Thee Talkers Podcast: Unscripted

Alien Theories and Worldly Preparations

Joe, Remo, Benny and Thee Gooch Season 2 Episode 67

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Is everything we know about the world's most famous faces and global safety being hidden in plain sight? Join us as we explore whether celebrity relocations, like Ellen DeGeneres reportedly moving to the UK amidst Epstein list controversies, are simply personal choices or if there's something more sinister at play. We unpack our own skepticism about these moves and consider the backdrop of geopolitical tensions, including the threat of nuclear warfare and the strategic vulnerabilities in states like Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. We also provide practical advice on how to be prepared with essential supplies in an uncertain world.

Could what we think we know about UFOs be entirely wrong? Our conversation takes a fascinating turn into the realm of unidentified aerial phenomena, challenging the mainstream narrative and suggesting these occurrences might not be about extraterrestrial life at all. We entertain theories that tie these sightings to biblical references, like demonic entities or fallen angels, and speculate on the implications of a purported New World Order. With references to congressional testimonies and NASA's exploration choices, we question the truth behind oceanic and space discoveries and what it means for humanity.

As we explore the intersection of faith and science, we ponder whether the beings we often call aliens could be spiritual or interdimensional forces. Our discussion navigates through biblical stories, like that of Legion, and how they might relate to modern unexplained encounters. From the possibility of a global reset to the implications of microchipping, we invite listeners to question the origins of life and consider whether biblical prophecies are unfolding in our times. With intriguing thoughts on technology and potential extraterrestrial interactions, we suggest a transformative event may be looming on the horizon.

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Speaker 1:

What's up? What's up everybody? What's up? This is the Doctor's Podcast, unscripted. What's up everybody? What's up? Los Angeles, california. What's going on? My name is Joel and we have the host of the show today, too is the Gooch. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Speaker 2:

How you been Gooch Doing all right.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful day today.

Speaker 2:

Shake that butt.

Speaker 1:

Today is a beautiful day 59 degrees in the lows. What's up? Los Angeles, california.

Speaker 4:

How you doing, Joseph.

Speaker 1:

Doing good. Doing good Just before we start the show. I just want to thank our listeners and our downloading our podcast. Thank you very much, everyone. Thank you. Thank you for all your downloads and listening.

Speaker 2:

Where are we most listened to? What country?

Speaker 1:

Right now they're listening to us in the UK. Right now, the UK, Well, Europe actually.

Speaker 2:

You guys can shoot us an email. How is Ellen DeGeneres treating you guys over there? I heard she's a fucking bitch. No shit. Yeah, because she moved to the UK because, okay, allegedly they just say it's only because you know the Epstein list and all the PPD shit. You know everything. All this shit's coming out. So now Ellen DeGeneres is saying that she left the United States after the election with Trump. Come on Fucking celebrities, using Trump as an excuse. Fuck out of here with that bullshit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was noticing that too, that it's just an excuse just to get out of here.

Speaker 2:

They're in the list. They could run, but they can't hide Just like yeah in the list. They could run, but they can't hide?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but like, just like, yeah, they're just hiding their guiltiness and shit. They're just running away from their issue. Yeah, so we'll see.

Speaker 2:

So before let's get the fuck out of here, We'll be. Goldberg needs to get the fuck out of here too.

Speaker 1:

Didn't Tom Hanks too?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, tom Hanks Leonardo. Yeah, tom Hanks Leonardo. Everybody that's allegedly on that list pretty much.

Speaker 1:

So they all left.

Speaker 2:

This is what.

Speaker 4:

I think, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I think. I mean, this is what I think. I don't know if you want to take it at a grain of salt, though, but I think that they're leaving because, like, we're having that war with Russia and all that stuff and everybody's just escaping and they're probably living under the bunkers and all that stuff, and this is too. I don't know why the people like the migrants are coming to the United States. They should stay where they are, because we're going to get bombarded with fucking nuclear missiles and shit Supposedly which I don't think we're going to get bombed. We're not going to have World War III, it's just rumors of war, so I don't think we're going to have World War III. So so I don't think we're going to have World War III. So, yeah, I think that's one of the excuses that some of the celebrities or other people that have money they're going to go to other bunkers and shit.

Speaker 2:

Right right.

Speaker 1:

Under the ground, you know. Just an excuse, I don't know you know?

Speaker 2:

do you know the worst states in the united states to be in if we did have a nuclear war? Yeah, I heard.

Speaker 1:

Um is uh montana, wyoming and colorado well, yeah, because all the the military stations yeah yeah, and they have the. They have the nuclear missiles here too and these three states and and, and you know, I would figure that they I thought they always go by the the population, the more I know right population like new york, first in california and nevada texas, shit like that.

