Thee Talkers Podcast: Unscripted

A Raw Talk

Joe, Remo, Benny and Thee Gooch Season 2 Episode 72

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What if our favorite social media apps were just as controversial as they are addictive? Join hosts Joe, Thee Gooch, and Benny as we navigate the terrain of the TikTok ban in the U.S., exploring the tangled web of data privacy concerns and Chinese ownership. We don't hold back as we compare TikTok's practices with tech giants like Facebook and Instagram. Throw in a debate on the political chess game surrounding student debt cancellation, and we’re just getting warmed up. The episode takes a reflective turn as we share our personal musings on mortality, comparing the practicality of cremation versus the financial burden of traditional burials.

Ever wondered what chaos looks like in a podcast studio? Picture this: a dramatic dog bite incident involving a feisty Siberian Husky named Molly sets the stage for our personal stories segment. Amid the fur and frenzy, we also share the journey into a new job as a city worker, emphasizing the sweet taste of financial security and retirement prospects. As we shift gears, the conversation touches on the ominous California fires, hinting at the political undercurrents that may lurk beneath the surface, and connecting back to our earlier discussions.

We then take a cinematic detour with the likes of Mel Gibson and the emotional upheaval of the recent fires impacting celebrity homes. Rising rent prices in Los Angeles lead us to consider potential legislative changes around child support taxation, while also exploring the curious intersection of celebrity culture and politics. Entertainers like Chris Tucker and Vanilla Ice offer a stark contrast to the politically outspoken Robert De Niro. And for a touch of humor, we wrap things up with our take on gym culture, poking fun at the self-perception and exaggerated masculinity that often run rampant in fitness spaces.

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What's up, what's up? What's up, everybody. What's up, what's up, what's up, everybody, what's up, what's up. This is Thee Talkers Podcast on Unscripted. What's up everybody. This is the. My name is Joel and we have the Gooch and we have Benny. What's up, benny? What's going on? Finally, you're here.

Thee Gooch:

I think he forgot.


he's on mute, he's in mute. Finally, right, what's going on?

Benny's Clip:

Long time no see.

Thee Gooch:

Benny Hello.


It's been a while Long time no see.

Thee Gooch:

Danny, I know it's been a while.


It's been a good thing.


So what have you been up to? Oh, you know, been around. Been around, been around, been around, oh shit, but you know what? Before we start the show, I want to thank all the listeners that are downloading and thank you for all your tuning in and listening and we're doing good in our podcast so far. And if anyone wants to subscribe to our podcast for $3 a month, you could have a shout-out included and you could cancel anytime. No hard feelings on our end. Thank you very much, guys.

Thee Gooch:

Did you guys?


see how.

Thee Gooch:

I was holding the microphone with my mouth. Mmm, mmm was holding the microphone with my mouth. I'm going to stop. I'm going to try not to cuss too much. Why?


What's up?

Thee Gooch:

Because I tried watching the video on. Youtube our last one and a warning sign came up because of all the cussing and shit. I imagine that's what it is on YouTube.


Oh, it did.

Thee Gooch:

No shit, yeah, I imagine that's what it is, and uh it didn't tell me anything in my head yeah.


I mean, it didn't tell me nothing in my head, you know, it didn't say anything. That's weird, but there's a lot going on though.

Thee Gooch:

A lot going on, yeah, so TikTok's banned.


Yeah, no, we just witnessed it today, that's it.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, that's it, that's it for TikTok huh.


So what's the outcome of that? What's the purpose?

Thee Gooch:

Because the United States government is pretty much saying that it's because it's Chinese owned and they think that China is getting intelligence from the citizens of the United States. But what the US government's not telling people is that TikTok's even banned in China. Really, yeah, it's banned in.



Thee Gooch:

Yeah Well, china didn't create it, the owner is Chinese and the guy who runs it's from Singapore, so the affiliation between China and what the Us government is telling us is fucking wrong. Oops, there we go. It's wrong, it's wrong. Yeah, so pretty much what happened with this biden administration? So pretty much what happened is that they're giving us, every citizen of the united states, the finger right to their face, to our face, and saying you guys don't get this freedom. The United States is not free.

Thee Gooch:

Oh yeah, they stripped us from an app that was built on, according to them, bullshit, it's all nonsense. Why they banned it? Because you get apps like Uber, facebook, google, reddit, instagram. All these apps take more from your data, more your information, than TikTok ever did. Yeah, true, yeah, that's true, yeah.


Wow. Yeah, I just found out right now, the Sexy Pants just discovered it. He just told me that, oh, it's already gone. Right, it's already, they already took it out. They're going. Oh, I still have mine on and I guess it took like at least two minutes for it to. You know, to take it out, yeah to do pretty quick, huh yeah. Wow.

Thee Gooch:

It's just nonsense, dude. It's the whole Biden administration, and now you know his entire administration was talking about paying off the student debts for these students, right, but now he's canceling all of that.


Oh fuck, no shit.


That was going on for a while. Remember that. I think we mentioned that on one of your episodes.

Thee Gooch:

What's going on? What I'm assuming is what's going on is that because the election's already over, so he can't buy votes? That's the reason why he was doing it is to buy votes. People can be like yo man, Uncle Biden paid off my debt, let's go vote for Biden. But now the election's over and they lost, so why is he going to pay for it now?

Thee Gooch:

It's all a money scheme, everything's business everything, even our death even when we die is a business that's why, when I die, just fucking, just bury me just like my father once said, I'm gonna make it cheaper for you, just cremate me he said screw all that, burying me shit. Did you? Guys rest in peace, uncle Vic. But did you guys end up burying him or cremating him?


No, we cremated him. You told me that from the beginning you guys are all planned out.

Thee Gooch:

That's what I tell these guys when I go. Don't be sad, you guys never even paid attention to me. Anyways, burn me up, just put me on a shelf or in a closet, I don't care, just move on, you know yeah that's what, basically what my father said, yeah, yeah.


He said, you know, I don't want to, I don't want to be a burden, pretty much yeah, you're gonna pay a bill and you can't pay it. No, no, you don't have to. You don't have to be a burden pretty much. Yeah, you're going to pay a bill and you can't pay it. No, no, no, you don't have to spend all that money. Just create me.

Thee Gooch:

Just create me. Yeah, just get it over with. That's true, that's true.


And to be honest with you, not to sound all like a dick, but you know it was expensive to bail. Yeah, it was. It was, but I followed his wishes. I'm not going to lie. It was cheap. He wasn't lying about that.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, that's what I tell the kids, dude Just cremate me, because what were they asking for when we were supposed to bury your dad, joe, 20 grand?


