Thee Talkers Podcast: Unscripted
We Thee Talkers Podcast will talk about different topics and subjects that come into mind. Our podcast show will be more about talking freely about topics that those that hear with an opened mind. Also, our show will express our fun times that we had or talk about certain topics that have to do about anything that is happening in the world. Our show will be an opened freely conversation. I will have some guess to joined me someday in my podcast for any interviews in the near future.
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Thee Talkers Podcast: Unscripted
New Year's Eve Good-Bye 2024!!!
Host: Joe and Thee Gooch
Ever wondered what really happened with that SpaceX launch? We set the record straight, thanks to our sharp-eyed listener, “sexy pants,” and share some behind-the-scenes chaos, including the infamous abandoned episode. Join us as we navigate through the fog—literally and metaphorically—pondering the peculiar weather in Los Angeles, alongside some light-hearted banter about personal misadventures. With honest reflections and a sprinkle of humor, we take you through the rollercoaster of 2024, giving shout-outs to our international listeners who keep us curious and connected.
As we approach New Year’s Eve, we urge everyone to stay safe and smart—DUI charges are no joke, and we’ve got the anecdotes to prove it. The episode touches on a bizarre poison scare, and we can’t help but question the evidence, or lack thereof, while diving into personal tales that underscore the importance of responsible partying. Plus, we tease some exciting changes on the horizon, like a potential new subscription model for our growing podcast family. And speaking of intrigue, what's the story behind those viral Pope Francis clips? We're questioning everything.
From ancient mysteries to modern marvels, our chat covers it all. Picture Jason Momoa as Lobo—could that be Hollywood gold? We speculate on superhero film futures, debate the return of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man, and celebrate the essence of iconic characters like Superman. With an eye on the past and a nod to the future, we also reflect on immigration law changes and the cultural landscape of California. As the year winds down, we dive into mental health topics too, urging listeners to seek support during tough times. Grab your Crocs, get comfy, and enjoy this candid and colorful journey with us.
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What's up, what's up, everybody, what's up, what's up, what's up, everybody, what's up, what's up. This is the talkers podcast, unscripted, along with me, our host, the gooch hey, we're back.
Speaker 2:How you been gooch good, good, good. This would be a special edition of the Talkers podcast, right, yes?
Speaker 1:this is a special edition, the Talkers it says. The title is actually New Year's Eve, goodbye 2024. Oh man, fucking 2024 hasn't been nice to me.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:It hasn't so how you been Gooch.
Speaker 2:I feel better from the last time we had a podcast dude. I felt like shit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we had to discontinue that episode, so that's no longer an episode.
Speaker 2:Oh, it's not.
Speaker 1:It's not an episode.
Speaker 2:You just got rid of it altogether.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was annoying dude. It was annoying me so bad. But before we start the show, yes. I just want to thank all the listeners out there. It was annoying me so bad, but before we start the show, yes, I just want to thank all the listeners out there are downloading our podcast and listening and tuning in. Thank you very much everybody, especially in UK and Singapore, all those on the eastern side you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Thank you very much, yeah. We appreciate it. I think we get more listeners. I think we get more listeners out in the UK area, like Asia and you know whatever, Because they're probably more like trying to figure out the western people like us, like you know, the people in the west. Yeah, they're still trying to figure out the Western people like us, like you know, the people in the. West. Yeah, I think they're still trying to figure us out Like Ooh, these fucking goofballs.
Speaker 1:You know, exactly, exactly. That's what I think too.
Speaker 2:And before, before we get started here, I have something to clear up, and you know me, I, every time we say sexy pants, it's just my fucking knees just buckle. You know, I have a little correction and if he's listening, my apologies. Yeah, he probably is. My apologies, sexy pants, but you were right, it was SpaceX rocket launch from California. The picture that he took.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that was a SpaceX rocket. We have it right here.
Speaker 2:Yeah, SpaceX.
Speaker 1:SpaceX right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, spacex. A couple days after we talked about it, I saw videos of it and shit. That was SpaceX. People were filming from their airplane and shit, my apologies. Well, that was SpaceX. People were filming from the airplane and shit. So, my apology. Sexy pants, you can handle me later, you know, you know you can see the photos that he took.
Speaker 1:He sent it to us. Well, he sent it to me and he, uh, he was looking at it. So, yeah, he Googled it and it says it was.
Speaker 2:SpaceX. Yeah, well, he can handle me later. Interesting he's good, he can handle me later.
Speaker 1:I can imagine, I can imagine that.
Speaker 2:I don't call it. I wouldn't call it pain, I would just call it pleasure. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:I would have thought like pleasure, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:I would have thought like suffering would be the word.
Speaker 1:But oh well, right now it's 55 degrees in Los Angeles, california. I'm really happy for it. But the only thing that's getting me right now it's going on in public, to it in in the media, social media, about this fog thing. Have you been here?
Speaker 2:yeah, I've been here about that shit oh, I don't know what to make of it, dude, I honestly do. I don't know what to make of it. A lot of people, I mean I've seen heavy fog where it looks like rain, but it's fog. I've seen that shit before, but I don't know, I think. I think it's just social media trying to make something out of nothing. I guess.
Speaker 1:I mean because, dude, everybody's all panicking thinking it's poison. Dude, come on If it's poison birds would be flying off falling from the sky and all that stuff. Yeah, some people say oh no, birds have immunity. Yeah, yeah, since when?
Speaker 2:Since when? Yeah, super birds, or what Fuckers are fragile? Fuckers are fragile. Well, anyways, this is the last day of the Gregorian Year of 2024. Yeah, so everybody be safe out there.
Speaker 1:Everybody be safe and happy New Year's Eve. Everybody out there, Please drink and drive. Drink responsible and do not drink and drive everyone yeah.
Speaker 2:Don't drink and drive. What was it like $10,000 for a DUI? Do not drink and drive everyone. Yeah, don't drink and drive. What was it like $10,000 for a DUI or $20 for a fucking Uber?
Speaker 1:It's because some people think that just because they drink, some people have that high tolerance. They think, oh, I could fucking take it. I'm a man. Remember when I got caught DUI, yeah, dude.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh. High tolerance. They think, oh, I could take it, I'm a man and this, oh yeah you know, remember when I got caught.
Speaker 1:Uh, do you?
Speaker 2:yeah, dude oh my gosh dude that was like yeah, no one's gonna stop me, you know, and yeah, it happens. You know what happens.
Speaker 1:You never know, you know just, people have high tolerance, but they still get caught. I they still crash and all that shit.