Speaker 2:

But well, you know and, and and. When you start listening to about, you know right now putin, you know, threatening nuclear war, and then you sit there and you start thinking about it's like would he really do that, though? Start thinking about it. Would he really do that, though? Nah, would he really do that? And you start thinking why the fuck would he want to destroy his own country plus take everybody else down with him? A man has to be super psychotic, like Hitler, if you will, to even fucking come up with that shit, dude.

Speaker 1:

And like they say that no one won the war technically no one.

Speaker 2:

But it's always, but it's always. Yeah, exactly. The only winners are the people that actually died, you know yeah, yeah, that's true, but I have a tip huh it's. It's good to be prepared. You know, in case of something like that, you know ammo food. You know it's always good to be prepared. You never know.

Speaker 1:

Well, I have a clip of what Putin was saying. He was talking in the news, or some shit like that you want to hear it. Oh, absolutely, joseph. Here's Putin. But it's a translation. He's talking in Russian. Do I have to read? No, no, no. You say I have to read. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you don't have to read, you don't have to read.

Speaker 6:

But um, here we go, let me get it set up in the updated version of the document, aggression against russia by any non-nuclear state but with the support of a nuclear state is proposed to be considered as their joint attack on Russia. Russia will also consider the possibility of using nuclear weapons when receiving reliable information about a massive launch of means of aerospace attack and their crossing of our state border. This includes strategic and tactical aircraft, as well as cruise missiles and drones, hypersonic and other delivery vehicles. Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in case of aggression, including if the enemy using conventional weapons poses a critical threat. In the updated version of the document, my bad.

Speaker 1:

So what do you think about that?

Speaker 2:

You have to think about. You know there's a lot to think about that it's you have to think about. You know this there's a lot to think about, like, why the fuck does biden have any say on what the fuck the ukrainians can use in a war that is not even ours? Yeah, and a lot of people need to understand, is that why the biden administration for the last two a thousand days let's just say a thousand plus days, right, since the war has been going on? You know and I've been saying this in the past podcast you know the past podcast that the Biden administration and everybody involved in the Biden administration that one time brought peace talks to the table.

Speaker 2:

That's true. Why, you know you got to think why, why, why haven't? And then the last month and a half of Biden's presidency, he okays for the Ukrainians to use US military missiles, long range missiles on Russia, like, why, you know, like and there's a lot of questions that aren't answered Like, why the fuck does the Ukraine are so far up the Biden administration's ass? Yeah, you know, millions, thousands of people are fucking dying for no fucking reason, all because of the fucking the U S.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know. The funny part is that he's doing this when Trump really wanted an election, right, you know, and knowing that he's going to go on office in what? Next month? No, yeah yeah, just under two months so they're like, so they could accuse trump trump.

Speaker 2:

Right, exactly, I was gonna say that shit, and that's what. That's how psychotic these democrat liberals are. They'll blame trump for this shit, yeah that's true.

Speaker 1:

You know, that is true, but I don't think there's going to be no war. To be honest with you, it's like I said in our previous episodes. You know what? Like you know, in the Bible it says like it's just rumors of wars, man, and just look at, this is funny. This is. This is. The funny part is that everything's just fucking connecting, dude. Everything with the uaps, plus the war and world war three and all the sort of rumors of wars, it's all connecting right, because if there's a really war World War III, coming with the nuclear war, missiles and all that shit, there's going to be someone that's going to bring peace. You know they're waiting for the, the how do you call it? The Antichrist, the Antichrist, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The son of perdition. They're waiting for him to make peace. Like I said again, you think Lucifer will want his son to destroy the earth. They want Lucifer, wants his son to rule the world, rule the earth, all, all him, just for him to get worship like God. Okay, right, this is the reason why I don't think the war work. Maybe they're going to attack. I think they're going to bomb your, your crane, but not, not Ukraine, but not the United States. They're not going to go to each other like that. There's going to be one country that's going to be blowing out smearings and all that stuff. Whatever you want to call it. I don't think it's going to happen. There's no way, because the Bible says in Revelation that the son of perdition is going to make peace. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 2:

You know what dude saying yeah, you know what dude, um, what we need to get for the show, honestly, because a lot of it's coming out these days, you know, especially with social media and, and you know the, the fucking computer in the palm of your hand right, we need to get, we need to get the ethiopian bible, dude, you know, and talk about it on a show, because the Ethiopian Bible has 80, I think 88 extra books of the gospel, right, it even comes out in the book of Enoch, even comes out on the Ethiopian. Yeah, the whole book, right, right.

Speaker 1:

This is a whole page that's been left out, right.

