Thee Talkers Podcast: Unscripted

Bad Politics And Bad Entertainment

Joe, Remo, Benny and Thee Gooch Season 2 Episode 66

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  Ever found yourself working late hours and even on holidays, only to find joy in the chilly weather while your buddy grumbles about arthritis? That's how Joe and Thee Gooch kick off this episode of Thee Talkers Podcast, Unscripted. Our unscripted banter takes us from the cozy comforts of seasonal weather preferences to the hustle of holiday work schedules. We chat about the quirks of aging, share some laughs, and even ponder how Mike Tyson's lifestyle choices have impacted his current boxing performance.

Things heat up as we question the legitimacy of a recent boxing match and Jake Paul's career in the ring. Should Jake face a real pro like Canelo, or would he have survived against a prime Tyson? Our conversation doesn't pull any punches as we discuss the intriguing 4B movement from South Korea, which encourages women to abstain from relationships with men until 2028. We dive into the socio-political dynamics of Trump's presidency, unraveling misconceptions and offering candid opinions on women's rights.

As we wrap up, we navigate the murky waters of crypto investments and political hypocrisy. The episode takes a critical look at public perceptions, media influence, and trust in figures like Donald Trump and RFK Jr. We explore societal contradictions and chat about career changes, family dynamics, and movies like Deadpool, Wolverine, and Joker. With humor and skepticism, we reflect on our personal experiences and cultural phenomena, promising an engaging and diverse listen.

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what's up. What's up. What's up everybody. What's up this. What's up everybody, what's up? This is the Talkers Podcast, Unscripted. My name is Joe. How's everybody doing out there? And I got our host the Gooch.

Thee Gooch:

How's it going? How's it going? How's it going? Testing, testing, good, good, good. How's it going?


How's it going? Testing, testing.

Thee Gooch:

Good, good, good.


I see you like to lick your hot dogs before you cook them. Oh yeah, and I see your butt picks. Oh yes, yes, yes, it says right there the Gooch's butt picks. How's it going? Joel Mine says yours says Joe eats. No, Joe licks his hot dogs before cooking them. Yeah, I'm not wearing my glasses. I can't see. Oh really, yeah, how's.

Thee Gooch:

Oh really.


Yeah, how's it going? Gooch, before we start the show, I was going to say that today is good weather. Today is really chilly outside, it's 58 degrees. I really like that, love it a lot. I love it. I love it. That was the day. That's today. Well, it's in the lows because we're it's around 7 36 right now. So, um, yeah, it's, uh, it's, it's a good, it's, it's a, it's a good, uh, feeling, um, feeling cold, and we could be cozy wearing our sweaters, thermal sweats, pajamas or pjs or whatever you want to say.

Thee Gooch:

Oh, suck a fart out of my ass. What are you talking about? I'd rather the heat than the cold dude.


You think so?

Thee Gooch:

Oh yeah, dude, Especially with my arthritis.


Oh yeah, you got that.

Thee Gooch:

Oh, fuck yeah, dude, shit, suck it I forgot about that, but I don't know.


I just like the weather, I'd say, because it keeps me pumped up and keeps my body warm and I get cozy. You know, when you go to sleep you're in the bed, you go While you're tightening your butt yeah oh, I get it that's how you know. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one out there, yeah a lot of people enjoy the cold more than the heat.

Thee Gooch:

I rather preferably the heat like the summer times and shit and and sleeping my chonies.


Oh, yeah, so my day went well. Good day at work, of course, Beautiful day. Oh, you work today. Yeah, I work today. I think this week is going to be our final working. I mean day off, our second week, how do you call it? Because we have two days off, right, this is going to be our last one. So starting next week, we're going to start working the sixth day.


No shit, oh, because of Christmas. Huh, so it's going to be hectic for Christmas and all that stuff. They call it peak season. It's around the world, you know, because of the seasons, you know everybody's ordering and it's for Christmas, blah, blah, blah. But yeah, so it was a good day at work at Natter. I enjoyed it, and you know I enjoyed it because sometimes they want you to fail, but you know they want you to fail, but it kind of makes you laugh because you know you didn't fail, you know, right, that's all right. Other than that, it was good. It was a good day. It was a good day at work. We got our thing done and we got it completely, and I just wanted to get out of there.

Thee Gooch:

Do your hours change when you go to Big Deek season?


Yeah, they're going to start changing next week. We're going to start at five now, five in the morning. Well, it's going to be after Thanksgiving, actually, but we work Thanksgiving. That sucks. Oh, you do yeah in the morning, because we go in in the morning. Well, it's going to be after Thanksgiving actually, but we work Thanksgiving. That sucks. Oh, you do yeah in the morning, because we go in in the morning. So it's like what's the? I don't know, that's what they say. I go. What? Again? We got to work on Thanksgiving again, I go. Oh man, that sucks man.