Yeah, 20 grand, yeah About that time Cash 20 grand, yeah, about that time. But cash Cash, yeah, oh yeah, they don't do payments.


Not a credit card. Yeah, they would do payments if the person was alive, right, yeah, but once that person is deceased, then yeah, it's full cash. I don't mess around with that.

Benny's Clip:

Yeah, which is sad, dude, because or you don't have a credit card, pay in full.

Thee Gooch:

I don't want the kids dealing with that shit. Just fucking throw me away when nobody's looking. Just throw me in a fucking dumpster right there at McDonald's. Lift it up, be done, be done.


Where's McDonald's?


I don't know Well, because that's where the meat's from, dude, that's what I've been telling you, remember. Oh yeah, that's right.

Thee Gooch:

They grind my penis and they put it in a Big Mac. Well, there goes my cussing. So much for trying.


Right, we wouldn't even know what they do with that meat. You know we've got mystery meat Mm-hmm. Yeah, that is crazy. The food has changed. Yeah, our taste buds have changed. I mean, it depends on what you eat, of course, but for the people that are eating these processed foods and we talked about this van, I think the earlier, the earlier episodes that we've been talking about this but, yeah, I noticed my taste buds has changed food hasn't been the way it used to be. You know, yeah, before. Yeah, mcdonald's hasn't been the same it used to be. You know, yeah, before. Yeah, mcdonald's hasn't been the same as when we were kids.


So now, yeah, well, especially Burger King, you know you know what's changed, too Cereal yeah because I remember I used to love my favorite cereal is Lucky Charms.

Thee Gooch:

I can eat that shit for dinner and breakfast, whatever Cocoa. Puffs don't taste the same Trix.


Don't taste the same my favorite cereal is Lucky Charms.

Thee Gooch:

I can eat that shit for dinner and breakfast whatever, cocoa Puffs don't taste the same Trix don't taste the same.


Nah, it's not the same. Apple Jacks changed a lot. Oh yeah, apple Jacks. Apple Jacks changed. Apple Jacks has a different taste now.

Thee Gooch:

Oh yeah, it tastes nothing like it did when we were kids.


Even Fruity Pebbles, dude, because I buy Fruity Pebbles, because you know the Flintstones and shit. Yeah, yeah, even that shit too. And you know what I don't know, if you heard about that, the FTC, they regulated the red dye, the FDA. Oh, yeah, I heard about it, the FDA yeah, because it causes cancer out of a sudden.

Thee Gooch:

And that's the thing when Robert F Kennedy Jr is going to be dude, he's going to oversee all that.


Yeah, the FDA shit I heard about that he's going to change a lot.

Thee Gooch:

He's asking Coca-Cola to stop using the sugar fructose and start using the actual sugar cane from the cane.




Yeah, that shit's fucking dangerous oh yeah, the corn syrup and aspartame as well. Yeah, on the diet sodas.


Back in the old days they used to put really cocaine in Coca-Cola, remember.


Back in the days. They were using the coca leaves, yeah.

Thee Gooch:

I love Coke yeah.


But they use that in Colombia like they drink it like if it's like a tea. I love Coke, yeah, but they use that in Colombia.

Thee Gooch:

They drink it like if it's like a tea, like coffee or something. It mellows you out, yeah. So what's in the news, joe?


Well, did you hear about? I think it was in Philadelphia today they're doing a protest I don't know if you hear about it, I think it was in Philadelphia today they're doing a protest I don't know if you heard about it and now they're protesting because Elon Musk wants to buy TikTok. Right, but they're protesting that they want him out president for Elon, because they don't want Elon Musk to buy the fucking TikTok. Did you hear about that? They're protesting over there in Philadelphia. Everybody's like oh, there's Elon. We don't want Elon Musk. Blah, blah, blah, you know, because he wants to buy TikTok and it's going to regulate it just like Twitter X. Now you got to buy in, buy the subscription three dollars a month and shit like that. It's going to turn on like Twitter X. So that's why they don't want Elon Musk involved. Now they're protesting over there in Philadelphia.

Thee Gooch:

I think that I think that Trump is going to overturn the, that Trump is going to overturn the ban. It's going to be a process, but I think he'll overturn the ban.


It's going to take a while, right, it's not going to take the same day and shit, he'll overturn it. That's what I'm thinking too.

Thee Gooch:

They're estimating I think it was like 1.7 million people on TikTok use TikTok as an employment, selling stuff, you know creators you know all that good dude.


Actually, it's beating Amazon, right yeah.

Thee Gooch:

So guess who's behind the band? Jeff Bezos, that fucking douchebag. Mark Zuckerberg, the owner from Facebook All those fuckers are for the band, you know.


Yeah, because.


They're not making no revenue.


Right, yeah, because he's losing a lot of shares on his fucking part in his end. That's why yeah.

Thee Gooch:

I think Facebook will lose more shares because there's a nationwide boycott on Facebook, so I'm going to delete my apps you're going to delete yours too.

Thee Gooch:

I'm going to have to delete mine too how does Mark Zuckerberg go from listening to the Biden administration about blocking the truth on Facebook you know, influencing him to block, to put what's it called Fact checkers oh, yeah, yeah, during the Biden. And now all of a sudden he flips and says well, I shouldn't have done that. Yeah, it was the Biden administration made me do it. Blah, blah, blah. There we see. Yeah, have done that. Yeah, it was the Biden administration made me do it.


Now he turned himself being a hypocrite yeah.

Thee Gooch:

He's acting like he's one of us. He ain't us.


Now he sees the picture about TikTok. Now he's seeing the gimmick. Technically, he's a thief. He stole someone's idea. He's not the really, he's like another. What's his name? The Microsoft guy, bill Gates. Bill Gates Because usually he stole the idea from Steve Jobs, from Apple, apple. I don't know if I'm watching the movies too, watching the movie about Steve Jobs, but he did stole ideas from Steve Jobs, oh shit.

Thee Gooch:

Let's check it out. So what's new with you, Benny? Yeah, we haven't heard you for a while, Benny.


You know I'm doing the struggles. Everybody's struggling. Texas is going up and I was out of work for a little bit and pretty much just enjoying myself. But yeah, it was all right. I've just been working out, been, working a lot, been all over the place and got back to Reno and came back to Joe's studio and I was calling Joe when I got here- correction he didn't answer his phone and I got here. He didn't answer his phone and I got bit he got bitten.

Thee Gooch:

No shit, yep.


Correction Thee Talkers Studio yeah, not Joe's studio. Thee Talkers Studio yeah, Thee Talkers.


Studio. What dog bit you, molly, molly bit me.


The Siberian Husky. Oh no shit.