Speaker 2:

And it's not to disrespect the people that read the Holy Bible and what we have. I have the King James version of the Holy Bible in my house. But when you look at the past about King James and then he wrote the Holy Bible and it's like, oh, do I really want this Bible in my house?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Because his very first book was about witchcraft, about demons.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, about demons.

Speaker 2:

Like sorcery and shit, yeah, and then he rewrote the. Holy. Bible. Okay, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the book of what the Ethiopian you said.

Speaker 2:

The Ethiopian, the, the Ethiopian Holy Bible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because there were some pages that were left out.

Speaker 2:

Those 88 books taken out, that's a lot. One of them being the book of Enoch.

Speaker 1:

That's a lot, because it's like it's putting everything together for the Antichrist. It's like I said in our previous and you said in your previous episode. I said in episode two is that all these UAPs right? And we got clips of that.

Speaker 2:

Let's say UFOs. I don't like UAPs because that's just a new term For the aliens or whatever. And, by the way, when we're talking about aliens, we're not talking about you know, juan, selling fucking burritos on the corner Of Los Angeles. We're talking about aliens.

Speaker 1:

We're talking about no deportation. Yeah, not that alien. Yeah, but yeah, the reason why the thing I'm trying to get with the UAPs, the reason why I say UAPs, is because I think it's man learning how to fly those UFOs yeah, the ones they fly. How to fly those UFOs yeah, yeah, the ones they fly. And, um, and UFOs is the ones that are really aliens or humanoids or demons, whatever you want to call it going using that flight. You know the UFOs, the underground flying saucer, the saucer.

Speaker 2:

I honestly think, dude they're, they're demons. I don't think they're. I don't think they're I don't think they're aliens like we see on Movies, right, big eyes and fucking. I think they're demons. Well, it's in the bible.

Speaker 1:

All this, like from the World War 3, it's all putting together so the Antichrist Could get Peace and try to rule the world and make them worship the Antichrist, right. Right, this is the whole thing. They're just trying to get the new world order set up and also the UFOs, the demons, they're going to make us, force us to worship the beast, the Antichrist, right. And I've been saying this for a long time. In the Bible I don't know some of you, all you Christians out there, they know about this verse. It's in Mark, chapter 5, verse 9 and 16. Okay, it's legion. Okay, it's Legion. He says he's Legion. I'm the one of many, I'm so many, or something like that. I got a clip. You want to see it? It's really interesting because this makes sense, because it all falls together with everything. This is why all the aliens that are coming in UFOs are under the ocean. They're all coming out under the ocean, not outer. Coming out under the ocean, not not outer space and see that's.

Speaker 2:

That's another thing too, dude, like when I saw that shit, because we have clips of these, uh, coming up here and that's another thing. But I've been saying in the past podcast too, like we live on a flat planet, we don't live in an outer space. And this is why nasa, when nasa came out in the 50s and 60s exploring they, they first started exploring the sea, the oceans, you know, either either something scared them to death and that's why they turned to the sky and started, you know, exploring space, quote-unquote space. Yes, this is why, yeah, they got out of the ocean because either something spooked them and they saw something kept it a secret and to distract people, oh, let's go to space, let's go to the moon.

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly. And then that's when they made it like oh, it's a globe and shit like that Trying to manipulate us and everything. Well, I got this clip. What do you want to? I'm sorry, I got to put it in one. Okay, we want to put the trial when they were bringing it up and they were talking about all that, the testimonies, the testimony and all that stuff. So I got part one, I'm going to put it on right now. Okay.

Speaker 2:

And keep in mind for the listeners. This happened a couple weeks ago. This is nothing old. This just happened a couple weeks ago. They testified in Congress. Officials of the US government.

Speaker 1:

There is life. There is humanoid, or demons, aliens, whatever you call it. They're around, they're among us.

Speaker 2:

They're among us, yep.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, here's a clip, okay.

Speaker 4:

How would you characterize UAPs?

Speaker 7:

An enigma, sir, and a frustration. We're talking about technologies that can outperform anything we have in our inventory, and if this was an adversarial technology, this would be an intelligence failure eclipsing that of 9-11 by an order of magnitude.

Speaker 4:

Are there classified Department of Defense materials related to UAPs that you believe could be safely disclosed to the public without compromising national security?

Speaker 7:

Yes, sir, I do. I would never, ever, try to endorse providing some sort of information that could compromise what we call a blue force technology or capability, but I do believe there's a lot of information regarding this topic and I've been very vocal about it that should be shared not only with the public but, most importantly, with members of Congress. Are you familiar with my friend David Grush. Absolutely, sir. I had the privilege and honor of working with him myself several years ago at US Space Force.

Speaker 4:

Last year, as you know, he testified that the US has run a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program. Would you agree with that? Yes, sir, are there UAP programs operating without proper congressional oversight? 100%.

