington dc, the one you're talking about.


The black cop was in washington dc, washington dc. I think that was done purposely like a kamikaze kind of like a test run maybe because there was I believe there was three russians on there too.

Thee Gooch :

I don't know what difference it makes, but there was three russians on it. Now the second plane in philadelphia was fucking sad dude, because it was a medevac airplane.


Yeah, yeah, and, and it was a girl a little baby.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, they were transporting it from the hospital with the mom.


That one was sad. That one was sad, yeah, and I looked it up on Twitter X and they were saying that it was all body parts scattered.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, fucking scattered.


Yeah, that's like sad.

Thee Gooch :

A lot of people were saying it was a missile because it was with. No, it was a plane because it was a plane.


It was no missile.

Thee Gooch :

It would have been a different effect.


I'll show you. I got the clip for that one. What is it? The one that was a missile? Supposedly it was a missile. Here we go. That one was crazy, huh yeah.

Thee Gooch :

Such a huge explosion too? Yeah, such a huge explosion too.


Yeah, and they said that it felt like an earthquake. Yeah, do you have?

Thee Gooch :

another clip on it.


That's the only one I got missing. Let me check it out. Yeah, I think that's the only one I got from that one, because there's a lot of footage on that one dude. Yeah, there was a lot of footage.

Thee Gooch :

There was one on a ring camera too. Yeah, yeah. That was fucking crazy.


Yeah, Just, I mean just by the look of it. It looked like it did look like a missile, but it was not a missile, it was a plane, it was a plane Because they show all the debris that was in the floor in Philadelphia, in the streets. Yeah, the fucking crater.


I mean people right here assuming it was a missile. No, it's not a missile. Come on, they're just trying to steer things up already again and shit like that. I mean, if it was a missile, it would have been a different type of scenario, you know.

Thee Gooch :

But it was like I don't know man, that's the one that had the little girl, the little girl, the little baby in her.


That's the one that had the little girl. I think she was what 10 years old, 12 years old, I'm not 100% sure, but she's with the angels now. Yeah, that's my condolences to the family. It's really sad because I think she was getting a transplant or something like that. Yeah, just something. Yeah, yeah, but it was really sad to hear, and this one I got from the Washington, yeah, yeah.


What the f***.


That's Philadelphia. Yeah, that's the one in Philadelphia. Is that the one?

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, that's the one in Philadelphia.


Okay, that's the one in Philadelphia. Okay, that's the one in Philadelphia, but I didn't get the one from Washington. Oh, you didn't. That's the one I didn't get I mean the listeners out there.

Thee Gooch :

you guys can see it on YouTube. Just put helicopter versus airplane Washington DC and you can clearly see the fucking helicopter going towards the.


Yeah, the angle too.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, the helicopter going towards the airplane. It just explodes in the midair.


And the funny part is they're saying that didn't the helicopter see the lights on? The airplane, you know that's the funny, strange part. And it's going direct going towards the plane.

Thee Gooch :

That's the funny part. It's like Not only the light, the sound, the fucking radar communication, what the fuck's going on here?


Right, that's what I was wondering. And then see, my theory is Gooch, that I think all this, there's something going to happen. I think more planes are going to be fun. Right now, I don't trust planes right now. I never trust planes. I don't think it's the time to go travel right now.


I've been saying it?


I don't know, it's just that funny feeling that I have on my gut. That's a big gut. Yeah, but it's like and it's growing too, but yeah, but it's not a good time right now.

Thee Gooch :

It's not a good time to fucking travel on a plane right now, man. You've seen, every day there's something happening with a fucking plane, dude.


Okay, and this is my theory, okay. I don't know if you want to agree with me on this one. Okay, aliens UAPs playing dude. Okay, and this is my theory. Okay, I don't know if you want to agree with me on this one. Okay, aliens uaps, you got drones flying around and shit like that, and um, you got to think about it. Um, you got china, and then president trump is doing these tariffs, tariffs, tariffs Against Mexico and China, right, or Canada, or something.

Thee Gooch :



And, and, and. All of a sudden you got these fucking drones. All of a sudden, they're not around.


Yeah, no right.


This is what I'm saying, that there were these drones. Well, she, the president, I mean the secretary Secretary of press she said that that has nothing to do with. They were ours, they were just investigating, they were just military routine shit. But I was thinking that it has to do a lot with aliens.

Thee Gooch :

Right, I think so too.


I think at a certain point Trump has to blow smoke up our ass, because I know he knows yeah blow smoke up our ass, because I know he knows, yeah, and I think that maybe the UAPs, the unidentified flying objects, are probably controlling the aircrafts, right, and they were losing a lot of control and they just hit the plane. It could be one of those scenarios.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, because you take that plane that's in the one that fucking crashed in Philadelphia.