Speaker 2:Thank God, yeah, thank God, I didn't crash. I did get pulled over during the driving and I was 18, I think. But it's all said and done. I was fucking.
Speaker 1:Imagine back then it was cheaper, but now it's like fuck, skyrocketed. Yeah, spend the night in jail and you don't they don't give you the fucking classes and all you got to pay the motherfuckers.
Speaker 2:No, you got to pay all that shit. Each class you go to, you got to pay, not to mention the SR-20, I think. What is it? Sr-22, I think it's an insurance, a side insurance for DUI suspects, I guess. You have to pay that a month. Then it's another $100 a month, some shit like that has changed Neither here or there. I don't drink or drive anymore and I'm going to keep it that way. Everybody should too.
Speaker 1:Keep it that way, because it's not worth it.
Speaker 2:The only thing I want to drink or drive is when Sexy Pants takes me to the moon. You know what I?
Speaker 1:mean Sexy Pants, huh.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh, I'm so in love. If there was one person I would marry, it would be him. Really huh, oh yeah, he would have to pay for everything, though.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, I'll cook to pay for everything, though.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, I'll cook and clean for him.
Speaker 1:Rich guy, even Chico Chex.
Speaker 2:I'll put all his chonies in the tub and then I'll take a bath. Wow.
Speaker 1:How about wearing a Jason mask?
Speaker 3:You know like.
Speaker 2:That was funny. All right, guys, we're just going to wing this show. Joel, you got any topics you want to talk about?
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, well, again, happy New Year's Eve everyone. Stay safe out there and thank you for your downloads. All your listeners out there are downloading. Thank you very much, really appreciate it. But if you guys want to be a monthly supporter on top of that, we'll give you a shout out. It's $3 a month. You can cancel anytime, no hard feelings on our end. And next year, maybe, like in July on our third year, when we get to our third year in july, uh, we might be putting a subscription now. So tune in for that. So we're gonna be putting a subscription, um, since our audience is, you know, growing and all that stuff. So I want to thank everybody for our downloads and that just a possibility. I'm just thinking about it. You know it's not a for sure thing, but um, yeah, but um, I have another topic. Okay, you all saw the the pope. What's his pope?
Speaker 1:francis yeah, pope francis, yeah okay, it's all around social media. I don't know if it's fake or not, or it's AI imagery or you know camera tricks and all that shit, but everybody just talking about like, um, how do the cameras go in and you know when he's coming inside the door?
Speaker 2:you know they're 24-hour cameras in there. They're 24.
Speaker 1:They're 24-hour cameras in there, okay so everybody's all concerning about that making a big. How do the hour cameras in there? There are 24 hour cameras in there, okay, so everybody's all concerned about that a lot of the cameras being in there.
Speaker 2:That's the first time they're opening the door for what 25 years or something like that yeah, every 25 years some jubilee stuff, yeah, but there's cameras in there. You can jump on the Vatican website right now and you can look at the yeah, yeah, they've been set up yeah, yeah, they've been set up. Oh yeah, they've been set up, you got that, okay, you got that guys out there.
Speaker 1:Okay. Another thing too. There's another question that's hyping the airwaves too and all that stuff. Right, these two men that were there opening the door, they're saying that I don't know if you saw Pope Francis face when he when they first opened the door. They're saying that I don't know if you saw Pope Francis' face when they first opened the door and the frantic of his look. I don't know if because he's sick, or maybe he's sick, or I don't know.
Speaker 2:Do you have a video? Do you have a video of it? Because I haven't seen it bro.
Speaker 1:I just want to keep it. I do Hold on, let me get that. Let me get that ready.
Speaker 2:Because Hold on, let me get that. Let me get that ready, because I don't want the Chamuco to get me tonight, chamuco. Speaking about the Chamuco, david comes in and scares the shit out of me. Wait, I'm doing this too soon.
Speaker 1:Wait, wait, wait. Okay, so they say the frantic of his look and all that stuff right. And I'm thinking because he's probably ill already, he's in that age or all that stuff.
Speaker 2:I see how fat he got.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, he did. And I'm thinking, yeah, because he's getting old. You know like he's aging, he can't walk already, but other people are, you know, like he's aging, can't walk already.
Speaker 3:But then other people are. You know, social media is exaggerating things like this.
Speaker 1:But these two guys are in the door when they open it and they hold it right, right, and they saw these guys with no ears in the side. Okay, so they're saying.
Speaker 2:Now they're saying that they're reptilians. Okay, well, you also have to. You also have to remember too that, uh, like adam, I don't mean to cut you out, bro, but and adam, adam, adam and eve, when the whole serpent came about, it wasn't a snake, bro, yeah, it was a. It was like a lizard, like right, right, a retellion, right. And then it was cursed. And then, and that's how we, we got snakes today, because god took its legs and arms away, its limbs away, and that's why, you see, you know snakes, have you know? Um, hooks in the back of their legs, in the back of their tail. Sorry, you know, if you look at a snake, there's's hooks that used to be their legs.
Speaker 3:Okay, that's what.
Speaker 1:Adam and Eve. I mean, it was portrayed the other way around. It was when they said serpent you know, they thought it was like a snake Right right. But technically it was. Lucifer was a serpent of a retelling. Look, God cursed him because you know lucifer was a beautiful angel right right, right right god cursed him and made him as a serpent.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he was, uh, he was the musical music. Yeah, he's all about the music. Oh shit, there was something else. Oh yeah, and they say that it wasn't an apple that they ate, it was a fig.
Speaker 1:Oh, a fig.
Speaker 2:Because it's in the Bible, in the like the 19th, the fig tree right, they took, you know, when they clothed themselves it was with fig leaves, oh shit. So they took the fruit from that same tree. It was a fig.
Speaker 1:Oh shit, well, slap me and call me Susan. Ah, ah, ah, ah. I didn't know that, I didn't know that, I didn't know that, I didn't know that. But yeah, dude, I got the footage of on YouTube right now if you want to see it right, okay here we go. Here's the footage of Pope Francis Right, Right oh shit.
Speaker 3:What did I do?
Speaker 1:Almost logged myself out, dude. All right, here we go. Can you hear it?
Speaker 3:You see it? Yeah, can you hear us?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm here, okay, okay see, you see how he goes in, right. And then they say they hear a baby crying. But there's people out there, right.
Speaker 2:I don't know if the public's out there though.