Speaker 7:

What are they? Unfortunately, sir, I would have to have that conversation in a closed session.

Speaker 4:

I know you said that A lot of people are frustrated with those kind of answers, but we're asking those kind of questions so you all know what the heck we're up against. You also mentioned in your opening statement that the Pentagon's Public Affairs Office employs the psychological operations officers, the singular point of contact for UAP-related inquiries. Why the heck would they do that?

Speaker 7:

That's a great question I would ask the Pentagon. There's a long history here of that individual providing misleading and false information to the public through various news outlets and media outlets in order to discredit this topic. I've personally been victim to it. We have the documentation to substantiate where this information has been absolutely inaccurate. That has been provided time and time again and it turns out that that individual was also working with former leadership of Arrow at the time as well, and we punish them by giving them multi-million dollars more than they ask for every year.

Speaker 1:

Okay. The thing is I don't understand is that they're asking them that if there's any life I mean UAPs around and the rest of it they don't want to let out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's because they don't want to alert the fucking public. We know we're not alone. The public knows this. The only people that don't know this or realize that we're not alone are the people that have their fucking heads up their ass. There's a lot of shit. We don't know A lot, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because it's. I mean, it's quite obvious that you know these UFOs. They're around. It's been around since decades, right Since the 50s, you know. Oh yeah, fuck.

Speaker 2:

Beyond that dude? Yeah, beyond. Like Egypt. Look at Egypt. Humans didn't build the pyramids. Yeah, that's true. That's true, there's no fucking way. 2,000, you know 200. What is it? 200 tons A block. A block.

Speaker 1:

You know, there's no fucking way, dude. But the funny part is that, um these, um uf walls, they're not from outer space, they're coming.

Speaker 2:

They're coming from the ocean and I, when I heard that dude, when I heard that, I was so fucking happy because I knew it and I've said it in the past podcast before, because they're coming from under the ocean. Um, because we can't leave, we can't leave Earth, we can't. And this right here to me proves it to me that, yeah, they're coming from the ocean. And you think that?

Speaker 1:

if they're coming under the ocean. You think, okay, we all know it's a flat Earth, right? You think it's like a dimension, like a portal. They're coming in.

Speaker 2:

I think they're portals yeah, I think they're portals. They coming in. Or I think they're portals yeah, I think they're portals. They have the technology. That's the thing that we need to understand. We can't wrap our minds around what they're capable of doing. You know, it's like if we see a really good magic trick, it looks for reals but it's really magic. These guys have it, we, they have the technology okay and get.

Speaker 1:

Look at, this is what I tripped out. There's a video too. I should have got this video too. When they see a UFO right and they're throwing like a rocket right and a UFO goes around it and it disarms the head. Yeah, you know, it shoots it and it disarms the head, right, I think it was a missile or a nuclear missile, I don't know. But this is what I'm trying to say. Is that these entities, demons you want to want to call them aliens. Okay, whoever believes in aliens and all that stuff it's telling. It's like saying you know what? We don't want this world to be destroyed because we're waiting for the sun of perdition to rule the earth, right, the world, the whole world, right. That's why I say and I've been saying it too, and then when I saw this chapter on the verse and it comes to mind, it makes a lot of sense All the aliens are from the underwater, right, and I want to show that clip. I want to go part by part, okay, so here's part two, when they're talking about the UAPs.

Speaker 4:

How do you know that these were not our aircraft?

Speaker 3:

Some of the behaviors that we saw in a working area. We would see these objects being at 0.0 Mach, that's zero airspeed over certain pieces of the ground. So what that means? Just like a river, if you throw a bobber in, it's going to float downstream. These objects were staying completely stationary in category four, hurricane winds. These same objects would then accelerate to supersonic speeds 1.1, 1.2 mach and they would do so in very erratic and quick behaviors that we don't I don't have an explanation for see, that's fast that's crazy, crazy, huh.

Speaker 1:

Real fast and there was a video too. I should have got that clip. And they were shooting at it and they couldn't shoot it. It was going so fast that you could see the tracers shooting at the UFO. And I made a comment in one of those comment sections. It goes just imagine you're inside that, that ufo's flying saucer. Just imagine seeing those bullets going slow motion. I know right, that's crazy, huh, yeah, I mean, I, I know I had this feeling since, since I was a kid dude, so for some reason there was something out there or underneath or you know things like that and everybody was crazy because they mentioned in the media.

Speaker 1:

You know, because back then we didn't have social media like we have now, right, right. So and they go oh, you're crazy, this and that you know, you're a fool. Oh, little green man, you know shit like that. You know, but I don't know. But for some reason, there's something out there. We're not alone, but I know for some reason that I mean I did thought that it'd come out of space. Okay, to be honest, because I was real naive and oh, yeah, you know what. Yeah, they came out of space and all that stuff. But now it's starting to get to the media, now in the future, like today's day. You know what? And when I read that chapter, you know what, and when I read that chapter, you know what I mean, you got to see the rest. So I got to let that chapter get a sink to you guys out there. But this is true, okay. So this is part three.