Something like that too right.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, it's like fuck how, why you know?


I don't know, man, because you're saying that this little girl was from Mexico, right?

Thee Gooch :

Oh, that's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right, you're saying that she was from Mexico.


This is my theory too.

Thee Gooch :

You think they killed her because she's Mexican?


Maybe because she was when are you going with that? Yeah, because I mean, I have a feeling it could be one of those reasons, because they don't want to give her the rights, or maybe, uh, they don't want to spend money for her, or something like that. Or they were probably fighting inside the plane, you know, and then you know they just suicide themselves, you know when they they communicate from the tower to plane to pilot.

Thee Gooch :

there's a supposedly there's a conspiracy that I don't fucking hear it, but someone in the background on the plane says they messed with the wrong person.


Oh shit.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, it's on the recording but you have to listen. I don't hear it. People say they hear it, but I don't fucking hear it.


It's very faint One of the pilots, or co-pilot, the co-pilot, they messed with the wrong person.

Thee Gooch :

Maybe he was pissed off with the world or co-pilot.


The co-pilot the wrong person maybe. Um, he was pissed off with the world or something, or maybe I don't know. There's been a lot of pissed off people here lately yeah and um, I'm thinking too that, um, it could be ufo, some shit struck the plane, or maybe it's an act of god. You never know. I, I don't know, we can't you know it's kind of weird.

Thee Gooch :

It is weird dude.


I mean it is kind of strange and weird things are like that happening and I said it myself that in the Bible it states that this is not the time to travel.

Thee Gooch :

Well, if the world's going to end, dude, you better hurry up.


Yeah, and I really got a clip on this one too. He talks about the AI situation, why the planes are falling, and he explains it. He explains it.


Why are they crashing? They are crashing because there are two basic groupings of extraterrestrials interacting with Earth right now. We call them the good guys and the bad guys, or the good ETs and the bad ETs. The bad ETs, from our perspective, have literally written agreements with the United States government to help reverse engineer some of the technology in the crashed ships so that the United States government can develop their own advanced tech in what they call the secret space program. Now, that aspect of the written agreements, if you know anything about what's going on, is not in dispute and if you want to use Google, google Haim Eshed H-A-I-M. Second name Eshed E-Y-R-D.


What do you think about?

Thee Gooch :

that Gooch.


I don't know.

Thee Gooch :

I mean, I knew and I heard about the UFOs did have an agreement with the US government.


Like the technology yeah the agreement with the US government. Like the technology, yeah the technology.

Thee Gooch :

I heard about that yeah.


From what I heard, too, was what Benny was mentioning. I mean, I don't know where he's at now. He's supposed to be here, but I don't know when you need him. Where are they at? But he said that the aliens gave us technology so that way we won't mess with the world and we could have the, so they could unite here and stay here.

Thee Gooch :

I mean, it's a possibility.


Benny knows more about the situation. About that, but where? Is he, I don't know he's at one point MIA yeah. But yeah, that's what I've been hearing too that the aliens made a deal with us about technology. Right, it was all a bit about the technology. I think it's about not to destroy ourselves in a nuclear war, right, and things like that.

Thee Gooch :

I don't know. I don't know, man, I don't know what to make of what's going on in the world right now. It's just too much, dude, it's just too much to fucking. You know, you got your fucking Democrats and Republicans. Everybody's fighting and disagreeing about the tariffs in China, canada, mexico, the protests it's like Jesus Christ, it's all at once. Huh yeah. It's like it's just fucking have a civil war and be done with it.


And like what I was going to say too, that um, like, uh. I mean the people that are protesting right now. Why are they going in the freeways? I don't understand that, you know yeah.

Thee Gooch :

And a lot of real Mexicans in Mexico are saying it's fucking stupid, what is it going to help?


It's just making us look bad and the whole point is to be in front of the city hall. Yeah, plain and simple, you know.


Why is to be in front of the city hall? Yeah?


Plain and simple. You know why are you walking in the freeway? Okay, I mean, I know you're trying to get attention, but you know making it to the media, but I don't know. It should always be in city hall, protest there peacefully, you know.


Yeah, people have to go to work.


People have to go to do their things, people have to go to shit. Take a shit right there and uh on the freeway and you guys are, you know, prolonging it.

Thee Gooch :

You know, but I don't know it's just stupid like why why stop people from yeah moving? Take it to your congressmen, fucking your senators, the mayors and shit.


Take it to those people exactly, but I don't know man, just uh it's like the tariffs dude um trump is it? Is it true before you? Say something good is it true that if they do the, if he does the tariffs?

Thee Gooch :

the price is gonna go up.


oh my god, I another idiot, another dumb.