Speaker 1:Yeah, those folks. There's a lot of demonic in the house. Do you see those two guys right there? Yeah, two guys in the door. Well, they're saying that they're retinues and it's like a little kind of freaking scary.
Speaker 3:I'm not sure Hear that beat.
Speaker 1:Okay, All right, that's where I want to get to that point. Well, you saw those two guys right. Yeah, I saw them yeah, okay, I got pictures of that All right, so I got it one close up and one further down.
Speaker 3:Let me a minute right here before I lose control, okay.
Speaker 1:Okay, there's this. See how this guy right here has no ears right.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:You see it, that's the guy that was holding the doors. Well, I didn't get the other guy because you can't see him from far away, but right here is more closer. Right here he has no ear. See it, it's all plain and everything.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, I see it.
Speaker 3:I see it. Okay, I'm going to go close up.
Speaker 1:See, no ear or anything, it's all bald.
Speaker 3:Looks kind of like.
Speaker 1:Benny, huh, benny, and yeah, that's it, with no hat. But yeah, yeah, thank you, but no hat. But yeah, so everybody's saying that that that's a reptilian, and I believe it, dude, I believe that there's reptilians out there, you know what. I'm saying there's reptilians out there and how do you call it? They're just among us, dude. You know, these are different hybrids. That's just around.
Speaker 3:Right yeah.
Speaker 1:So what are your thoughts about that? Hold on.
Speaker 2:Um, yeah, Are you there, Gooch? Are you there, Gooch? No, I was trying to open the window. Are you there, Gooch? Are you there, Gooch? Is your book back on? No, I was trying to open the window. My thoughts on all of this yeah, I do believe that there's reptilians out here on the planet. I think they live among us. We just can't see it or notice it.
Speaker 1:But like I said in a past podcast too, we can't see you either.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we can't see. Oh no, I'm right here. Okay, I'm here smoking a cigarette but, um, we just it's like the aliens do, like the, the spaceships when the time is right, they'll come out. Yeah, right now, they know that, we know that they're here, right? Um, so, essentially, don't be scared, so, but but my, my question is are the reptilians the enemy to the spacecrafts or are they the ones in the spacecrafts and are they going to control the human race? You know, and it's a thing, it sounds cartoonish, right?
Speaker 1:like fantasy right fantasy, fairy tales.
Speaker 2:But you have to remember, dude, that the truth is stranger than fiction. I say that shit all the time. Yeah, that's true. Okay, what happened, and how we were created in the beginning of the six thousand years ago allegedly right? What was before that, dude? Yeah, we don't know.
Speaker 1:You know that's true I mean, everybody says that we're we're, um, created by monkeys. Okay, who created the monkey? Right, it was a particle, right? Right, they say that we were fish. We started as fish walking to the sea, then we started coming with man, ape, and then from there, yeah, that's, that's re-involved.
Speaker 2:That's the evolution belief, but for us to come from nothing. I don't believe that we were created. We were created.
Speaker 1:Well, god says we were created by dust right.
Speaker 2:Right. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Dust yeah.
Speaker 1:But it's going to get um, it's getting heavier. I mean um. 2025 is uh, we're expecting an open door 2025.
Speaker 2:I think that was the meaning of the francis you know yeah beginning of the opening, because there's a lot of shit we don't know, dude. There's a lot, you know, like the united states is the is the modern roman era? Yeah, okay, the united states. Look at all, look at all our court systems, all the, the, the fucking balances, you know the, the statues, the pillars, everything, dude, you go to the white house, it all looks like the roman times. You know, yeah, I don't believe, I don't believe slaves built the fucking White House, dude, oh yeah, there's a bunch of shit before humans.
Speaker 1:You know everything's underground yes, and I believe so too. I also believe that you know, and. But yeah, those are, that's my thoughts. I also believe that you know, and uh well, yeah, those are.
Speaker 2:That's my thoughts.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I? I mean I believe that something big is going to happen next year, next year, yeah, tomorrow, starting tomorrow, dude.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's what they said. I mean whether or not it happens tomorrow, that's another story, but the beginning of the Gregorian fucking 2025 yeah, it's like, little by little it's going to be coming out right little by little but I just like how the people like to exaggerate the fog.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's a movie called fog. There's a movie called the mist yeah, you know you've seen it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I haven't seen it.
Speaker 1:No, I mean, I try to stay away from stupid movies yeah, but but everybody was like thinking about okay, then the birds too, you know, like oh shit, you know, but um, I mean, that's too many Alfred Hitchcock movies.
Speaker 2:Oh, did you say Cox? But yeah, dude, it's just, I don't know the whole fog thing, I mean, granted it was across the country, I didn't see anything here in the state of Wyoming.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean I was here at 9 o'clock in the morning. When I woke up it was out there in Los Angeles, right?
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was fog at 9 o'clock in the morning. When I woke up it was out there in Los Angeles, right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was foggy. Right, it was kind of strange for 9 am to have fog, but it lasted like two hours. That was kind of weird, but it's. You know what it is.
Speaker 2:I mean, you never know. A lot of people were saying it smelled like burnt plastic. I don't know if you smelled anything.
Speaker 1:No saying it smelled like burnt plastic.
Speaker 2:I don't know if you smelled anything. No, I didn't smell shit. No, I mean, and it was burning their throats they were getting sick and headaches and like an exaggeration. You know, I think it's getting sick. It's all that placebo shit, like it's everybody's talking about it and shit, and you know it just gets to their head.
Speaker 1:Maybe the wrong word, but whatever it's like, like I call it. It's like someone like bangs their fucking hand you fucking heard me and someone goes after.
Speaker 2:Oh, I don't know what I'm talking about oh, you guys, you guys gonna party it up after the show um, not really.
Speaker 1:We're doing a barbecue right now outside oh, really yeah we're gonna make carne asada, so it's pretty good, you know.
Speaker 2:But nothing, nothing is sexy pants home yeah, he's in his room. I better be the only thing running through his mind when he's in his room by himself. You hear me sexy pants?
Speaker 1:yeah, he probably hears it yeah, probably running through his mind when he's in his room by himself, you hear me sexy pants. He probably hears it Probably like smiling.
Speaker 2:He's fucking blushing huh. He's blushing. What else is going on? Oh about the fucking airplanes dude? Oh yeah, four fucking airplanes in one week.
Speaker 1:Remember when I told you that this is not the time of the season not to be flying right now.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I remember you telling me that.
Speaker 2:Remember yeah.
Speaker 1:Because there was one time you were going to come over here and fly you know what dude and Destiny was going to stay. Remo's daughter was supposed to go to El Salvador, right?