Speaker 5:

This is another Wondering Court. We have possession of bodies. Yes, is it multiple types of creatures?

Speaker 7:

Sir, I couldn't answer that. I can tell you anecdotally that it was discussed quite a bit when I was at the Pentagon.

Speaker 5:

Is this part of the Lockheed Martin discussion or is this? The biologics is a completely separate, separate, yet related. Okay, has there been any to your knowledge, any communication with a non-human life form?

Speaker 7:

So the term communication is a bit of a trick word because there's verbal communication like we're having now. The problem is, you also have nonverbal communication and so I would say definitively yes, but from a nonverbal meaning. When a Russian reconnaissance aircraft comes into US airspace, we scramble two F-22s and we are certainly communicating intent and capability. I think the same goes with this. We have these things that are being observed over controlled US airspace and they're not really doing a good job hiding themselves. They're making it pretty obvious. They have the ability to even interfere with our nuclear equities and our nuclear readiness. They have the ability to even interfere with our nuclear equities and our nuclear readiness.

Speaker 7:

Certainly, there seems to be some indication that they're being provocative, meaning that they're in some cases literally splitting aircraft formations right down the middle. So that's an air safety issue. The question is is it the frequency increasing? And really the response is it depends. Yes, it's possible that there is an increase in frequency, but it's also possible that there's heightened awareness now and there's also more pervasiveness of technology out there that's collecting this information than it can record this information. So we're not quite sure yet if it's actually an increase in numbers of these events?

Speaker 1:

or is it that we have better equipment now that to record these things.

Speaker 2:

What I'm trying to say, you know. They basically what he's telling you. When you, you know when you hear about nasa has a rover in mars, they're blowing smoke up your ass yeah, there is no fucking rover in mars it's just that.

Speaker 1:

It's just that's on Arizona, actually, To be honest.

Speaker 2:

We went to the moon? No, we didn't. We don't have that capability to leave Earth, we don't. The UFOs look at us and the UAPs they look at us and they laughAPs or whatever. They look at us and they laugh at us because we think we know they would look at us and just fucking laugh with the technology that we have. Yeah, it's true, we're primitive, we're slow.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And here's another.

Speaker 7:

Advanced technology. Let me be clear UAP are real. Advanced technologies, not made by our government or any other government, are monitoring sensitive military installations around the globe. Let me be clear UAP are real. Advanced technologies, not made by our government or any other government, are monitoring sensitive military installations around the globe. Furthermore, the US is in possession of UAP technologies, as are some of our adversaries. I believe we are in the midst of a multi-decade secretive arms race, one funded by misallocated taxpayer dollars and hidden from our elected representatives and oversight bodies.

Speaker 7:

For many years, I was entrusted with protecting some of our nation's most sensitive programs. In my last position, I managed a special access program on behalf of the White House and the National Security Council. As such, I appreciate the need to protect certain sensitive intelligence and military information. I consider my oath to protect secrets as sacred, and I will always put the safety of the American people first. With that said, I also understand the consequences of excessive secrecy and stovepiping. Nowhere was this more apparent than in the aftermath of 9-11, which many of us remember all too well. I believe that America's greatness depends on three elements A a watchful Congress. B a responsive executive branch. And. C an informed public. Over the last decade and a half, I learned that certain uap programs were and are operating without any of these elements, although much of my government work on the uap subject still remains classified.

Speaker 7:

Excessive secrecy has led to grave misdeeds against loyal civil servants, military personnel and the public, all to hide the fact that we are not alone in the cosmos. A small cadre within our own government involved in the UAP topic has created a culture of suppression and intimidation that I've personally been victim to, along with many of my former colleagues. This includes unwarranted criminal investigations, harassment and efforts to destroy one's credibility. Most Americans would be shocked to learn that the Pentagon's very own public affairs office openly employs a professional psychological operations officer as the singular point of contact for any UAP-related inquiries from citizens and the media. This is unacceptable. Many of my former colleagues and I have provided classified testimony to both the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community Inspector General. Many of us have subsequently been targeted by this cabal with threats to our careers, our security clearances and even our lives. This is not hyperbole but a genuine fact, and this is wrong.

Speaker 7:

To fix these problems, I propose three principal actions.

Speaker 7:

First, congress and the President should create a single point of contact responsible for a whole-of-government approach to the UAP issue.