Thee Gooch :

Yes, yes, yes. Yes, the prices can potentially go up, but you have to see it this way. Ok, the tariffs are going to help us out in the long run, us out in the long run. And the only way the tariffs are going to help us is removing the federal income tax, taking taxes out of our check. Okay, because, listen, and this is like you know it's just logical. Okay, we've been since the Biden administration was in office four years ago, from the first day he started all the way to the last day he fucking walked out of the office. The cost of living went up 25%. Okay, your food, gas, housing, the rates, everything went up under Biden. Everybody knows this. Now what the tariffs? Yes, the the prices of of life can go up, maybe one percent, okay. So I mean, people need to realize we've been struggling for the last four years with 25 percent increase on the cost of living. Right, one more percent is not gonna to fucking kill us.


Yeah, no shit, you know.

Thee Gooch :

And that's what the experts are saying. I'm not saying this, the experts are. I've been keeping a close eye on it and that's what they're saying. One percent, which isn't much, but, like I said, they have to remove the income tax in order for us not to feel it.


Yeah, so that way we could have more money on our checks.

Thee Gooch :

And you know, right, right, well you imagine, imagine, thinking about, think about it, dude. If, uh, the federal government removed income out of our check, where they take no federal taxes away from us, our pay goes up 35 to 40 percent, right, which means I mean in the long run, yearly we probably get another five, six thousand dollars extra in our check yearly. Yeah, yeah, so we have more money in our pockets in their check.


right, that's what I'll pay in the like all the taxes that were the fifa full nika and all that stuff, but yeah.

Thee Gooch :

When people are talking about, oh, that Canada is going to, because Canada set tariffs on the United States after Trump did it right 25%. Now Canada sanctioned us with 25% tariff. Well, the entire state of Texas, just so everybody can feel comfortable in the United States. Okay, the entire state of Texas, just so everybody can feel comfortable in the United States. Okay, the entire state of Texas produces more and has more than the entire country of Canada. So we're not really sweating what's coming in from Canada, because we get shit from Texas and California and New York. But these liberal, fucking left-wing psychopaths in Canada, they're going to not sell to red states in the United States. Wyoming Texas, fucking.


Only the blue states.

Thee Gooch :

Only the blue states. Oh man, it's stupid. It's just that's the way they think, you know? Yeah, but as far as the tariffs go, yeah, we're gonna struggle. Maybe the first year it's gonna hurt a tiny bit, but again, we've been hurting for the last four years. What's?


another fucking year, yeah, yeah, you know. So now they, if they could put up with, uh biden's fucking bullshit for the last four years, they could put up well, I don't like to call him biden, I like to call him shitbag. No shitbag.

Thee Gooch :

Because if listen when you hear these fucking Democrats say, oh, I thought Trump was gonna reduce the gas prices the first day. Yeah, oh, I thought he was gonna reduce the prices of it. Well, listen when Joe Biden his last day okay, this is a fact, you guys can look this up the last day of joe biden in office, he ordered all the farmer, all the egg farmers in the united states, to eliminate a hundred million chickens for no fucking reason, dude. That's why we have an egg shortage, jeez, and these fucking yeah.

Thee Gooch :

And then these fucking Democrats, these liberals. They're like oh, I thought Donald Trump was going to lower the president and they don't see that.



Thee Gooch :

You know it's just fucking stupid. A lot of contradiction, huh yeah, it's like the numbers don't lie. You know, it just blows my mind in this fucking idiot. Oh, donald Trump was going to lower the price. Oh, fuck, dude, he's only been in office for 10 fucking minutes. Give him a break.


Yeah, when he first got in right yeah.

Thee Gooch :

Fucking stupid, unbelievable. Oh my God, it gets me looking now. I'm now. I'm sweating under me my armpits every time I talk about the democrats yeah and there's a guy on uh on the news that uh, okay doge, okay doge. It's called the Department of Government Efficiency.


Okay, that's the abbreviation, isn't that in crypto?

Thee Gooch :



No, it has nothing to do with crypto.

Thee Gooch :

No, okay, the Department of Government Efficiency. Elon Musk is running that right now. The owner of X, he's running that department right now for trump, so he's figuring out government spending, wasteful, wasteful government spending. They found one yearly that the american tax dollars, the government, is paying over $900,000 literally to a clown to teach people how to make animal balloons oh my God, yeah, bullshit. And there was another one for like $1.9 million to create a stapler. Again, this is all taxpayer funded okay.

Thee Gooch :

All stupid shit right right, yeah, and this is the shit elon musk is finding to to create a stapler that doesn't get stuck, oh shit. And there was another one for like two point something million about how therapeutic this is. All government shit, okay, spending stupidly Research on how popping bubble wrap can be therapeutic.