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And I was telling Remo, you know what, okay, and I was telling Remo, you know what it's not the time of the Right now, it's not the time of the seasons to start going on planes right now. Dude, I'm going to be level with you, because in the Bible it says that when the time, when the time is near, is when everything starts happening, falling from the sky and it's not the time to travel.
Speaker 1:In other words it says in the Bible do not travel. When it's the end of the times, do not travel. It says. Okay, it doesn't say the way I say it. It says differently, Right. But I've been saying this a long like. Maybe like nine months ago, I told you guys, you know what?
Speaker 1:Right now is not the time to travel right now. Yeah right, plane's gonna be falling, a lot of um things are gonna be happening and all that stuff, so that when his incident was in korea, right, when that plane crashed, right south korea, yeah, south korea and they say it was a bird.
Speaker 2:That's you know, fucking bird well, the one in south korea, I think the the land. They were having problems with the landing gear, but the investigators and everybody, even me, I'm asking why the fuck at the end of the runway was there a brick fucking wall? Yeah, true, you know, yeah, that's right like and that's what caused you know 179 people to lose their fucking lives, dude, yeah.
Speaker 1:At least it's.
Speaker 2:Right, two survivors At least. The plane skidded on the fucking. It skidded all the way down the fucking the runway Until it hit that brick wall and everything. It was a fucking catastrophe, dude.
Speaker 1:Like holy fuck.
Speaker 2:I don't know, man, but I think if we look into it we might find out somebody important was on that plane. We're just not being told. You know what I'm saying. Like that plane that fucking spun out of control in Brazil. Yeah, there was four fucking doctors on that one that discovered cancer or some shit.
Speaker 1:The cure for cancer.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, and they fucking died. The world's a fucking stage man.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's a lot of distractions too, right?
Speaker 1:no, just to give us distractions and, um yeah, I've been saying that, uh for a while now, but doesn't. Right now is not the time of to travel right now here's something that's going to blow your mind, dude. Try me.
Speaker 2:So the 1775, okay, the Bible, the last Bible was 1775. 1776, that's when the United States got the independence.
Speaker 2:You know whatever right From 1776 on forward to today that's what calendar we've been using, because before 1775 or 1776, before that, we were on a 13-month calendar. That should blow your mind, because we're all modern-day, dude. We go to work, we come home, you know, make the money, pay the government, blah, blah, blah. Pay our taxes, pay our food, corporate america, all this other shit. Everything rolls downhill, dude. That's what I'm hoping. When trump gets in the office, dude, he terminates the fucking uh, income tax shit, dude.
Speaker 1:I know Right.
Speaker 2:He needs to terminate that shit.
Speaker 1:That's right, because they're taking advantage of it, right yeah.
Speaker 2:I think the first time that they incorporated uh income tax for us to start paying income tax was in 1933, I believe, uh the start of the first world war well, yeah okay and it was only supposed to be temporary.
Speaker 2:But then the government saw that the citizens were being were actually dealing with it. We're all fucking fools. So I think, well, let's, let's just extend it some more. So here comes world war ii and the fucking us government, their money from our taxes, fucking quadruple dude. So I think it's time to end it, dude, because we'll have more money in our pockets, that's true. I mean, granted, all these baby mamas wouldn't get their fucking two thousand dollars per child anymore, but they'll have more money in their pocket to make it up. You know what I'm saying?
Speaker 1:There's a lot going on dude, A lot Creepy, but oh, and I noticed that they did a code name on the drones.
Speaker 2:Now they call it I was here, you know I didn't understand that shit, but yeah, I know where you're getting that. Yeah, I don't understand that shit, dior bag the fuck your bags.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's because uh from what I was reading and they're saying that it's just, uh, a code name for tiktok. Because tiktok, if you mention drones or type in drones or whatever you put your content in they'll, they'll block you, they'll, they'll take away, okay, and they have to use it.
Speaker 2:Uh, use it as a that's a okay, that's a code name.
Speaker 1:Right, do your better your bag that christian dior what can, what can it be Kites?
Speaker 2:Yeah, what can they?
Speaker 1:name it Kite. Oh, the kite was flying and all that stuff you know.
Speaker 2:And you know what's a trip, though we're not hearing about the drones anymore.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I know right, that's true.
Speaker 2:Fucking. One week we're hearing a fucking shitload about the drones, and now they're gone.
Speaker 1:Well, they're saying that since the um the pope francis christmas eve, ever since they he came out of that, it stopped okay, that makes sense that's. That's what I'm saying. I mean, ever since he did that christmas eve portal thing, whatever, whatever, vatican, the drone stopped. I don't know what to make of it, but something's going to happen.
Speaker 2:I don't know. There's so much. The Catholics know the Vatican, not Catholics individually, but the Vatican know a lot of what's going on in this world and what has happened or what will happen, more than meets the eye, you know I think that um they're working with the retail reptilians there I think, they're, they're, they're doing their little, their um, their plan, their, their um setup okay what to do and they're waiting for.
Speaker 1:You know, like what I'm saying earlier, before the podcast, I was mentioning that it's the rise of the Antichrist, getting prepared for that he's already here.
Speaker 2:Right, the Antichrist is already here.
Speaker 1:He's here he's already here and that's what they're doing. That's what they're doing, they're getting set up, they're getting ready to set it up and I think next year, well, next year, they're gonna set up, once you hear the, the rebuilding of the, the church in israel, that's when you know, yeah, the four heifers.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the four red heifers.
Speaker 1:The red heifers, that's by next year.
Speaker 2:I, you know, I just, I don't know, man, this whole world needs a fucking reset. You know, everybody's just so fucking corrupt. You know, I saw the statistics about California. Oh, everybody's just so fucking corrupt. And you know, we saw, I saw the statistics about, uh, california, oh, everybody's moving back to california, everybody's coming back to california. Population grew by fucking 30.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, it's because all the illegal immigrants are there. You know, all the illegals are going there because gavin newscom is not going to do shit about it. You know, but in the end, you know, the only one that's going to pay for it are the citizens, the taxpayers, the hard-working people like you and fucking sexy pants, and you know those are the only people that are going to pay for that. Yeah, and if you think that, oh, what was the other shit? I think the new law. Hold on, dude. I was actually. I was actually I wanted to talk about the new laws in California, but it was so fucking much I was like, holy shit, how the fuck did these people get away with it, dude? So one of the new laws in California starting tomorrow, just so you guys know, you people in California, including you, joe.