She has some sharp ass fucking teeth. She got me good.


Whose dog is it Jason's?


I mean Chico Chex. Yeah, yeah, what's it called. So he's going to hear from my lawyer. So, I'll say it's like $50,000, but I'll say it's like $50,000.

Thee Gooch:

Did you go to the doctor or you just wrapped it up?


No, I just wrapped it up. They tend to it. They had their little first aid kit right wrapped it. But uh, she got me good, she got me real good no wonder sexy pants shaking his booty.

Benny's Clip:

No shit, dude did it get your whole well that was happening.


I was in Thee Talkers Studios doing my little promos and getting the audio set up real good, and he was calling me and I go. I kind of like he was interrupting and obeying. So I put it on stop, I go, I hang them up. And god, this guy, I thought he was like somewhere out, I thought he was driving and shit. You know he ended up being right there. Hey, Joe, the dog, bite me, bit me. I go, oh shit, oh, let me be. Oh, let me hang it up and shit. So that's what.


I found out. Oh fuck dude my bad.

Thee Gooch:

Let's fuck this. So now.


I'm traumatized yeah.


So they were pretty much blaming Joe for it. Yeah, what the fuck. And then, after that, after a while, the other little black dog ran off.


Yeah, they have another dog and it's named Minnie and I was worried about Molly trying to bite Benny and so I was trying to like watch Molly. So when I opened the gate, that little dog, Minnie, just fucking run off dude Like boom, like a bullet.


She tends to do that the dog.


Then Chico Chex saw the Minnie running off like a horse, like a little tiny pony running around to the other side of the neighborhood and almost got hit.


He almost got run over.


Like oh my gosh dude. Okay, now that was my fault, you know yeah.


No, that was my fault. Yeah, but yeah, dude, joe was a blame of a thing, because if he would have asked me, I got bit.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, yeah.


I got bit like a nice, you know A nice, guess you know, try to pet the dog and yeah. Dude, these hands have been going through Some shit. I worked.

Thee Gooch:

No shit.


I cut myself right here With a fucking blade and then the same finger that the dog bit me. I smashed my finger. No, shit, no, I got bit. Oh, I don't know what's next amputation?

Thee Gooch:

I don't know but uh well, good I don't I don't have to worry about shit like that anymore because I'm a city worker. Now I just got a job for the city talk about your new job.

Thee Gooch:

I kind of don't want to. I'm like fucking stuck up now stuck up nice it was fun, it was cool, I liked it. Nice, you quit or what, I don't even want to talk about it. It was fun, it was cool, I liked it. Okay, move on, you still there Did you quit, or what? No, no, no, I'm still there.


How long you been there.

Thee Gooch:

A week. I started last Monday. It was actually a pretty cool job.


Those amazing jobs are good yeah.

Thee Gooch:

We do sewers and basically plumbing Unclogged sewers. They need unclogged.


Oh shit Really.


So is it like a full-time job or part-time?

Thee Gooch:

No, it's full-time. It's full-time. Before that I hadn't fucking worked in three weeks before that. No shit, I was hoping to get it. So I got it and started it. It's good to it, but it's fun, dude. Ten years and I can retire and get city benefits oh yeah.


There you go.

Thee Gooch:

Damn. That's what I'm pushing for, yeah.


But I was going to tell you something too.


We're not getting any younger. I think the city's eight years.

Thee Gooch:

You can work eight years straight and if you decide to retire, you can retire after eight years and then the city pays you retirement. But of course, if you decide to retire, you could retire after eight years and then the city pays you retirement. But of course, if you go more, then they'll pay you more when you retire. Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, because you want to have something to back it up when you get older and not collect your cans like an old man looking at trash cans and trying to dig in for the aluminum can.

Benny's Clip:



I'll probably wind up doing I ain't going to lie to that. Those are real. A lot of people don't realize that you want to spend money and spend money, but at the end of the day you don't got nothing to show for what you're going to have in the future. Either that or you will die before you even get to retirement.


Yeah, that is true. What do you think about the fires, Benny? What happened here in California?

Thee Gooch:

Is it still going on?


It kind of calmed down already.


Well when I think about all the catastrophe that's been going on. You know that it was set up.


That was part of the year and I was listening to some of your podcasts, your episodes, and you guys mentioned it and, of course, you know we've been talking about this for since we started all these agendas coming up and you feel the vibe that something big is going to happen on 2025. This is one of them. All of a sudden, they quit and turned on the water. They ran out of water. All of a sudden, the mayor fucking goes to Ghana and doesn't want to answer the questions and take accountability. As a LA mayor who has you over there in Ghana, you know all these questions just rise up. So now people are furious because you know they destroyed lives, yeah, and the governor isn't getting no help either. That's another idiot that doesn't want to take accountability.

Thee Gooch:

Are they pushing for a recall out there for Karen Bass and Gavin Newsom.


Yeah, they are Well you know, President, when Trump gets into office he wants to they're going to force him to resign. Yeah, I mean, that's the plan. Force him to resign, that's the plan. What happens with Democrats getting in office?


They've been lagging. It's like the veils opening dude the true lies are coming out of them, have you?

Thee Gooch:

noticed it. What's mind-blowing is that some people in California think that he's doing such a great fucking job. That's the fucking thing. Oh shit, what is he?


You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah.

Thee Gooch:

But that motherfucker Corrupt dude. He snagged a lot of money from programs, dude for sure. Oh yeah, yeah.


Oh, he did. They cut what? $17 million off the fire department?

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, it was actually more than that, now that it's coming out.


Oh, I can imagine. So where is that money going to? Yeah, Because, I don't think have you seen any improvement in the freeways or any street repairs? I don't see shit.


You see nice bridges. More homeless yeah, the good is right. More homeless than anything shit. You see nice bridges though. More homeless yeah, the good is right. More homeless than anything else.


Yeah, so they want to say that all the funds is going to the homeless facilities that they're opening up for the homeless?


Yeah, I mean not all that money is going to that.


I think that's just a cover-up, yeah true.

Thee Gooch:

Might be going to.

Thee Gooch:

Might be going to his hair gel.


Yeah, yeah, like Mel Gibson, Mel Gibson yeah yeah, and um, I got a clip of Mel Gibson, if you want to see it. Yeah, I'm on it. You want to see the clip? Roll it it? Yeah, I'm gonna see the clip roll it. Yeah, you know, I mean, I love this actor. Um, dad loved this actor. Uh, I really love, I respect uh, I respect Mel Gibson because he's uh, he's really honest and he's you know they're trying to ridicule him because he was a devoted and really a religious guy and you know they're they're trying to ridicule him. You know how the illuminati is right they're trying to attack him. What do you?