Oh shit, yeah, Are you serious what you're clowns in that office.

Thee Gooch :

It sounds funny and it sounds stupid, but it's true.



Thee Gooch :

This is all wasteful government spending. This is all the shit that Elon Musk and there's Joe, there's hundreds of more. I think Elon Musk canceled over $100 billion. Would that be $100 billion of wasteful government spending?


Yeah, I heard about that too. There was a lot of spending that wasn't necessary to spend.

Thee Gooch :

There's some more stupid shit. But, dude, the list can go on. That was just the tip of the iceberg, dude, the list goes on and on and on and on Stupid government. Oh, there was one. No bullshit. The Pentagon, I believe, was spending over a hundred. The Pentagon was spending over a hundred million dollars on sushi.


Oh my gosh, yearly, oh shit, what the fuck for To eat or just to?

Thee Gooch :

I have no idea. I don't know if they were Giving it away.


I don't know, and all that money they could do is just Help out and yeah.


Save the.


California fires and shit.

Thee Gooch :

The whole point of all of this Is to audit the government To find out where the fuck this money has gone, so they can prosecute. Somebody has to have their fucking hands in that cookie jar, because that's $1,200 for paper coffee cups at the Pentagon. No bullshit, that's the kind of bullshit they're finding.


And then, what do you think about the governors? New scum Do you think they're going to? Yeah, they serve.

Thee Gooch :

disaster're gonna yeah, they serve disasters. Yeah, they serve this as recall papers. That's the motherfucker. They need to investigate it.


Yeah, that's the fucking dude they need to investigate they just mentioned that um trump sent the military in california to turn on the valves for the water. Yeah, and it was water, you know. So I mean I would look at it like if he's holding out on something.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, that's the dude. They need to investigate that fucking scumbag. All of them dude.


All of them.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, I heard they served his ass with the recall papers. They need to get him out. I bet you they'll recall him now. Oh, they'll definitely recall his ass with the recall papers.


They need to get him out. I bet you they'll recall him now. Yeah, oh, they'll definitely recall his ass now. Yeah, because and that's what's her name Paluzzi's nephew, huh.

Thee Gooch :

Yep, oh, that's another bitch that needs to be fucking recalled. Sorry, ladies, I don't mean to call her a bitch, but she's a bitch. They need to fucking recall that. That chick needs to be fucking prosecuted. Insider trade because her husband uh, I forget his first name, but her husband is involved in the stock market, so he tells her what to fucking put her money in. That's insider training trading. Yeah, you know, that's like that's what. That's what martha stewart went to prison for, and oh, my gosh damn and she's getting away with it.

Thee Gooch :

And she's getting away only because she's a dirty fucking politician, uh what a bunch of clowns we have in the system. Play that.


Play the clown music again let me play the clown music again. Step right up, everybody step right up.

Thee Gooch :

I could imagine. I could imagine that shitbag Biden just fucking shaking his head to this fucking song once he hears it stupid ass, unbelievable, dude unbelievable there's just a bunch of shit they're discovering right now. Everybody's Stupid ass. Unbelievable, dude, Unbelievable. There's just a bunch of shit they're discovering Right now. Everybody's hating on Trump because the terrorists and Mexico Once it all simmers down dude, it'll all make sense.


Yeah, because right now it's just fresh. It's fresh. Have you seen the new press secretary?

Thee Gooch :

I can't say that I have.


Her name is Dude. I just had her name and now I've already forgot.

Thee Gooch :



Levitt yeah.

Thee Gooch :

Levitt, where do you have the clip?


I got the clip but you know what I like it because you know Trump's all against About fake news, right?




And fuck, what's her fucking first name, dude, I just fucking just had it. I just told you earlier, before we started the show, her first name oh.

Thee Gooch :

Levitt's name.


Yeah, oh, my God. Yeah, I don't know. This is one thing about being live here. Let me look it up. That's Brady.


Briefing Room.


And so well, Leavitt, she, that was a fucking, that's her first name. Come on, think, think, think, think I'll tell you about that. It's a real fucking easy name too. She's the press secretary, right, yeah, the press secretary. I love her because once she came out of the press, she spoke openly, educational.

Thee Gooch :



Karoline. Oh my God, dude. Karoline, sweet Karoline, Karolina Sweet, Karoline, sweet, Karoline, sweet Karoline. Leavitt, shake it, shake my ass and shit. But yeah, she spoke openly. I like her because she's real intellectual and no mess up or anything. She didn't even breathe, dude, she just spoke out like that, do you have?


a clip.


I have a clip, but the thing is, I like this because if you hear, the new thing they're doing for us podcasters and content creators is right here. Okay, look at the clip. Everyone.