Speaker 7:

Currently, the White House, cia, nasa, the Pentagon, department of Energy and others play a role, but no one seems to be in charge, leading to unchecked power and corruption. Second, we need a national UAP strategy that will promote transparency and help restore the American public's trust at a time when the public's trust is at an all-time low. This strategy should include a whole-of-government approach, including the academic and scientific communities, the private sector and our international partners and allies. Third, congress should create a protected environment so whistleblowers desperate to do the right thing can come forward without fear. As it currently stands, these whistleblowers suffer because of stigma, a code of silence and concerns about retaliation. These whistleblowers should be encouraged to come forward in ways that protect them against any forms of retaliation. Policies and procedures should ensure that protection and, for those who refuse to cooperate, cooperate is up to the members of this committee and other lawmakers to wield their subpoena power against hostile witnesses and prevent additional government funding to those UAP efforts that remain hidden from congressional oversight.

Speaker 1:

In closing, so another, in other words, that they're trying like tell us little by little, right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, little by little.

Speaker 1:

We already know there's life out there already.

Speaker 2:

Right, and this just confirms it, you know.

Speaker 1:

And they still want to lie to us. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

They're like trust me, bro, just trust me. I can't tell you everything, just trust me, yeah like little by little, right?

Speaker 1:

yeah like, oh my gosh dude.

Speaker 8:

And then, um, there's another one right here, so let's see this guy, it's amazing just how gullible the world is and the fact that all these people are already starting to believe this deception, this lie of aliens, these other beings that live here with us in other galaxies, in the ocean. Whatever the newest trend is that you're seeing on the news, please stop getting your information from the news. All of this is written in the Bible. They're not aliens, they're demons. They're fallen angels. They are the ones that will continue to play out what God had already written in the word as things continue to progress and get deceptive. Lie that they have technology and stuff that we can utilize, that we can harness, and there's going to be peace and security brought onto the earth through them.

Speaker 8:

Whatever the latest trend is, the bottom line is it is pure evil, it's from Satan. These fallen angels, these demons, are all what play out during the end times and that can be found in the word of God. Don't get your information from the news. Aliens do not exist. They are spiritual, interdimensional beings that have been here since they fell from heaven and they are Satan's army. All right, so don't fall into what this world is telling you. It's not of god and it is a dangerous slippery slope. But if you want to find your information.

Speaker 1:

Open up the word of god so that's the one I'm talking about. See how he says that okay, yeah, they, they're falling angels. But that was before, um, when um lucifer wanted to be god, he wanted to be in control.

Speaker 2:

Oh, this was this was, uh, you know, a couple thousand years ago. A few thousand years ago, yeah, and they're still here and they're still here.

Speaker 1:

So when, when he says about the angels fall, or they fall in this one, um, lucifer challenged god. You know, I want to exactly yeah, I want a new bell, you know yeah, okay, but then after when jesus was already, you know, born already and um it changed everything, so right.

Speaker 1:

So now he meets a possessed man and he's really possessed, and this possessed man was just attacking any person that will walk by his way, you know. And so when he met Jesus, he says I am. And Jesus asked him what's your name? And go. My name is Legion. I'm of many of them, Of many yeah.

Speaker 1:

And so that's. You got to see the video. I've got the clip here. You could want to see it. It's on Mark, chapter 9,. No, mark, chapter 5, verse 9 and 13,. Okay, all right, here we go. I mean, okay, before I start the clip, this explains that this is where all the airfoils come from, from. The ocean Explains it. I mean, the legion wanted, you know, don't put me in the abyss. You know, throw me in a full of herds of swine. Jesus puts them in a full of swine. They go in the stampede, they go crazy and they start falling in a cliff. What did they land? On the ocean? The bottom of the abyss. Here's a clip. It's a good animation. I want to know who is this animation guy? He did, he did a good job on it and, um, it's really good. Y'all just check it out. It's a. It's really awesome.

Speaker 6:

I'm good, let's go. Jesus, son of the Most High God, what do you want with me? I beg you?

Speaker 3:

don't punish me.

Speaker 2:

What is your name? Legion, you don't punish me. What is your name?

Speaker 6:

Lord, we beg you, do not send us into the abyss. Let us enter into the herd. Oh my God, hey, come back.

Speaker 4:

Come back, stop Stop.

Speaker 1:

Stop, can you see that?

Speaker 2:

It's pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

So that explains the whole alien thing that's under the ocean, because this is my theory too, because they're pigs, right, they're swines, and they're evil spirits. And how do you know? They multiply, like you know, and they started evolving like creatures. You know, what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty cool, dude. I've never seen that animation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah. No, I want to know who does the animation on that one, but it was pretty good. It's a pretty good animation, but yeah, that's what I've been saying. So when he did the, he sent all the swine and the swine is falling in the ocean. I think that's where all the whole thing came about.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying? Yeah, so I mean people. I mean people look at, read, or look at something like this, right, and it is, ah, that's, that's, you know, fucking fairy tales, blah, blah how do you? Know, you know? How do you know? You know, these are the people that don't think that we were created. We were created.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we weren't the ones that don't believe in like jesus and all that stuff they, but they believe in aliens, right?