Thee Gooch:

think they're trying to ridicule him.


trying to attack

Thee Gooch:

What do you think they're trying to? Because what he said in the past about his maid and shit, what was it like 10 years ago? They're still stuck with that shit. Move on, dudes, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah.


But have you noticed that they're trying to make him like he's a what is it? A racist and all that stuff? Yeah, like he was anti-Semitic. What is it when they're against Jews and all that?

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, anti-Semitic.


Yeah, anti-semitic. Well, they were trying to attack him for that, which it was wrong. He was never like that. You know, he was, you know, just a guy like. He was into the Bible, he had a, he had a. He likes he's a hysterian. I look at him like a hysterian. He was all into history and all that stuff. You know ancients and all that stuff. So I feel bad because he lost his house and his house was burned down and shit like that. So I got a clip right here he explains it.

Benny's Clip:

I don't know. I you know I can make all kinds of horrible theories up in my head conspiracy theories and everything else. But it just seemed a little convenient that there was no water and that the wind conditions were right and that there are people ready and willing and able to start fires. And are they commissioned to do so? Or are they just acting on their own volition? I don't know, but they seem pretty well equipped. Some of these people that they're catching I know they were messing with the water, letting reserves go, for one reason or another. They've been doing that a while.

Benny's Clip:

California has a lot of problems, that sort of baffle the mind as far as why they do things. And then in the events, like this sort of look, oh, is it on purpose? Which it's an insane thing to think, but one begins to ponder, uh, whether or not there is a purpose in mind. What could it be? You know, I don't know, you want the state empty. I don't know, mal um, any message from you, um, to governor Newsom or Karen Bass tonight Spend less on hair gel. That's it. What can I say to them?


So what do you think?

Thee Gooch:

You know Trump's going to appoint Mel Gibson, John Voight who else? Sylvester Stallone?


And you know why, right.

Thee Gooch:

Oh yeah, because they know a lot of shit.


Yeah, they know a lot of shit and want to protect them. Dude, yeah, they know a lot. That's why Mel Gibson has a lot of's why mel gibson has a lot of artifacts. Dude, he has a lot of artifacts. He's a hysterian. He knows everything and everything that it got burned down. He has it like all the truth and like he's gonna. He has, uh, he has written the new sequel for, uh, passion of the christ, but it's going to be called the Resurrection. The Resurrection.


So he wants to make it as a sequel.

Thee Gooch:



That's going to be tight.




And I think that's one of the reasons. Did you watch the Joe Rogan movie?

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, I was going to ask you that, benny. I was going to ask you that, benny, if you watched the one with Mel Gibson and Joe Rogan. Yeah, that was a good one, dude.



Thee Gooch:

Because there's a lot that Mel Gibson wants to say but he doesn't want to say.


Yeah, oh, he doesn't want to say too much.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, you can tell too when you're watching the Joe Rogan, when he was on Joe Rogan last week.


Yeah, he wanted to say a lot he did Because he's been in those shoes already. I mean, remember when he did the Passion of Christ. You know he was there. Yeah, you know they trained his life for that one and so he knows what to. He has a limit. You know what I mean. But it's sad to live like that, but it's true have you, have you ever?

Thee Gooch:

have you, have you ever heard mel gibson talking his australian accent? Because he's really australian no, actually, he's actually.


He's not australian dude, no, um, he was born here, but he just he moved australia and he was like 12 years old with his parents yeah, I'm going to have to fact check your ass. Yeah, fact, check me, gooch. No serious. He was born here, but he went to Australia with his parents when he was 12 years old.

Thee Gooch:

He just grew up with that accent. Oh, let me check, I don't know. Yeah, serious.


You can look it up, mm-hmm. Yeah, but that's what I read. He explains it to himself too. He says that he was born here and he was raised in Australia, for when he was a kid he went over there and was 12 years old. He has a house in Chile. Huh yeah.


Australia, for, like when he was a kid, he went over there like he was 12 years old. God damn, he has a house. He has a house in Chile, huh yeah.




And dude, his mansion was nice, dude. They were showing photos of his mansion, dude. It was fucking beautiful dude.


You know what? He didn't even care about the house getting burned.


Well, yeah, exactly.


He was more concerned of his old books yeah, and then he was he was concerned too.


You know what it's a purpose. It's a purpose from God that he was saying that maybe God wants me to be more stronger. You know those are materialistic things that they got. You know he's really a down to earth guy, you could tell.

Thee Gooch:

I'm happy to say I met Mel Gibson in, I think in 1999 or 2000. Oh, you did yeah, really fucking cool.



Thee Gooch:

Really cool guy Smoking his cigars. You could tell?


Yeah, you could tell. Didn't you say one time, Gooch, that the way he acts in film is the way he acts even in?


person. Yeah, in person.

Thee Gooch:

I think you catch him more the way he acts on like what's that, stepdads? Oh, yeah, yeah.


That's a good one. Stepdad, yeah, stepdads.

Thee Gooch:

With Mark Wahlberg.


There's a sequel to it too. Right yeah, what's your favorite movie of Mel Gibson? What's your favorite Mel Gibson movie?

Thee Gooch:

You first, Benny. Let me think Lethal Weapon. One and two. Mine has to be the Patriots.


Oh yeah, that's a good one too. The Patriots, oh yeah, to mine has to be, uh, the patriots. The pay, oh yeah, that's a good one too. The picture my, my favorite one no, actually, let me.


Let me just go back before. We need to win, wasn't it road?


max. Oh, yeah, yeah, mad Max, mad Max, mad Max, yeah that's a good fucking. Yeah, that's good that's how he started. Yeah, but um, my favorite movie from Mal Gibson, it's dad's favorite movie, maverick Maverick, joe Campion original, huh yeah.


Joe Campion original.


I know right, I can even know who okay, but that's, that's Huh. Yeah, joe can be a good, you know, I know right, I can eat no lethal weapon Okay, but that's Dad's favorite movie, Okay, my top movie for Mel Gibson because he directed it, it's Braveheart. I could watch that movie like 17 times dude 17 times. I watched that movie Braveheart. That's a good movie. Yeah, that's a fucking awesome movie, and he directed it. I can't stop watching that movie.

Thee Gooch:

I don't know why it's just, you know the medieval times, I guess you know. Yeah, that's my thing. Yeah, for me the patriot, because it's like it's about father and son and shit. You know his kids. It's a really good movie emotional.


Yeah, but other than that, I heard that he was going to make Lethal Weapon 5 pretty soon, so I don't know what's going on with that. I don't know if it's still on. I heard that he's going to direct it.