That's Brady's briefing room, where Mr. Brady's legacy will endure.


This White House believes strongly in the First Amendment, so it's why our team will work diligently to restore the press passes of the 440 journalists whose passes were wrongly revoked by the previous administration journalists whose passes were wrongly revoked by the previous administration.


We're also opening up this briefing room to new media voices who produce news-related content and whose outlet is not already represented by one of the seats in this room. We welcome independent journalists, podcasters, social media influencers and content creators to apply for credentials to cover this White House, and you can apply now on our new website, whitehousegov slash newmedia. Starting today, this seat in the front of the room, which is usually occupied by the Press Secretary's staff, will be called the New Media Seat. My team will review the applications and give credentials to new media applicants who meet our criteria and pass United States Secret Service requirements to enter the White House complex. So, in light of these announcements, our first questions for today's briefing will go to these new media members whose outlets, despite being some of the most viewed news websites in the country, have not been given seats in this room.


Did you apply? Yeah, oh yeah, I did apply. Let me tell you one thing I'm not flying dude. Let me tell you one thing if I go there, you know.

Thee Gooch :

Am I invited? Am I going?


Oh yeah, but you have to apply too.

Thee Gooch :

Fuck you, you have to get the credentials. I got your credentials right here, oh yeah, but you have to apply too. Ah, fuck you, you have to get the credentials.


I got your credentials right here. Yeah, I applied. It was simple as that.

Thee Gooch :

Fuck yeah, so we could have been like Levis and Butthead in that fucking.


But yeah, dude, I was happy when they mentioned that, Because freedom of speech and you know Trump wants real news, no fake news.

Thee Gooch :

What would be your first question to Donald Trump, or the press secretary right there?

Thee Gooch :

Your first question. What color?

Thee Gooch :

are your panties? No.


No, but what color are your panties? No, no, no but.

Thee Gooch :

She'll be like what panties?


I know right.


But yeah, so, and it's crazy because they're going to put seats for the content creators and the podcasters in the side. That's what's awesome. That'd be funny. We'll be, I call it they'll search us before we go into the Whitehouse and all that stuff. But that's what I'm saying, dad. Now, all the content creators, now, if you're going out there to do an interview, or out there in the crime, the scene on the crime, or anything, just say I'm the freedom of press, that's it. I mean, that's all it takes.

Thee Gooch :

What would be your first question to Trump?


My first question.

Thee Gooch :



Damn dude, you got me right on the spot.

Thee Gooch :

You'll be like stuttering John from the Howard Stern show.


Yeah, yeah, I probably will too. But yeah, dude, I mean things like that. got to write down. Oh yeah, that'd be badass. I'll probably say Mr. President, how was your Comeback as a president? I don't know. got to write it down. I can't do that right now. Will you see, Joe? Is it Joe? You see Joe Come back as a?

Thee Gooch :

president, I don't know. You got to write it down. I can't do that right now. Will you see, Joe? Is it Joe? You see, Joe? Will you do a tremendous job, Joe?


That's as best as I can Bigly, bigly, yeah. But I'm glad they did that dude, because that was a big news for us right there. That'd be badass dude, can you imagine. But I won't fly though. I'll just fucking drive.

Thee Gooch :

You'll probably have to drive 24 hours.


Yeah, I'll take a bus or something like that.

Thee Gooch :

Nah, just drive, take your car, take my car.


We'll see the country. Go see the country. But yeah, dude, that was the big news. I was surprised when I heard about that. I go oh shit, that same day I fucking applied.

Thee Gooch :



Why don't you apply for it too? Fuck that shit. You're good on the politics and asking question things. You're better than I am.

Thee Gooch :

What would be the first question I asked?


I was going to ask you, what would the question you would ask to President Trump?

Thee Gooch :

I think the first thing the first thing I would probably ask him is how does it feel to be back in the White House?


that's a good one. What about this one, Mr President? Welcome back. Were you planning on running another four years?

Thee Gooch :



Because they're already mentioning that they want him to run another four years.

Thee Gooch :

Right now, dude, I think so. I'm not 100%. I think he's done after this term. Dude, you think so? Yeah?


He looks burned out, huh.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, but I think that term-wise he's done. This will be his second term. I think he's done.


You think so?

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, but right now, dude, the country just looks fucking chaotic. Dude, yeah, it's just. You can't sweep the mess that Biden created under the rug. Dude, it has to be dealt with. It has to be dealt with.


And you're right, because after that Trump is in, they know that they're going to get rid of the bad. And everybody's getting all panicked now. Everybody's in panic mode.