Speaker 2:

you know what I'm saying? They believe we came from monkeys yeah, we're monkeys, but whom?

Speaker 1:

who created the monkey?

Speaker 2:

yeah um.

Speaker 1:

Does you know?

Speaker 2:

as we were created, dude, like we, we have a creator we have a creator. It like I've take a bag of fucking Legos, shake it for a billion years and then right, yeah, I ain't gonna fucking do shit, you have to create it we were created yeah, exactly everything we touch we. It was something. It was created, that's true but so what are you?

Speaker 1:

what is your take on on what I'm talking about? Like, well, my take.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we're fucked well, we're screwed.

Speaker 1:

You know, I just mean, because this is, and then this is what I'm telling you that all this is connected to the bible and to the world war. You know it's going on right now. You know it's not, there's not going to be no world war three. You know I don't think so. Um, they're just waiting for peace. Um, lucifer doesn't want the earth to be destroyed, he wants to save it for his son to conquer the world.

Speaker 2:

It's like where we're at and again, I said this a million times in the podcast when we're at. This. What we call home earth was given to us. We're going to live off of the water and the land and the fruits. You know, the animals Create children. This is a gift from us, from our creator. But as time went by and even in the Roman eras, there was fucking politicians, there was fucking taxes, there was fucking corruption, there was all this shit and we see that today the rich people are supposed to be rich and the poor people are supposed to be poor. So that's what I'm seeing and when it ends I hope when it ends, and it ends soon we get to reset and start all over and I get to grow my fucking tomatoes in the backyard and drink fucking. Drink fresh water that was given to us, not water that contains fucking fluoride and fucking all these chemicals and tap water and shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. But yeah, dude, I mean, I mean it. Just I don't know. It's just rumors of war and all that stuff. It's in the Bible. I mean, it's coming true. Everything's all prophesied. It's all coming true.

Speaker 2:

Well, they better hurry up, because the mortgage is due in a few days.

Speaker 1:

You got to start repenting, dude. Everybody has to start repenting. You know, it's like it's telling us to get ready and repent. Get ready, yeah.

Speaker 2:

We have plenty of time. We've had plenty of time to be ready to repent. We've had plenty of fucking time, dude, he's giving us a chance on warning and all that stuff. We still don't listen.

Speaker 2:

We still don't listen, yeah but, here's a little fun fact the name Jesus in Spanish is Jesus, right? Yes, well, the Greeks, they got Jesus from the Greek right. Mm-hmm, I think it's pronounced Jesus, okay, jesus, jesus In Greek. Yeah, but what you're really saying is Hail Zeus, oh Hail Zeus, no shit, that's what you're really saying. Hail Zeus, oh Hail Zeus, no shit, that's what you're really saying. I didn't know that. Yeah, fun fact Damn. So his name was Yeshua Joshua, joshua.

Speaker 1:

Joshua, Because there was no J at the time. Huh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there was no J at the time.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't invented yet, until maybe what?

Speaker 2:

Mid-1500s. The letter J came around Mid-1500s.

Speaker 1:

That's my theory, dude. That's my belief. That's what really happened. This is why we have aliens coming from the ocean, not from the technology they're just preparing, because they know that the son of perdition is already alive. He's around, so they're coming out of the woodwork already, and I think they wanted the reason why they're mentioning this in the news because they're telling them to tell us we're here, something's going to happen, dude.

Speaker 2:

But I just hope we go in peace, not like fucking zap us and we're fucking turned into dust. I just want to go in peace. If we see war, we see war, you know.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't think it's going to be like that. I think they're just going to force us to worship they're just. They're just going to be. This is why what do you think they abduct people? To put a chip in them. They're like practicing put a chip on them, Put a chip on them. When they abduct them and all that stuff, they're testing us how to put a chip on our body. How many times have people been abducted and then been getting chipped Like an object in there? You know.

Speaker 2:

We've probably been abducted. We don't even know about it. Yeah, true, in there, you know.

Speaker 1:

We've probably been abducted. We don't even know about it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, true, true, you never know.

Speaker 1:

But from other stories too. I don't know there was, I think it was Area 51. Not even you can't even bang your toe or anything like that, or your foot. You can't even say the word. The name Jesus, I mean right back to the name Jesus. And because the people that have them in Area 51, they get all, they'll get mad and they do something. Oh really, yeah, I should have got that clip too.