Speaker 1:Oh shit.
Speaker 2:Um, the new law tomorrow, starting tomorrow, is called the locked door loophole, which means the prosecutor has to prove that your door was locked in order to prosecute the guy who went into your car and stole your fucking laptop or money or whatever the fuck. So it can be theft or burglary. Yeah, yeah, fucking stupid.
Speaker 3:And here's another thing.
Speaker 2:This is another thing they're getting set up for the immigration, for immigrants out there in California. Okay, you guys I'm serious, dude, whoever has cars, you better double down on your insurance if you want to get fucking paid. Because, starting tomorrow, it's going to be illegal for a job to require a driver's license or ask an applicant if they have a driver's license or not. Yeah, so even if, even if somebody has a driver's license or not, they can still get the job, they can still qualify for a job. So therefore, it's going to be illegal for a company to ask, like, say, you don't have a driver's license, you came from fucking Africa, you're in california, right? So you apply for a job. It's illegal for the company to ask you. It's illegal for the company to ask you do you have a driver's license? No, shit, they have to employ you whether you have a driver's license or not. So you get somebody that doesn't have a driver's license, no insurance, they fucking hit your car. Who's the only one that's gonna be fucking you? Yeah, telling you, dude, you guys need to get out of california.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was looking at all the laws that there's so much, dude, holy fuck, that couldn't even keep. I just read it. It's like reading a book. They say the book is good. I read like two pages ah, fuck, I put it away. I know it all.
Speaker 1:Fuck it, nah, dude damn, that's like, that's like ridiculous laws. Huh, the only good one was proposition 36, right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's the only one so far. I didn't read all of them, but so far that was a good one.
Speaker 1:The ones that were stealing. We're gonna get away with it, motherfucker, but when they found out, it's a felony. Now.
Speaker 2:I saw that shit Fucking shit. Oh no, oh, what it's a felony now. Oh yeah, I saw that shit. Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, fucking shit.
Speaker 2:Look here and I want to make myself clear. You know, and everybody thinks because you know, because of Trump, fucking oh, illegals are going to be. I want to make myself perfectly fucking clear. Our parents came to this country legally because they had to get their papers right. Dad and everybody. They fought for that American dream. They worked fucking hard. They didn't get no fucking handouts. Yeah, that's true. What was that at? That was one job for 30 fucking years. Dude, mom was a housewife. She had a job when we were kids. It didn't last long, you know.
Speaker 1:Dad. He became an American citizen. He went through all that.
Speaker 2:Here's my point, though. The thing is that what I'm trying to get at is that I'm not. I don't give a fuck about illegals being in the country. I don't. To each their own, but you gotta pay your fucking dues. My thing is is that why do fucking people the migrants have been here for fucking generations, dude that have their papers now and struggle to get their fucking papers, and then these motherfuckers just waltz in the country getting everything handed to them for free, like what kind of shit is that? That's what I'm upset with. It's nothing more, nothing less. That's what I'm fucking pissed off about and it's not.
Speaker 2:Mexicans, the people that got their shit twisted. It's not Mexicans, dude, it's not.
Speaker 1:Mexicans, dude, the people that got their shit twisted. It's not Mexicans, dude, that's right. It's, like everybody, the ones that came to the country legally did the hard work and they're lifting all their might and all that stuff and these people just come in like walking, just standing. It's like seeing people working hard and you're just standing around with your hands in your pocket and, hey, how come this guy's not working harder than I am?
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's just like all these fucking liberals right now. Right now, the thing is with the liberals, the Democratic liberals. What it is right now is they're all making fun when Trump deports everybody. You know the ones that pick the fruits and vegetables and all that Listen, they're permitted to be here. These fucking farmers, dude, they're not going to let anybody go, they're going to help them. Stay here, dude. Yeah, Because who do you think? The farmers fucking voted for, dude Trump. Yeah, yeah. Look at the Amish people. The Amish people fucking voted for Trump because there was no fucking way that we're going to do another four years of Democratic Party.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's just making the matters worse.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's just fucking stupid. We need a clean slate. Fucking it's just, I don't know.
Speaker 3:It's mind-blowing.
Speaker 2:Mind-boggling huh. Yeah, it is, it's mind-blowing. Yeah, it is the Democrats' fucking butt pics. Is what's going on? Grab a fucking porcupine. Grab a porcupine and start fucking scratching. Well, what's on?
Speaker 1:the'm sorry, do it again no, I was gonna do this.
Speaker 2:If you want to go, then you go to hill and go down that jason, my well, I can't say his name cast as lobo oh, yeah, do.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know what dude Speaking of which this guy, I looked at him, even since he became Aquaman, even since I go. You know what he looks more like Lobo, Okay. Right, okay, I don't know if all you fans out there comic fans out there that know Lobo, but he's a great character. I love this character because you will love him too, gooch, because he has that rock style. He has a Harley space bike.
Speaker 2:Right, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:And he has long hair tattooed out and shit like that. It's a great character and I've been watching Superman since I was a kid. This character is really good. He's a bounty hunter. Is that what Lobo is? Yeah, he's a bounty hunter. He's an anti-hero. He's not a hero, he's not a cannon. He's an anti-hero, he's in his own thing. Let me give you the glimpse of it. Lobo, this is Lobo, right here, this guy, he's a badass character dude, because I like him, because his space bite, you know.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And ever since Aquaman started. I think you know what. Oh, he did it wrong. That's a wrong role for him. He doesn't look like fucking Aquaman started. I think you know what. He did a wrong. That's a wrong role for him. He doesn't look like fucking Aquaman, he looks like Lobo more. And that's not even with makeup, all that paint. You know all that shit and they're making.
Speaker 2:They're making his movie, right, lobo he's gonna come out in Supergirl oh, that's right, okay, okay, I'm spanking my mind's going to come out in Supergirl.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's right, okay, okay, okay, I'm speculating, my mind's going wow, I'm not even James Gunn. I'm James Gunn in my mind. I'm like fucking you know. Oh, that'd be awesome because he's a bounty hunter, right, they're giving him brainiacs, probably giving him ideas. You know what? Get the last Kryptonian. I want to get you to get Supergirl, because she's Kryptonian, and all that stuff. Because Kandar, when Krypton exploded, right, kandar, left before right, that's where Supergirl is, so Brainiac shrinks to Kandar but Supergirl fucking takes off. She's not from Krypton, she's Krypton. It's an inner space Krypton, krypton's there, but Kandar is like in the bottom of Krypton. So when Krypton exploded, kandar had escaped already. It blew off in pieces.