Thee Gooch :

Well, look what Joe Biden did. He gave a blanket I don't know what it's called, but it's a blanket of immunity to people like fauci um, other people, dr fauci and other people, liz cheney he did the same thing for liz cheney. Just in case, when they do investigate, they're good, they're not going to arrest them because joel biden gave them a pardon a blank yeah of a immunity, so you can't pardon the innocent. What the fuck are they hiding?


yeah, you know what I'm saying. That's true, that is exactly true. God man, this is, this is getting terrible dude yeah, honestly, dude, his term hasn't even started.

Thee Gooch :

I mean, it started what? Two weeks ago, but the full right. Now he's dealing with the tariffs and the immigration and shit. But all the investigation he fired everybody that was involved in the January 6th committee that tried to prosecute Trump.


He fired everybody dude. Oh no shit.

Thee Gooch :

Everybody, damn. They tried to prosecute Trump. He fired everybody. Dude, oh no shit, everybody. And some retired or quit because they knew they were going to get fired anyways.



Thee Gooch :

And another wasteful spending by the government is when COVID happened, a lot of people were able to work at home right. So now and then, for some reason, it's still going on. So Trump gave them until February 5th, I think, or 8th. You either go back to work in the office or you quit. Ok, one or the other, and if you resign you don't want to go back you can resign and they'll give them a severance package, which I think he'll pay them for eight months and they're done.


So that's their choice. What about the part that when there was a COVID and everybody had to take the jab? If they don't take the jab, they will never go to the service, the military, they'll lose their career, yeah he got rid of that shit. Yeah, so now they're going to come back to their careers, right?

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, now they're going to come back with back pay.


Yeah, oh shit.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, with back pay, because it was. That's all it was, because you take that fucking jab or you get fired. That's what I heard too.


Yeah, but that's crazy dude. The civil unrest is happening, you know. So that's fucking crazy dude. I got a clip, a funny clip. You want to see it? Yeah, yeah, go for it. You remember that puppet? His name is called his name. I want to know who's the creator of this guy, because I got the clip but I don't know if he's the true creator of the puppet. But if you're out there, hit us up, okay. So our email is theetalkers4us@ gmail. com. I want to interview him too, to get on our show, if he's watching or he knows us, or if he knows we exist, or things like that. So, yeah, so this is Diego. You remember Diego the puppet? Yeah, I remember. Okay, so this one's funny dude, because all his clips are really funny, but this one got me. It kind of struck me. It's a real good clip. Here we go.


Your name, ma'am.




Last name.




No, your last name.






What about a middle name?




Can I?


please see some ID, ma'am. So what exactly happened today? Pues, estaba trabajando, ¿no? En el bar usualmente, Y llega un chico y ordena un tequila, Y luego otro y otro y otro Y seis tequilas. Después se me va sin pagar.


Ma'am, you know I can't understand shit, right.




Can we get a translator in here? Hola?


¡Ese es el, ¡el güey, el que me robó el tequila.


What did she say? She said she wants some tequila. Tell her this is serious. She can get a drink on her own time. Por favor, no digas que fue yo.


Es que tú me robaste. Eres un criminal.


No, no, lo soy. Solo tenía mucha sed Criminal. She says the guy was a criminal. Yes, we know that. Tell her to describe him. Quiere que describas al hombre?


¿El hombre es tú? Bueno, no, le voy a decir eso.


She says he's tall, white, blonde hair, blue eyes, no mustache and no tie. Good good, ask her if she's sure that he was white. Wait, why does that matter? A white guy drinking tequila in the morning, come on, good point. He asks if she's sure he's a gringo, what?


does that matter?


He doesn't think. A gringo drinks tequila.


Oh no, well, sí, buen punto.


Yeah, definitely a white guy. Okay, ask her what happened after the incident. Si no dices nada, cubro tu turno en el bar toda la semana.


Trato hecho Dale.


She says she doesn't know. Does she have any other information?


¿Y tú qué haces esa noche? De pronto verme un episodio de ese show Game of Thrones.


She says she has no more information. Ask her if the bar has a security camera¿. En qué temporada andas?


Yo acabando de terminar la sexta temporada.


She says no camera. Okay, then Guess, we're done here.


En realidad, ¿cómo agarraste un trabajo como traductor? Tienes que ser inteligente, ¿no?


She wants to turn herself in. What, yeah, she just admitted to stealing from the bar herself. Are you serious? Yes, ask her if she means that Te gusta mucho Game of Thrones.




Sí, holy shit, ma'am, I'm afraid you're under arrest.


A ver ¿qué dijo.


Dice que gracias por tu cooperación. Who the hell are you?


¿Quién es este?


I'm the translator. I was told my services are needed. Then who are you? No, hablo inglés.