Speaker 2:

That's what happens when you're unscripted.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know right.

Speaker 2:

Not to change the subject here for a second. What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

Speaker 1:

We're going to keep. No Well to keep. I'm going to go to work in the morning.

Speaker 2:

That's right. You're going to hang out right there with Sexy Pants and Huggy Bear.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we are.

Speaker 2:

Nice. I'm going to deep fry my turkey.

Speaker 1:

You're going to deep fry it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see how it comes out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've been seeing that a lot. They've been doing that lately on the internet. I've been seeing it on social media.

Speaker 2:

I watched a few videos on it on YouTube on how to do it right. It looks fucking scary dude. I'm kind of scared. I won't lie. Why is that? I don't know, because the oil's hot. Well you might see that you can splash.

Speaker 1:

Put some goggles on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know what I mean. Yeah, fucking burn myself. I thought he was Mexican.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. So just get prepared. You know, I think something big is going to happen next year. Yeah, I think so too, dude. Something big is going to happen, we'll see. I have a feeling that Russia is going to destroy Ukraine with nuclear missiles.

Speaker 2:

You think so?

Speaker 1:

It's going to only be one country, because then the Bible says that there's going to be one country that's going to be attacked. They're saying Israel, but God protects Israel. They're going to be one country that's going to be attacked. They're saying Israel, but God protects Israel. They're going to surround Israel all the enemies. That's when you know the end of the world's coming. That's when you know Jesus is on his way. I haven't really heard much about Israel lately, dude, yeah, I know, right, they've been quiet lately. Huh, yeah, yeah, all of a sudden.

Speaker 2:

I know the international court put a warrant out for Benjamin Netanyahu. Oh, they did. Yeah, they put a warrant for crimes against him. And this is the thing that bugs me, dude. They put a warrant out for his arrest for crimes against humanity, right? Mm-hmm. Where were these fucking courts when George Bush did it to Iraq?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I know right.

Speaker 2:

You know right, claiming weapons of mass destruction, and they didn't find shit. All they did was kill innocent men, women and children, dude.

Speaker 1:

That's true.

Speaker 2:

That's still up for debate. People talk about it. That's fucking funny, dude, that's crazy, are we? Here at Joseph, I think we're at. Did you read my title?

Speaker 1:

I put under for you yeah, I read it Joe bangs his turkey before cooking.

Speaker 2:

Wow, damn lucky turkey, lucky turkey yeah.

Speaker 1:

So everyone out there, just be prepared, um, get right, get right with god, you know, because I think this is, this is it. This is the time to start believing, and people will leave this advice to the people.

Speaker 2:

You guys want to look into it. You think it's, you know, far-fetched. You think it's, you know, you got to think outside of the box.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 2:

Because you always have to remember that the truth is always stranger than fiction.

Speaker 1:

That is true, and you know it's funny, dude, it's kind of funny. What's funny? I just let them research it, the Bible and everything. It's all coming out, dude, it's all telling us. It's there.

Speaker 2:

And it's like you know a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

Demons, they're demons.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it goes back to when a lot of people think that, oh, you know, the Bible is a fairy tale, because, look, they're talking about dragons.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know Well, they weren't dragons, they were dinosaurs. But again, the word dinosaur didn't come around until the late 1800s.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, true.

Speaker 2:

So you're not going to find dinosaurs in the first written book of the Bible back in the day, that's true. So they were dinosaurs living amongst humans. They hunted, they hunted the dinosaurs. They hunted, they ate the dinosaurs. They hunted, they ate the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs helped them out. You know, like we have donkeys, you know carrying our loads or whatever. That's what dinosaurs did for them too back then. But people can't wrap their mind around that, because they believe in the indoctrination of millions and millions and millions and millions of years ago, when millions of years ago, millions of years ago, didn't fucking happen. It didn't happen.

Speaker 1:

It didn't happen. That's true, guys. So get what. Like I said again, have faith. This is the Talkers Podcast, unscripted. I'm right here with our host, the Gooch, and I am host Joe.

Speaker 2:

So hey catch that documentary of Elvis dude on Netflix.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I already saw it already. It's pretty good yeah, I saw it.

Speaker 2:

That's what got me in a Well that's what you got.

Speaker 1:

Alright, guys, this is it. This is the Talkers Podcast, unscripted. Joel and the Gooch everyone, thank you very much and thank you for all your downloads out there and listening. Thank you very much. Any last words for you, gooch.

Speaker 2:

If you guys want to reach out to the Gooch, it's T-H-E-E-G-O-O-C-H-7-6 at gmailcom. You guys don't drink and drive. You guys don't drink and drive. You guys drink stay home.

Speaker 1:

All right guys. All I got to say is bye, bye, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So Thank you.

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