Thee Gooch:

I tried watching the series Lethal Weapon with Damien Wayans. Dude, I couldn't fucking do it.


I couldn't sit down watching that couldn't do it yeah, dude, it's kind of sad yeah, he plays Murtaugh, sergeant Murtaugh right, yeah but I mean not only Mel Gibson's house burned, it was others too, but James Wood, I saw the clip he was crying.


One of the reporters was calming him down, giving him hope. He took it pretty hard.

Thee Gooch:

Like I mentioned in the last podcast dude, just because they're millionaires and superstars and movie stars and whatever, and their house burned and they have money to rebuild, that shit doesn't matter, man. Yeah, no, you know, it's all the memories that were lost.



Thee Gooch:

Their kids' memories where they grew up and shit.


You got to understand too. They're already at that age that they don't even. They're like pretty much retired. Yeah, so they're just kicking it now and for them to go through that and lose it is like, oh damn, Now you're going to see I'm making more films to catch up on. Yeah.

Thee Gooch:

And do you guys, do you guys hear about the price gouging that's going on out there in Los Angeles because of the renters? The landlords are fucking raising the rent.


I heard about the gouging pricing, but I didn't hear about the rental.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, they raised the fucking rent like 124% dude. No shit, that's fucking crazy hey.


We really want to get everybody out of California. Yeah and I heard another. I don't know if it's just rumor or not. I sent you the DM message on TikTok. Is it true that Trump is going to stop taxing the child support? It's a bill that he's going, that he's gonna try to pass where I mean I don't know, the baby's mama's not gonna get the tax money, only the right the father's gonna get, that is yeah, yeah the dad's gonna, the dad's gonna I don't know.

Thee Gooch:

dude, that's a double-edged sword, I guess. Because for me, with with these idiots that I have my four boys, uh-huh, I let the mom do the taxes, I let the mom claim it. I mean, I don't have the right to claim them, but if I had the choice, I would let the mom claim the boys, because I mean, it's the kids and shit. She needs all the help she can get as a single woman.


It wouldn't help you for your aunt, in case you're in that situation. No, would it make. It wouldn't help you for your aunt, in case you know, like you know, and you're in that situation. Would it make a difference?

Thee Gooch:

No, because the amount of money I made Last year, dude, I'm still gonna pay Into it anyways. I do have my youngest, ruben. He's the only one I could Claim by the court.


You think it's a good idea.

Thee Gooch:

I mean for the fathers out there, you know I think it's a good idea, but I think I think the, I think the system is so fucking corrupt for dads that, um, they need to change, because automatically the the kids go to the mom automatically. Why is? Why is that? You know why? How come it can't be a 50 50 thing, a deal? Yeah, because I'll bash the shit out of ruben's mom and fucking say she's a shitty fucking parent. That's the reason why I took him from her. But it cost me sixty thousand dollars with attorney's fees to get him. Plus, I had to prove that she was an unfit parent and I had to do that just to get him, otherwise, as a dad, you lose it automatically.



Thee Gooch:

So tell me, why is it okay for a mom not to pay child support? But if I would have lost, I would have paid her $1,500 a month regardless. That's not fair, yeah, for one kid. And how the fuck is that fair, you know? So the dads have it bad, no matter what. But if you can prove that the mom's unfit, then they'll go to the dad, because it's pretty rare in the state, especially in this state of Wyoming. It's a mom's law, mom's thing. They don't always side with the dad. To me, I think I got lucky Right yeah, damn, that's what Trump's trying to do.

Thee Gooch:

I think it's a good idea. I mean because the dads have to pay and it's an incredible amount of money that men have to pay on child support. Dude, it's fucking hard, it's crazy.


No, they make it hard. I know in California. I don't know if they still have this law still, but remember the child support. If you don't pay the child support in California, they'll suspend your license. They make it more hard.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, and it's just so stupid. Ask women how many times they had to do that. Don't fucking tell your son, but it's always the dad.


The system's against the fathers period, yeah and it's sad because you know there's some that are good dads and there's some that are deadbeats and for the deadbeats. You're paying the price of a good dad because of a deadbeat. You know what I mean. Sad, yeah really sad.


Yeah, that's fucking crazy dude.


I was going to ask you guys so what's the deal? I don't know if you guys have been hearing it, but what's the deal with Robert De Niro? Dude, you know he's, he lost it, yeah, here and there, but what's the deal?

Thee Gooch:

with with robert de niro dude. Uh, you know he he lost it yeah

Thee Gooch:

he, he's so woke man, he's so liberal democratic mindset it's not even. He's a great actor in his day, in his time, don't get me wrong. But everybody wants to pull him, put his ass on a fucking pedestal, you know, like because he's, because he's Robert De Niro and he's woke, he's always against, you know, trump and the conservatives and whatnot. But what they don't talk about is in 2023, october 2023, that him and his fucking company were sued for sexual harassment and lost.

Thee Gooch:

Okay, that's what they don't talk about you know, but they want to call Trump a convicted felon. They want to. It's like Jesus Christ, get over yourselves, man.


Yeah, cause, uh, I don't know what clip, but he was trashing Trump, oh yeah, I don't know, like the full details on it, but I heard that uh him so bad that a lot of fan bases got pretty upset with robert de niro. Yeah, and uh, yeah, he lost a lot of fans and uh, uh, his, uh, his he has a a slight dementia because a lot of out of character. I mean, he's not all there, pretty much, you know you take celebrities.

Thee Gooch:

You take celebrities like Chris Tucker um vanilla ice. Those are the two I'm up with right now. They, they even said I don't care about politics, I'm an entertainer. My politics, my political views are are not important, and that's how every celebrity should be, you know what I was at the same, don't mix it up.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, don't mix it up because they're entertainers. And then you get people like Jamie V Curtis fucking Alan DeGeneres, you know Robert De Niro, people like that. It's like they're celebrities, they're actors. Are you really going to take their fucking word for it If Trump becomes the president, I'm going to Europe. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. It's just crazy dude.


Yeah, he did. It's sad, but they were looking at it because he made a new movie.


Oh yeah, I see the trailer.


It's called the Alton Hikes Uh-huh that because he made a new movie. I see the trailer. It's called All Ten Heights and I just saw the trailer and they're already criticizing the trailer. It actually even sucks already.

Thee Gooch:



I mean, to me it looked okay. I just saw part of it. I didn't see the full episode, but it's a mafia movie. It's based on the Genovese family. Now. Oh, really they were playing Genovese and Frankie Costello when he got attempted assassination. Yeah, so I mean the presentation of it, him alone, I don't know, they didn't seem.


Like he's all there now.