Thee Gooch:

Well, I mean to be honest, I really don't care so much about thanksgiving.


It's the, christmas, is the and new year's is the one. I really, yeah, I care about.

Thee Gooch:

You know, yeah, but the other than that I mean thanksgiving I'm not too much worried about that but yeah yeah, you're right how you been doing Gooch, I'm doing good, busy at work, Fucking tired, Definitely feeling my age man. Holy fuck my bones hurt.


Oh, you feeling like Mike Tyson now? Yeah.

Thee Gooch:

Poor Mike. I don't know why he put himself in that situation. What'd you think about the fight, dude?


To be honest, dude, I mean he was, he's already out there, you know he's he's like, I mean he's like eight, uh, eight years, no, seven years older than me. I'm 51, oh shit. Oh, I mean, I think because he partied too much, he, he did a lot of what's going on, you know what I'm saying and it kind of it kind of affected him in the long run. You know, he started getting to that age already, you know I mean considering, yeah, he's 58.

Thee Gooch:

he looked good when he was, you know, sparring and training and you know he looked really good. So I was like confident, holy shit, 58. But then when it came down to the event, it's like okay, yeah, I was thinking you know like my fucking thoughts. All to the event, it's like okay, yeah, I was thinking you know like my fucking thoughts, all right, the eighth round, he's going to fucking wake up. He's going to put this fool to sleep. Nothing, dude. He fucked around with his mouthpiece. Yeah, for a fucking time.


Yeah, I think he was biting the glove. I don't know if you noticed it. He was biting it. Is that what he was doing? Yeah, he was biting his glove, did he ever explain why? Well, because he said he had an urge of biting. Oh really, yeah, because they did ask him. Oh shit, stuff like that, yeah, and I was like, oh my gosh dude. But I don't know if you want to talk about your day or you just want to move along or what?

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, let's move along, nobody cares about me.


Yeah, okay, my days, my days are he's tired, but like, uh, what was, what was pissing me off? I'm, and then it goes. I think everybody's feeling it too, because, um, I was all watching it. Oh fuck yeah, five o'clock, yeah I'm gonna be watching it, right, yeah?


yeah, I'm gonna let be watching it, right, yeah? Yeah, I wish I had a beer because I didn't drink, because I had to go to work in the next morning. So I got fucking, I'm just going to watch it all like that, but no. And then after that it started lagging it, dude, like fuck. I thought it was just one little thing. It's going to fucking be done and that's it. Oh, it's just a little temporary shit, no, but he's been doing it the whole fucking night, dude, lagging it. You could see 20%, 30%, 40%. And when it hit the 90, I go come on fucking 100. Come on fucking 100. Come on 100. No, it did it, just froze, no shit. And then I thought it was just okay, that one thing. Then I go Let me fucking exit it out, let me Cancel it, let me reboot it again and put it on back to Netflix. So I did that. So then I put it on Resume live. So I put resume live and you know what it does it throws me back to the beginning Of the fucking shit.


I don't know if it was my internet. I was thinking my internet. I was already gonna fucking throw my remote control to the fucking TV. Dude, I'm gonna bust like an Elvis, but just throwing the remote to the TV good thing you don't have no guns. I don't imagine, bam. I was going to shoot the fucking TV, but then I go oh, fuck it, what the fuck I'm here watching. I thought it was a new thing again and a new life. No, it threw me all the way back to the fucking beginning. Oh fuck.

Thee Gooch:

Did you fast forward it to the live?


I was trying to fast forward it. I did you fast forward it to the live. I was trying to fast forward it. Didn't fast forward it either. But and then I had a what it says the main box is the main box in netflix. It says resume, live. But there's another box in the bottom says live, and there's like two boxes. I go what the fuck? What they go like they're fucking with everybody today. So I just like, oh my gosh dude, I just fucking turned off this TV in my living room and it was once in my room, it was good on that.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, because it was happening to millions of subscribers. It was happening to everybody. Dude, it didn't happen when you were telling me about it, when you were texting me last night. It wasn't happening to my TV. But once the Mike Tyson went went on, it was lagging, it was getting. Fucking netflix wasn't prepared for that many fucking people to be watching a live show.


Um, and it was a lot of people watching it right yeah, millions were watching.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, so the servers were giving out. You know they weren't prepared, so get your shit together.


Netflix yeah, no shit that's true, but I don't know, he was just uh, he was just tired dude, he was just winded out already, but, um, I don't know. To me, I think it was just an act. All that shit was an act yeah, yeah, possibility.

Thee Gooch:

I mean, yeah, he's old. I mean why is a 27-year-old bragging about beating up? I mean, don't get me wrong. I respect Jake Paul's views and life and political views or whatever. I really respect him for that. But this shit right here with Mike Tyson, I don't know man, it's just he's old.


Don't you think it was just a? Don't you think it was just like a, just to give him publicity? Yeah.