That is Diego, everybody the puppet. Oh my God, that shit's funny dude. That was hilarious dude, yeah Pretty funny. Yeah, I mean watching that. There's a lot dude. That was hilarious dude, Pretty funny. I've been watching that. There's a lot of clips. I look at it and it's kind of funny. It's really funny, funny, funny, funny stuff there. Oh, how funny. Anything else? Gooch.

Thee Gooch :

I think you know there was a lot to cover, but I just you know you go live, you just fucking bring for it. You know? Yeah, exactly, have you seen the AI? Have you seen the new AI? Remember the what's it called the Terran of Jesus?


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw that one, the Shroud, sorry the Shroud, the Shroud of Turan. Yeah, I saw the AI, that's amazing yeah. Now.

Thee Gooch :

I believe that's how Jesus looked. Now dude you think so. Oh yeah, the way that AI did it. I mean, he's Middle Eastern.


Yeah, yeah, I mean they even put his full. His full, I call it body and everything the scarring and all that shit, things like that.

Thee Gooch :

The 3D images and shit.


Yeah, I saw that one too, yeah.

Thee Gooch :

That's pretty interesting. I mean, it's no offense. I'm sorry to the white folks, but Jesus isn't white.


Yeah Well, yeah, there's a lot of sun in that in the eastern side right you know, there, there's a lot of sun. In the eastern side right, there's a lot of sun, but wasn't it? We were just talking about that like two episodes, right? I?

Thee Gooch :

think so.


The white, blue-eyed Jesus is not even Jesus, it's just a.

Thee Gooch :

Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's Leonardo da Vinci's lover.


Yeah, there you go.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, it was a painter.


I call it a homosexual. There you go. Yes, he loved the pole. He loved the pole.

Thee Gooch :

So everybody that's praying to the white Jesus, you're actually praying to I forget his name Cesar Borges, borges, something like that, but anyways, you're praying to Leonardo DiCaprio, leonardo da Vinci's lover. Oh, dicaprio too, no you're actually praying to him yeah, that's a big no-no.


That's a big no-no. That's what I'm saying, dude, like the Virgin Mary the apparition for the kids, I don't think that was really Virgin Mary, it's just Satan doing little tricks. You know Little tricks, huh, joey? Yeah, silly rabbit Tricks are for kids, but that's what I'm saying, that I, you know, I don't know. You're not supposed to be worshiping idols and all that stuff, because things like that you know there's only one creator one creator.

Thee Gooch :

We pray to Jesus, to, to get to the creator.


There you go For the father, right the father and go to heaven. There you go, and he never says nothing about fucking religion or anything like that and groups to join in groups or anything like that. Can they see you? Yeah, you know what dude. What's up, david?

Thee Gooch :

Joe saying what's up, David?


Is that David? Yeah, what's up. What's Jose? What's up David? Is that David? What's up? What's up, what's up, what's up, what's up? Yeah, you know, I forgot to get this down on TikTok, they're saying that there's a bird.

Thee Gooch :

And the bees, and the flowers, and the trees, and the moon, the moon up above and a pink color.


We can be the new.

Thee Gooch :



You see that we can be the new Beatles the Beatles and the Beatles from Timo well, they're saying that I should have fucking got it down. I should have downloaded it and put it on the thing. They're saying that there's a bird, it's down. I should have downloaded it and put it on the thing. They're saying that there's a bird, it's a Phoenix bird, and it's going around Los Angeles or California, wherever, and it's causing fires. It throws fires out of their shit, but I don't know if it's an AI thing or just a make-believe, or just you know they're just coming out of their ass.

Thee Gooch :

It's 2025, 2025, bro, and anything's possible. Like fuck it, you know right, yeah, yeah, I mean everything now, yeah I mean, if it's a fucking phoenix, I believe it's a phoenix, yeah, maybe right because it I mean it looked real to me.


They said they caught it on camera and it's causing fires and it kind of makes sense, because how can everything just start Automatically? Everything starts on fire on the hills or anything like that. I mean it can't be, man. I mean maybe I don't know, what did I know?

Thee Gooch :

I mean what?


Planes falling out of the air. Air, yeah, planes falling in the air. I mean, have you ever seen that movie um the twilight zone? And when that guy goes inside the plane he sees, uh, a gremlin fucking destroying it destroying the plane, yeah maybe that's there's some. There's something true to that too, right, yeah, right yeah, because Rob Surley is the one that wrote all that fucking episodes. Maybe he's fucking right. Maybe he saw some shit too. It's like a prophecy?

Thee Gooch :

no, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.


It's fucking crazy, weird shit going on.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, a bunch of shit going on right now, dude.