Speaker 3:So it was like one world.
Speaker 1:So it went to inner space, alright, when Krypton exploded. So Brainiac shrunk that, that Kandar, and put it as his collection. But he's like you know what? There's only one person, one Kryptonian, that escaped. You got Kal-El, you got Kara.
Speaker 2:What do you think about the new Superman? Like for real, like the new Superman he's wearing fucking. He's wearing his chonies over his tights. What's your?
Speaker 1:like Superman, dude Superman. I'm gonna be a huge fan of Superman regardless.
Speaker 2:No matter what.
Speaker 1:It's just that, like I said again, these are james gunn, I mean jack snyder fans these are zach snyder fans, because they're into um, um, how do you call it at um? The virtual, the virtual effects. Uh, the virtual virtual effects, yeah, they're into that, okay. And the darkness, and you know, everybody's saying that you know what superman's not batman, superman's bright, and you know. And colorful, you know, and I would have loved.
Speaker 2:I would have loved to seen um superman with henry cavell and um black adams oh yeah, me I would have loved to seen that shit.
Speaker 1:I'm a big fan of them too, but we have to move on. Like I said again, we have to move on on that. It's a different, it's going to be a different DCU and it's separating all that stuff.
Speaker 2:I'll give the new Superman a chance to do that. I think I'd like it because it's the original Superman suit. That's the original Superman suit. That's the original Superman outfit.
Speaker 1:And you know, the funny part is that the mother makes the suit in this movie.
Speaker 2:Okay, Okay, it's not like it wasn't in his shuttle.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it wasn't in his suit, his space suit and all that. It didn't come from Krypton and all that stuff, it's just his mom made the suit Okay. That's why supposedly it looks baggy and all that shit. Maybe at the end of the movie he's going to wear the original ass. You never know.
Speaker 2:You know, when I seen the movie trailer of it, the guy that plays Superman now I don't even know his name yeah, I liked it, but you know there's a part in the trailer he looks like that kid that plays Spider-Man dude.
Speaker 1:Oh, what's his name?
Speaker 2:Tom Hollingsworth, tom Hollingsworth, tom Holling, whatever his fucking name is. Yeah, that kid, he looks like him, man. Older version, like an older version.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, this is how Jason Momoa looks.
Speaker 2:See it? Yeah, you know, when I think about yeah, he does, he's like fucking right on it. When I think about Jason, when I think about Jason Momoa, I think of just nothing but fucking muscle, right Like bam. You know it's a fucking workout. Yeah, and a small penis. I think just nothing but fucking muscle, right like bam. You know it's a fucking workout. And a small penis. Enjoy that one, ladies.
Speaker 1:But you know what? And it's true, dude, because when he acts like Aquaman, he acts, he's literally portraying Lobo, because that's how Lobo acts.
Speaker 2:Oh, no shit. Yeah, I think I've seen Aquaman maybe the first second, I don't know for like 20 minutes. Dude, I never got into Aquaman.
Speaker 1:Yeah, me either, but since the movie came out, everybody now everybody's a big fan of Aquaman.
Speaker 2:Honestly dude. I think Aquaman, when they made Aquaman, they should have kept him with the blonde hair. Yeah, true, I mean, don't get me wrong, jason Momoa did a fucking good job, don't get me wrong, but I think they should have taken it true to the character.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's true, but he wanted his role way before.
Speaker 2:Oh really.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he said that he was a big fan of Lobo. Oh, okay, but he realized that he got the role for Aquaman. But he said that if they ask him for a role to play Lobo, he said hey, fuck, yeah, I'll fucking game. Call me, I'll be waiting for it.
Speaker 2:So, finally he got the role my, my all-time, because I think I, I think no, jason momoa fucking hits lobo right on the fucking to the t dude like he'll make a good one dude. And I'd love toby mcguire as spider-man, okay, and then Tom Holland as the other Spider-Man, but I think, in my opinion, like all time best Spider-Man, to me the amazing Spider-Man as comic book, is Andrew Garfield you think so? Oh, you know, because you're a big fan of Spider-Man you know more the because if you watch all of those movies, right?
Speaker 2:the amazing Spider-man um garfield, what's his name?
Speaker 2:andrew garfield, andrew garfield fucking trying to play. Okay, if you notice, in those movies he's already a skateboard, he a skateboarder, right, he he's fucking doing acrobatic acts like fucking jumping around with his skateboard, whatever before he gets bitten by the spider. So now, when he gets bitten by the spider, all that skateboarding shit that he does enhances like eight times. You know what I'm saying? To where the toby mcguire version of spider-man isn't. He's just a fucking photographer, you know delivery guy and tom holland one, and you know he's just in high school. You know, whatever doesn't have any skateboard.
Speaker 1:But that amazing spider-man with andrew garfield to me is the best like the more accurate yeah, the more accurate exactly so they should keep it with andrew I, I, so I think they're doing part three, dude. You think so?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think Sony is going to, or is or has going to sell the rights to Marvel.
Speaker 1:Oh, really yeah.
Speaker 2:So Andrew Garfield could come back yeah.
Speaker 1:That's good to hear. How do you know that the skateboard thing?
Speaker 2:It's just something to think about. That's the way Spider-Man was, you know, yeah, or Peter Parker, rather.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but in answer to the question about what I think about the Superman. I think he's good, I think it's great, I think he looks amazing and I'm going to watch it and I'm there for it, because you got to think about it too. James Gunn, he wrote the movie, he wrote the script and he's directing it and he's making a story of it. Right, and James Gunn is going to nail it, dude, trust me.
Speaker 2:And you're absolutely right, dude. I think that people need to move on from Henry Cavill. Yeah, he was a good-looking Superman Next to Christopher Reeve, right, but I think that this new Superman, I think people just need to give it a chance with an open mind.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean true, true.
Speaker 2:I love Superman, dude Superman, fuck. It reminds me of, you know, our childhood, you know, yeah. However, with me, it has always been Spider-Man.
Speaker 1:Spider-Man, spider-man. For me it was Superman, because I mean, I don't mean to be biased, but well, I am biased on Superman.
Speaker 2:Yes, you are. Yeah, that's what I grew up on, you know Superman.
Speaker 1:Superman, so he was the first. He's the grandfather of the comic books. If we were to be watching Mickey Mouse and Popeye, and he's.