Yeah, His critics all the critics were saying I don't know. They didn't seem like he's all there now. Yeah, his critics all the critics were saying that his yeah, he had poor acting and, like you said, you know he was good in his day, you know, in his prime day and younger days, yeah, he's one of the actors that you gotta. He needs to stay home and retire and stay away from the spotlight now because he talks so much trash about Trump, you know, because his political views and, of course, woke and all that.

Thee Gooch:

I think he went too far, in my opinion you know who I've been listening to a lot is Michael Franzese. Do you know who that've been listening to a lot is, uh, michael franzese. Do you know who that is? Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, I listened to him a lot, dude colombo family.


Yeah, yeah, I, I followed him in his early days and I followed him on the, on the channel that he's on, and now his channel has grown and I haven't followed him lately. But uh, yeah, he's a. I like him, he's a, a godly man yeah, very, very conservative dude yeah, very conservative you ever see him?

Thee Gooch:

and sammy the bull fucking argue yeah when they're doing an interview together.


Yeah, yeah, yeah I think he puts too much uh, he puts too much cream on his, on his stories, dude, that is not even believable, he sure?


cold-tittled it.


Well, because you know he got his own channel so he wants to make views. You know, it's all about the money. It's like, alright, I'll just keep reading his fucking stories and whether they're fake or not, you know, it just sounds good just for the views People who are not in that life, of course they're fake or not. You know, it just sounds good just for the views that people, people who are not in that life of course they're going to, they're going to fall for it.


It's just like anything else, same thing with same thing, with gang members out here, like we could, we could talk about gang members all, all, all day. Well and experience, and if the views go up. Well guess what they start making more views, and it's to start putting more cream on top of it. You know it's all.


It's all fucking used, dude, it's all sugar-coated or what it's the algorithm.


You know what I mean. They just follow the algorithm. Yeah, that's my take on that but yeah yeah, I like, I like the way he carries himself yeah, me too. Yeah, very gentleman, very gentlemanlike, you know yeah, oh yeah, very respectful too, yeah, but uh, for people like that that have those uh, their the ratings high, like those are people that kind of deserve it because you know just being themselves, you know being humble.

Thee Gooch:



You know, humble beginnings, you know.

Thee Gooch:

Do you want to tap on? Tap in on that there, joe.


I'm cool. We're just uh relaxing thinking about what's going on. You know what? I went to the gym the other day. Did you have to use the restroom? I know? No, I just trip out because I'm working out. It makes me feel like a girl because I see a lot of guys. I expect man to'm working out. I mean, it makes me feel like a girl because I see a lot of guys. You know, I expect man to go work out and you know there's some that do, there's some that don't Right, and you know I feel like I'm the only one right, like lifting, lifting the weights and all that stuff. And then I'm in a treadmill and all that stuff. But I don't know, I always see guys they look more feminine than anything else. Dude, they act feminine Like.


I always catch them like looking at themselves in the mirror. They're looking in the mirror checking out their muscles, checking out their butt and all in their hair. You know, do you do that, benny? I mean, benny, do you see that when you go to the gym.


This is a topic in my alleyway, yeah this is your world.


I mean, I only went there one time, but I mean what do you say?


I see that all the time. Am I right or wrong?


You see it already. I mean it's like.


I see the women work more harder than the fucking average man that's in there. They're always in their cell phone. They're like looking at their biceps. There's some that work, there's some that don't. I'm tripping out. It's like more women are lifting the weights. They're actually like men there. Dude, I trip out.


I've been talking about this topic, for we started the podcast right.




I remember it's like and I'll say this again when you're going to go to the gym and you're going to work out, that's your moment in time to gain weight, to get gained, no interruptions. But when you go to the gym and then you're on your phone and not doing anything, you're sitting on that equipment and just sitting there, not working out, like looking at himself in a fucking.


Why do you come to the?


gym where other people are trying to get gains and trying to get their work on and get the hell out yeah. And you're right here just stopping everybody. They're like stoppers, they're haters. They just don't want you to work out. Yeah, it's like hit your asshole. The time that you're wasting, you're going to waste it at the gym. So like what do you go to the gym for? I don't understand that I know, it's just a mind-blowing phenomenon. Yeah, you know.


But why did they? When I was in the treadmill and then I was lifting weights, why did they always like they're just sitting down and just checking themselves on the phone, and then they're in the mirror, they're like you know, shit like that, and I mean, and then all the women are right there fucking working out and you could just hear this woman going ah, no shit, you know and I don't know, I trip out, dude. It's like it's reversed the cycle or something.


It's like the water or something, I don't know I don't know if I'm paranoid, or what.

Thee Gooch:

For me personally, I stay away from fucking mirrors.


in general, I don't look at a mirror at all.


You like my butt.


But yeah, dude when.


I trip in, I'll do it. Dude, like, I mean, why they're here? They're just sitting down in there in the fucking bench and right. Then then other people want to use their equipment and all that stuff and all they do is just like looking themselves in the mirror and they're just sitting in the bench and they're just hogging the whole equipment. Dude, like they're just tripping out. Dude. And I mean I feel like I'm not the only one, because I always see little clips. They're already they. They get with the person hey, are you using a machine? They get in the scrap they're using. They're throwing hands because you know one's just hogging the machine, you know? Did you just recently go to the gym, joe?

Thee Gooch:

yeah, like two days ago.


Oh, no shit, and you observed all that huh All in one day, and just by that, just by tripping it out, I burned calories Like oh shit, you know, like oh fuck, I'm tripping out, I'm already moving, because fuck all that shit like that.


Well, I got a new one. That's been. You know, I already stopped whining the these people that go to the gym just waste their time and just they just waste their fucking time and they're not gonna go nowhere, they're not gonna get no gains at all at all. But there's a new one now from the gym that it kind of like irks me now. Uh, so you, you're done with your workout, right, and you go to the locker get your stuff. Why do people fucking take a shower and just cannot dry themselves? While in the shower, they have to bring all that water and leave all the spill right next to you in the locker there.


No, all that water. No shit, cochinos.


And they walk barefooted. Oh my God, oh my gosh.


Cochinos and they walk barefooted. Oh my God, Fungus.


I understand people that don't they know that there's so much germs on that floor? Don't you believe in shower shoes?


Yeah right, that's true, that's an experience.


But yeah, that's a new one now that people do like it's like out of control. Now it's totally out of control now.


I mean, aren't you better off having your own gym at the house?


yeah, if I had it, if I had a house, I had a gym. Fuck yeah, I wouldn't even go to no gym. Yeah yeah if I had a lot of money to do that, yes, I would Stop all this shenanigans.