Oh man, and look it, I'm letting you guys know there might be a huge earthquake in California. I'm telling you, I'm not a predictor, I'm not predicting it. It's in the Bible. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. Ya, vamos a morir. Yo si no, mami, no importa.

Thee Gooch :

Importa, se bien.


No, no, no, I am, I am, I am, I am. But it's just that I don't know. This is weird shit going on. It sounds like it's really really eerie. The whole sky is eerie. We'll see what this week brings.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, you know what I week brings. Yeah, you know what I'm saying, true.


What are you scared of the most? Space or the ocean?

Thee Gooch :

Well, there is no space. That's a figment of our imagination. So I'm scared of the ocean.


The ocean, you too.

Thee Gooch :

If there's anything I fear in life, of course our creator, right, right, but it would be the ocean?


Yeah, because we haven't even been to space, you know, to be honest, yeah, tv yeah. But you know what it does look scary when you go on the beach, you know when you see it from far away. Yeah, Sometimes. I don't even know if I will go on the boat. Will you ever go on the boat?

Thee Gooch :

gooch, no, no, no, I wouldn't even get, I wouldn't even get on a horse I would.


I mean you used to love riding on horses, right?

Thee Gooch :

no, I've been on one horse my entire life one horse remember that picture when I was like three years old.


You still have that picture.

Thee Gooch :

I think Remo has it. Remo has it for sure, remo has it. There was a little horse back in the day in the 80s. They used to walk around with ponies in the neighborhood and your family was able to take pictures. Professional pictures I had my fucking chaps on and I had a little fucking cowboy hat, like that like yeah, I seen it well, you know what?


like I say again, guys, I'm tired, I'm tired of holding back and pretty soon I'm gonna be letting everything out. I don't care. And um, soon as in July, soon, soon as in July, and um, we're gonna reach our third year on July 27th of this year. Third year anniversary on our podcast. Uh, I just wanna thank everybody that listening, are listening, tuning in and downloading, and that's all I got to say. You know, definitely Thanks for the support. Thanks for the support. I mean, they're supporting us with the downloads. I'm happy with that, I'm good with that.


But now the next step is to support us for $3 a month. We'll give you a shout out and everything, and we'll give you a 15 minute to join us, 15 minutes you could join us. And here's our email you could send us your email and we'll send you the invite and we'll give it a date and time when we'll be on live and recording and just tune us in. And you know, but I've been wanting to be doing these giveaways but our fucking viewers, no one's watching us. So I've been wanting to do this giveaway, but we just need a lot of viewers out there and maybe, like at least 10, 10 viewers we we need to get to do this giveaway last time. The last person that won what? 65 gift card from amazon gooch I, I, yeah, I think.

Thee Gooch :

So I don't really remember, I don't even know who won. Who won?


I forgot. I even forgot the person's name, but um I think it was.


Uh, I don't know, it was some off the wall semen, god or some shit oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right and, um, yeah, congratulations to him, but that was the last time we won and the last person that won on the giveaway and the other one was, I think, jason Jason out there, if you're listening they won the giveaway of prizes, art prizes and all that stuff and that was really good. It was really good. So we're just waiting for that moment, for getting more viewers out there so we can do some giveaways. And, yeah, just thank you for all your downloads and listening and tuning in and I think this is it right, gooch.

Thee Gooch :

Yeah, man.


I got to clean my chonies. You're going to clean your chonies, yes, oh my God.

Thee Gooch :

Saturate the water.


Right, oh my God, oh my God, and what else are you going to do?

Thee Gooch :

I just got to do my laundry.


Nice, that's right, okay all right, yeah, baby, all right guys. Um, this is Thee Talkers Podcast: Unscripted. My name is Joe and we have Thee Gooch that joined us. Sorry, Benny, couldn't make it today. Maybe in the near future we'll show up again again. Support us for $3 a month. We'll also give you a shout out and if you want to join us 15 minutes and just send us an email, we'll email you back and send you the invite and any last words for you, Gooch.

Thee Gooch :

Don't drink and drive folks. Thanks for all the support, all the overseas accounts that we see, that listen to us. We really appreciate it.


Yeah, thank you um. UK, England, Finland, Singapore, everyone out there in the eastern side, thank you very much for tuning in Germany too, and all you guys out there New York city, you name it um, thank you for tuning in everybody. Again, do not drink and drive. Alright, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, we're out and see you To the next show. Bye, that's like Wolfman Jack, that's it.


This is Wolfman Jack and this is KRF. Oh fucking shit. All right, ladies and gentlemen, this is Wolfman Jack and this is K. All right, oh fucking shit, I'm going to die. I'm dying, dude, I'm dying. All right, guys, bye, see you later, see you later. Bye Later, good luck, thank you, I'm out.

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