Speaker 2:Superman was the first superhero, right, yeah, and in theater Right, comic book and theater. I think, with everything else, dude, I think that people need to just let it go and, fucking you know, give this new one a chance. Yeah, move on, it happened. Yeah, it's over. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Just move on and it's a new Superman and I know it's going to be great dude because, uh, the crypto. I hope he explains the crypto part and I hope he explains about Supergirl's part. I mean, I think the Supergirl is going to be a flashback.
Speaker 2:Uh, I don't know. I think I think my opinion, the way I picked up on them and then again, this is just a movie teaser trailer, right, I think that they're already in that universe. I think the only time he'll reflect in the past is when he's talking to his earthly dad and Martha. But I think what's his name? Right, but I think super, what's the crypto? The dog? I think he's already there and shit.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, he's already there, you know. Want to make a bet?
Speaker 2:oh no no, no, I already know well, I'm speculating.
Speaker 1:This is what I'm speculating, because James Gunn mentioned that Supergirl's gonna be part in the movie. Oh is she, yeah, but she not. I mean she's gonna be part of the flashback, like how does she, how does she arrive? How the crypto arrived?
Speaker 2:what do you, what did you think about the super girl on uh, the flash movie where michael keaton came out as batman?
Speaker 1:yeah, she did good.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna be honest, never mind the looks, never mind, you know.
Speaker 1:No, I mean she did good. She did good, I liked it, but it's not her. I mean she was good with Supergirl. I just didn't like the. That part wasn't supposed to be Supergirl, it was supposed to be.
Speaker 2:Superman Right, but they were in a different universe, right?
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was a different storyline.
Speaker 2:It changed it.
Speaker 1:The whole Flash thing was changed. I liked it. It was a good movie, don't get me wrong, but not the best movie. If it would have gone with the real Flashpoint, it would have made a lot of money. Let me tell you one thing Bruce Wayne dies. Bruce Wayne's dad becomes Batman.
Speaker 1:The mom becomes the Joker. You know, superman crashes in Kansas but the military, the US Army, controls the fucking rocket and takes Superman well, kal-el to a facility and he becomes a fucking puny being with a red sun over him. He becomes puny and, um, the flash saves him and all that stuff and that's when he comes back. It's a lot of a lot of shit. Fucking alcheman fights with the wonder woman's, amazons and other. You know all that shit. So it's a good.
Speaker 2:It's a good storyline yeah, my opinion with the, the, that super girl, that that that came out on the flash. I think in my opinion she just overreacted with her rage. Like you know, like I don't know, it's like almost like an ex-girlfriend thinking about the past and shit. You know, too much rage for me on that supergirl but did you know why she got into rage?
Speaker 1:her panties were in a bunch no, she was the reason why she got into rage, because baby Kalal, they killed baby.
Speaker 2:Kalal, is that what? No shit, yeah, okay so that's why that's why she was going for.
Speaker 1:Zod? Yeah, because Zod killed the baby Kal-El. That's why she went on the rage.
Speaker 2:Hmm, okay, well, that explains a lot actually, yeah.
Speaker 1:I mean, it was good, I liked it, but it was not what I wanted, right, but it was good I liked it, but it was not what I wanted, right, but it was good. Not the best it could have been better.
Speaker 2:I mean michael keaton coming back as batman, what he's like, honestly, what did you think? I'll give you my two cents now with that movie.
Speaker 1:You should have just fucking dropped it and said you know what? Nah, not this one, or at least computer gen.
Speaker 2:Everybody wants to be ai these days. Why not fucking ai michael keaton? Dude, I try to watch um fucking beetlejuice, beetlejuice. One night, of course I was, we were fucking drunk, but, dude, I couldn't even get past the two minutes. Dude, I was like holy fuck.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm just gonna go to sleep yeah, yeah but you know, I don't know the like um, I mean, don't get me wrong, it was good, but I think Michael Keaton should not come out on this one, if he does anybody old?
Speaker 2:I mean, don't get me wrong, he was a good Batman, yeah, he was a good Batman, at least fucking AI his ass. You know, you know, make him look, you know, 40 years younger.
Speaker 1:Well, when they AI Christopher Reeve on that movie and Supergirl, it could have been better AI.
Speaker 2:It could have been yeah.
Speaker 3:They made it look like computer generated, like it was in the 80s and shit.
Speaker 2:Exactly. They could have fucking burned off fucking Nicolas Cage's fucking chest hairs coming out of the suit too. Dude, what the fuck was that? Yeah, exactly yeah, dude Like what the fuck was that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 2:Oh, my God.
Speaker 1:Like I said, dude, if they would have went to the real storyline on the Flashpoint, warner Brothers would have made a lot of dollars. Dude, I mean, look, you should watch the animated series. Dude, the Flash of Paradox, flashpoint Paradox. Watch it, you'll know what I'm talking about.
Speaker 2:I tried watching the Spider-Man animated. I think the last time I watched was the Black Spider-Man animated, I don't even know what it's called. I took the boys to the movie theaters on that one. I sat through that one. But I can't just sit through it at home. I don't know why.
Speaker 1:But yeah, dude, if you watch that Flashpoint Paradox, it could have been maybe like a part or part three. You know, if they would have made the whole storyline of the Flashpoint Paradox, it could have been either part two or three, from part one to three, you know.
Speaker 2:So have you heard anything about the new Spider-Man? I know Tom Holland's going to do another Spider-Man.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's coming out. Yeah, it's coming out.
Speaker 2:Robert Downey Jr is going to come out as Doom, isn't he, victor Doom?
Speaker 1:Yeah, Dr Doom from Fantastic Four.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Dr Doom, yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I can't wait for that one dude.
Speaker 2:I love the Fantastic Four and then there's a new Captain America coming on with the Black Captain America.
Speaker 1:That's one of my favorite Marvel heroes too. Captain America I mean, what's that favorite phrase? As he says that I could do this all day. Yeah right, you know what I'm saying. Because he has a lot of stamina, he doesn't get tired.
Speaker 2:Oh, my God, you know who has a lot of stamina.
Speaker 1:Who.
Speaker 2:Sexy Pat.
Speaker 1:Wait wait, wait. I knew you were going to say that. Don't tell me.
Speaker 2:Sexy Pat. Yeah, he has a lot of stuff. Remember, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Okie go.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean, he did get much older since then, but you never know.
Speaker 1:Yeah Gooch, but I just can't wait for that new Superman movie. And you know a lot of fans. Supposedly they're fans of Superman. They're not fans, they're not really fans, true fans. Speculating Because I'm a Superman fan. Dude, like I said, again, dude, I will watch Superman 4, the Quest for Peace, you know Superman 3, those are like the cheesiest movies of Christopher.