What would you call it? Benny Fitness, benny's Full Fitness, benny's Full Fitness. But yeah, dude, that's what full fitness. But yeah, dude, that's what I experienced. Yeah.


That's all over, because I go to a lot of gyms, because you know I travel a lot, so I go to all these kind of gyms. It's everywhere. It's not the only gym Like you're in LA.


It's not an LA thing like it's, like you're in la, it's not an la thing. You know it's all over, but to me it's like a like the whole shit reversed, dude like yeah women work out more harder than the men while they're fucking


yeah, oh yeah, yeah, and they get out quick.


They do like 45 minutes to an hour and they're out boom they don't waste no time yeah after they're done. They go to their locker room and then they look at themselves in their room, inside their own privacy or whatever.


Yeah, yeah that's a fucking crazy these guys, they do like two little pumps.

Thee Gooch:

They already think they're mr olympia you know I, I just have a hard time. You know, even even like going to the gym Well, I don't go to the gym at all, but like taking a shower in a gym or changing clothes in front of people, you know, yeah, I always had that problem, ever since I was like a junior high. I just said screw it, man, I'll go to detention. If I'm going to, I don't have to change in front of anybody.


Yeah, I couldn't do that, I did it. I did it. I lived in Arizona.

Thee Gooch:

Oh really.


But I did it only a couple of days, but I couldn't do it. I felt too uncomfortable.

Thee Gooch:

I think for me it was because I used to. Back then junior high, I used to wear tighty whities Well. I didn't want nobody to see my little peepee yeah because, especially if it's cold right yeah, Cold fucking concrete floor you got to change and yeah, it just looks like a button on a fur coat, right yeah?


Oh, stop it, Joe yeah.


Especially me, dude. Like I'm fucking small, you can see my little bulge, my little pee-pee. I was like fuck that.


You never know what's lurking around those lockers.


But yeah, dude, it's a lot going on, dude, I mean, oh, and I was going to was gonna tell you too Before we end the show. But this is what? Oh man, we should have said this before the the About the fires, what happened in In Palisades. This is what I was thinking about. These drones, dude. I was like Wondering I don't know if it's just me this is the reason why that these drones were around California and New Jersey and all that shit. I think these drones were scoping out these areas, dude, to set it on fire. To set it on fire.


And I think they're doing the same thing with New Jersey, I think New Jersey's next. You know what I'm saying, because they were saying that we had drones around here in the Palisades, around the Los Angeles area. You know, they're like scoping it out how we're going to do it, like making plans. You know, they were probably planning for it already, you know. So, out of a sudden, you know, have you noticed that when they mentioned drones, the fucking, the fire shit started, yeah, and then we forgot about the drone.


Well, yeah, we should save that one on the next episode, cause I got a lot of theories on it. But uh, yeah, oh yeah, I mean if they fucking burned down, fucking Hawaii and that was you know that was a laser, yeah, that was definitely laser.


Oh yeah, and another.


I think, uh, these fires too in LA were part of lasers, but I think they were paying some people to start the fires as well.


Yeah, true, because they caught a few. Yeah, they caught someone. Right, they caught a few people.


And then there was a and then there was a. They posted this on TikTok, dude, they had a laser, right, an actual laser burning color, alright. And guess what color didn't get burned? I think it was blue, right, blue. Yeah, it blew, it burned red, it burned black, it burned gray, but it didn't burn blue. And I, and I typed it in, and I typed it in on tiktok oh, that's fucking superman's kryptonian fucking outfit and krypton dude, because it's blue dude, have you noticed?


yeah, you have a point, see. See, I wouldn't see. A few years back, I would have said that you guys are nuts about. Yeah, you know, and I think we've talked about this before, uh, but I do believe there's lasers through them.


Trust me, there is and because I witnessed it, and uh, and the fucking um, that star, the lightsaber yeah, I'm bitching, there's a true fucking lightsaber. They don't want to reveal that shit too, I know right, because everybody be fucking chopping heads, you know what?


when. Look at it I'm gonna end this Real quick but the last thing Years back, when YouTube was Barely starting off, yeah, I mean, there was A lot of great Information.


Yeah, yeah, exactly, it was like TikTok, right, you look?


at yeah, no, there was good information, good videos. You look at it Now, the ones that you saw Back then, back then you. You look at it now, the ones that you saw back then. You can't find them no more.


Yeah, I know, that's what. I was talking about while I was telling Gooch, they took them out.

Thee Gooch:

It's all regulated now.


I was talking about Gooch, about the CERN they regulate that shit out About the ghosts and all that stuff. The UFOs, everything, all the crop circles. I mean the UFOs, everything, all the crop circles, the crop circles. Now I think it is fucking nothing but bullshit now, because all of a sudden, when we got the cell phones, everybody stopped doing the crop circles. You don't hear?


about the crop circles now?


Yeah, because everybody has a cell phone, they go oh shit, I'm going to record, it was that guy all the time, because cell phones are everywhere. They're everywhere now, dude. That's why tiktok banned. I mean, that's why tiktok is getting got banned because of it, because everybody's everywhere, everybody's there, you know because the the us government couldn't control tick tock.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, they can sure control instagram, facebook, um well, not elon musk Musk. Elon Musk, he's all. Freedom of speech on X. Yeah, because they couldn't control it. And that's the shit that we all need to learn right now, dude. Because the government did so much overreach on shit like TikTok.


And you know what? The thing that pisses me off, dude, they protest the wrong causes. You noticed it? No, I'm so fucking Palestine and hazmas and all that shit pisses me off, dude. They protest the wrong causes. You noticed it Palestine, palestine and hazmas and all that shit, right? I'm so fucking tired of that.

Thee Gooch:

Palestine shit, especially when Latinos are out there protesting. They don't understand, they don't get it. Yeah, people out there would do to people like us out there, just because we're Westerners, just because we're US citizens, what they would do to us out there and they're protesting. You know what I'm saying? It's just stupid, especially when we see Latinos like that doing that shit, especially these protesters that are protesting the wrong cause.


They should go on Capitol Hill, whatever Washington, to protest our freedom of speech. Why are you taking our freedom of speech? Why don't you go over there? No Palestine, this Palestine, that free Palestine? Nah, bullshit dude.

Thee Gooch:

You know who's getting a lot of dick right now? Who Snoop Doggy Dogg? Oh shit. What are you doing now? Because he's performing over there right now at Trump's inauguration dance oh no shit. Dance or ball or whatever. Uh-huh, oh, he was in the beginning, right?


Then he switched. He's already getting into office on Monday, right.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, I don't think Monday has been. This fucking weekend needs to get over quick because Monday's coming. They need to get Trump in that office. But going back to Snoop Dogg, yeah, he flipped on Trump but then he went back to supporting Trump. I guess, oh, what the fuck? Yeah.