Speaker 2:Not even Christopher Reeve was in it. Yeah, chris Reeve didn't like the Quest for Peace part four. I know I asked you this. You watched that documentary right?
Speaker 1:Yes, I did and I'll still. Even though Chris Reeve didn't accept that movie, I accept it.
Speaker 3:You accept it, it's Superman dude.
Speaker 1:Regardless, I'll watch it. Even Superman Returns, I'll watch it.
Speaker 2:Which one's that one that's with Brandon Roth right.
Speaker 1:Brandon Roth. Yeah, I'll still watch that too. Anything with Superman I'll watch. I don't care, I'm a fan.
Speaker 2:Is it because of the tights? Oh, no, no, no, just he's my hero yeah, dude, exactly the same thing with me, with with spider-man, dude, anything with spider-man, I'll watch it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know, and then I don't know, man but the only thing I won't watch about superman's opera superman when he's all finery like grease if he gets to that point of grease.
Speaker 2:Like the gay Superman.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Here I come to save the day. Oh, that's Mighty Mouse.
Speaker 1:Sorry. Well, you know what we're talking about. The Joker movie too, right, it was good, right.
Speaker 2:I enjoyed it. It wasn't the best movie, most certainly it wasn't the worst, but I enjoyed it.
Speaker 1:I enjoyed it. These fans, they're not fans, they're exaggerating, you know.
Speaker 2:And towards the end of the movie, how the real Joker that killed Arthur that's the one that he slices his mouth open with fucking glass after he killed him. That's a fucking story.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the whole point of this movie was that we're inside his brain Right.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:We're inside his brain and he was fucking doing a lot of drama. He was like a schizophrenic we're in his brain. He was thinking, dancing, singing with a girl.
Speaker 2:Harley.
Speaker 1:Quinn, so probably it was Harley Quinn.
Speaker 2:but it wasn't Harley Quinn and they could have got another actress for that one, because that dude, he didn't do good at all.
Speaker 1:Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga, yeah, he didn't, but I just want to say to everybody out there happy New Year's. Everybody, be safe, okay. And this is episode 70. This is a remake from last week because it was horrible. Last week my studio sound was horrible and finally I fixed it, so got it going.
Speaker 2:See how it goes, and even before we even get started with the show, there is technical difficulties anyway. So it comes and goes.
Speaker 1:That's what she said but I just want to thank everybody all your listeners out there and tuning in all you viewers. Thank you for all your listeners out there and tuning in all your viewers, thank you for all your downloads and we really appreciate it. And I just want to say that happy new year to everybody, happy 2025. And what?
Speaker 2:do you got to say there, gooch? I just want to say, really important, that depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, we all have them. But sometimes you got to talk out outside of your circle because, like I said before, dude, like and I tell this to everybody that I talk to, that that are having problems you need to talk to people outside of your circle. Sometimes, like if I talk to you, joe, you're gonna tell everything's gonna be all right. You know, just pray to god, everything's going. But sometimes it's better to talk to somebody outside of the circle. So if you're having any suicidal thoughts, reach out. Reach out to somebody, make friends. Like you know, I know sometimes it's hard because I was there. I was there fucking 20 plus years ago, when I try to take my own life and shit, and it's fucking, it's hard and it sucks. But reach out, reach out, don't.
Speaker 1:Don't drink and drive do not drink and drive out there. Everybody be safe and do not use your guns out there, because there's a lot of children out there or outside playing, even though it's 5 am, and you guys are shooting your weapons out there. So please be cautious of that. Whatever goes up, comes down, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Yep, that's right. So just like my career.
Speaker 1:You know, man, but all I can say is that this is the talkers podcast unscripted this is the last show of the Gregorian 2024 year.
Speaker 1:You guys be safe, don't drink and drive all I can say is go to our email thetalkerscom. Go to our email. Thetalkerscom. Go to our email. It's thetalkers4us at gmailcom. You could email us. If you guys want to join in to our podcast for 15 minutes, you can remain anonymous, I'll be fine. Say what you want to say, and if you guys want to support our show For $3 a month A monthly supporter, you keep on the monthly supporter. We give you a shout out. Whatever you guys want us, you just email us what you want us to say. We'll mention it.
Speaker 2:Do you walk around with slippers?
Speaker 1:I walk around with slippers. Have I walk around with?
Speaker 2:slippers yeah, have you ever tried Crocs? No, I've been wanting to buy me some, but I mean, if I was you, I'd try them, buy them I'll try them, you know it's like. I mean, it's like getting a blowjob from a guy. Oh shit, it feels so good until you look down.
Speaker 1:Really, you know, guy, oh shit, it feels so good until you look down. Really you know what. I was gonna buy me something, but then he had my favorite color, so I didn't. I go you know what, and I got little feet, so I know yeah, you do so it was kind of hard to find. Oh man, I don't got my fucking size dude, I went to the kitchen and still didn't have my size.
Speaker 2:I got, I got fucking weird feet. Yeah, I wear Crocs. I used to never went in public wearing my Crocs. I do it now, dude. I was like fuck it. Dude, the older you get, it's like fuck. Feet are just so If I could work at them, dude, I'd fucking work at them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but they didn't have my favorite color either, so my favorite color is like dark gray, like it was like a gunmetal color no, okay so they didn't have them.
Speaker 3:So oh wow all right guys, this is it happy new year to everybody out there.
Speaker 1:Thank you, be safe. Like I said again, guys, if you want to reach out for 15 minutes, e-talkers for us. Us at gmailcom, I mean, yeah, at gmailcom. We'll send you an invite. We'll send you an invite and you want to remain anonymous? I'll be cool. D talkers for us at gmailcom. It's four, number four and us letter cases, all letter cases. I don't think it matters anymore. So this is the talkers podcast, unscripted. My name is Joel and the Gooch.
Speaker 2:Hey, if you guys want to reach out to the Gooch, it's T-H-E-E-G-O-O-C-H-7-6 at gmailcom. Repeat that again Gooch T-H-E-E-G-O-O-C-H-7-6 at gmailcom.
Speaker 1:There you go, guys. There's the Gucci. Alright, guys. Happy New Year's everyone. Happy New Year's Eve.
Speaker 2:That's all I got to say If you see Sexy Pants here in the next five minutes, tell him to shake his fans for me, okay.
Speaker 1:Alright, I'll let him know about that. I'll send him the message right now. All right, guys, bye. Thank you.