Benny's Clip:

Yeah, he was a Democrat.

Thee Gooch:

Trump was a Democrat too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, he's the back.


Yeah, it's crazy, yeah, but um. Monday can't get here soon enough, bro yeah, no dude, everybody's like fuck, it's taking long. Out of a sudden it's taking long, you know.


I know, I noticed it's like when you're going, you're driving, you're driving, you're holding your fucking piss, dude, you go fuck, there's always a slowpoke ahead of you. But when you want them to drive fast, when you're holding your fucking piss, dude, you go fuck, there's always a slowpoke ahead of you. But when you want them to drive fast, when you're holding your piss, you know they're slowing down and I can't wait.

Thee Gooch:

you know I want Trump to abolish the fucking IRS dude. Oh yeah dude, I heard about that. Abolish the shit, the income tax system. Get rid of it, man. Yeah, they. They say that the average American would have 33% more money if they abolish the IRS. That's a lot of money dude.


Yeah, now you know why they want Trump out, huh.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, we got to pray that nothing funny happens to Trump between now and inauguration. Dude.


Well, they're going to be closed up because of the supposedly of the weather. It's going to be really heavy, like I think. What one degrees or something like that, below one or something.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, it's going to be. I think it's seven degrees, I think Seven degrees around there.


Since what Ronald Reagan yeah?

Thee Gooch:

Since 1985?.

Thee Gooch:



Oh, that was the coldest.


Yeah, the coldest, oh wow. So we'll see what happens from there. I think it's an act of God, dude, you don't think so? No, I am.

Thee Gooch:

Oh sure, To keep up the safe and shit.


Speaking of act of God, did you see the one, the little clip that's been going around in the feed in TikTok about that girl that won the Oscar Emmy Awards? About God.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.


Don't you have that clip, Joe? No, no, I never had it.

Thee Gooch:

No, oh, that's right, you didn't you didn't.


No, I mean, yeah, they mocked God. And then after that, was it 30 minutes after that, the fire started.


The fire started yeah, it was godless. It was godless town, it was just straight to hell. Soulless people. Man, I'm telling you, yeah.


It's crazy.


All right guys, this people man telling you, yeah, it's crazy. Oh all right guys, next time joe should prepare himself for all these clips. You know that way, uh, to be continuously clips and clips and clips.


Well, you know, there's one clip I want to uh trying to make sense of uh, it's about you, benny. Um, I'm gonna put it on and um explain what is it about? Right? Okay, let me see.

Benny's Clip:

Oh, no, I just purchased a mini cordless polisher from Maxshine at DLC Solutions Auto Solutions. I just got some punch it and can't go wrong with the classic cut. Go ahead on my boy Miner to hook you up and go with a SEMA. Can't go wrong with the classic cut. Go ahead of my boy Miner to hook you up and go with a SEMA. Can't go wrong with that.


Look at you. Look at you. Look at this Corvette. Right here there goes Benny, that's about.

Thee Gooch:

That's a bad.


That's a bad, that's a good Corvette, dude, yeah, so what? What's that about?


It's To detail your car Like you want to get it polished, all these products that were Promoted, getting it together.

Thee Gooch:

You're driving that right now.


Right now? No, oh okay, so right now. Right now, no, oh okay, so right now. His business is going to be a year, which is on the 31st, and I'm going to be able to attend to it Because I'm working.




Did you have to take takes for that shit?


Huh, did you have to do? Takes on that fucking, or you did it in one shot.


The second shot.


Nice Damn, no shit. I would have fucking took me like probably 100 tricks, 100 takes.


He's pretty good. He knows how to edit pretty good.


Oh, he does, yeah, cool.


You know $5,000 for my car, you know for me to come out. You know no know 5 000 for my car. You know to. You know for me to come out. You know no shit. Nice, oh shit. I did it for two helpful days. Yeah, I like his products as well as his carries. Some of the products are real good. Yeah, I also do uh details there, joe, for you know.


Yeah, cool damn how much they charge for a detail right there uh, no, that guy sells the products oh okay, he sells the product I buy the products and yeah, yeah, because uh, what happened was, is that I was gonna do uh the whole uh like ceramic coating on it and I got quoted for like 3 500. I got damn. I'll just do it myself and learn to learn the trade you know. So yeah, so I started learning and did research on it, and because dance it's pretty an interesting little trade and it's a process I like to do?


yeah, something I like to do and I got passionate with it. So, yeah, but always always used to like go wash my cars and clean them and I always liked them looking nice and clean. I just got more in debt with it now. Pretty cool, you like that little commercial, huh, sergio? He actually threw me off on that one because I totally forgot about it.


I surprised, you didn't I?


Yeah, you did surprise me.


Your butt was squeezing. Huh. I was like oh jeez, you found me.


You thought, I forgot about that shit.


Huh. I've been waiting for fucking for what? Three months for you to fucking be in the show to promote that shit.


I've been busy with production. I have to be in the studios all the time. I've you know I've been busy with production. You know I have to be in the studios all the time, you know, yeah.


I've been busy, I've been busy, busy. All right, guys. I think this is it for the show. I think it's past our bedtime, the kids of us. Any last words for you, Gooch?


Don't drink and drive, ladies and gentlemen, and when you go to Joe's studio, please don't pet the dog.

Thee Gooch:

He will bite you. No warning. Huh, Benny, no warning.


I just said close the gate. It doesn't say the dog will bite, no, it says right there. Big signs and big words.


Beware of dog. No, no, don't talk to my lawyer anymore and you'll have that time. It's not Joe Studios, it's Thee Talkers Studios, alright guys.


I want to thank Benny for joining in again, and the Gooch and me, joe and I was going to say subscribe to our podcast $3 a month. On top of that, we get a shout out for it and the good thing is, you could cancel any time. You could cancel any time and if you're a monthly supporter subscriber for three dollars a month, you get a shout out. Okay, and do not drink and drive everybody, please do not drink and drive. It's not worth it. And, um, my name is Joe Gooch and Benny. Thank you for tuning in everybody. Thank you for all your downloads. Everybody, all you listeners out there, thank you very much for those downloads. Keep it coming. Keep it coming. We're going to give you more content and we're going to go comical. Sometimes I want to be clowns too. No, just kidding.


All right guys, Thank you guys very much out there.


Anything else, gooch, benny, I'm good, you're good, I'm good.


You good, I'm good, you guys be safe. Stop starting any fires, all right.


Okay, guys, see you Bye, Bye, bye, bye, bye.

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