Thee Gooch:

Make him more.


Give him clout and shit like that, oh yeah.

Thee Gooch:

Oh yeah, you know, to boost him up, to boost him up, boost him. Yeah, it's Mike Tyson. He's my favorite boxer.


Nintendo remember Punch-Out, yeah, Punch-Out, and they were. They're comparisoning the Glass of Joy with him. Huh, yeah that show was funny, dude, it was pretty funny, it was all spot on huh. Yeah, yeah.

Thee Gooch:

But I mean he was old, it was an okay fight. You know the prelims, the fights before it were better.


Oh, yeah, yeah.

Thee Gooch:

The one, uh, the one girl that lost, they stole that lost they stole that fucking fight from her. They did. They robbed her. They robbed her, fucking blind dude.


Because it was straight out that she was just headbutting yeah she fucking outpunched her Kate.

Thee Gooch:

she what's her name? Amanda Outpunched.



Thee Gooch:

Right, amanda outpunched Kate by fucking 100 punches, dude, and then she still lost. That's fucking horse shit.


I think it was in the first round. She gave her a big fucking jab and she fucking that's the.

Thee Gooch:



It didn't make sense yeah.

Thee Gooch:

We're huge boxing fans because our family, our dad's side, loves it, we did it, whatever. Yeah, dude, it just goes to show that boxing can be fixed. And the whole Jake Paul thing he needs to fight real boxers. You know who did he fight? Who was a real boxer, an actual boxer? I forgot.


Was it Tyson Fury? I think it might have been.

Thee Gooch:

Tyson Fury or Mike Fury, anyways. Well, he fought a real boxer and he beat him up. He was a real boxer. So if Jake wants to be a real boxer, like an actual career boxer, and claim to be the best, I think he needs to go pound for pound with real boxers.


Well, he was was calling Canelo If he wants to fight with him.

Thee Gooch:

Now the big question is Is that In Mike Tyson's prime, when Mike Tyson was young and he was fucking Beating up guys in the first round, knocking them out first round, do you think Jake Paul would have Lasted?


No, because you know why. If you see the previous videos of Mike Tyson fighting, they were tall. All taller than him, and now Mike Tyson just knocked him out with his power uppercut.

Thee Gooch:

I want to get punched in the face by Mike Tyson. One of these days I want to get punched in the face by Mike Tyson one of these days, that shit huh. Maybe it'll straighten me out.


To improve your screw.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, knock that, screw back into that.


Yeah there you go. So what do you have today, dude? What do you have to give us today? What do you have to share?

Thee Gooch:

Oh, my God, it's my turn. There's a new movement. Well, it's not actually new, but here in America it's new. It's a 4B movement. I don't know if you heard about it, joseph 4B movement. Yeah, the origin of the 4B movement was actually created in South Korea. Fuck, I forgot what year it was, but it's up there, okay. Well, anyways, after Donald Trump won the election, the fucking far leftist, these fucking whack jobs. Women not all women are whack jobs, don't get me wrong. Okay.

Thee Gooch:

But these women are in a 4B movement, which means no to men, no to sex. Oh my gosh, hold on. Okay, give me a second Wow. Oh, okay, Give me a second Wow. So no to marrying men, no to giving birth, no to dating men and no sex with men. Okay, well, that kind of clears it up. Because no sex with men. They probably can have sex with women, right, big old fucking, black dildos and shit, right, or black fists or whatever however, or champagne bottles or champagne bottle yeah, baseball bats, whatever these women are into.

Thee Gooch:

Or maybe a donkey for you, or a fucking donkey, good for you. Yeah, you, you get them. Get them, while the getting is good, you know what I'm saying so.

Thee Gooch:

the whole movement is they're doing this from now, after Donald Trump won the election, up until 2028, with no men, no sex, none of this shit. Right because they want nothing, because they think that this is the whack job for our lefts. They think that they're going to lose rights when Donald Trump is actually in office. But what these idiots don't realize is that Donald Trump was already president. What rights did they lose? Period. My whole fucking point is to say listen, listen, let's be real for a second.

Thee Gooch:

all right, women like wake up to the reality. Right, wake up to the reality. Women are shaving their heads, they're wearing blue face masks and they're wearing blue uh bracelets. So they can identify each other Really. Yeah, so they can identify the 4B movement. Listen, let's just take a step back, okay, and I'm going to say this because I've seen it in my lifetime. I'm 48 years old and I've seen a lot, you know. We've seen a lot, you know.

Thee Gooch:

And this is no offense to the beautiful women out there. Okay, I love women. I try to respect. Oh, do you love women so much? Yeah, I love them so and, like I said, I've seen this in my lifetime women are just as bad as men with sex and they need to realize it because, out of this four b movement coming come on, yeah, yeah, let's be real no sex until 28, uh, 2028 she's. You know what I'm saying?


it's like oh, that ain't gonna happen, that's impossible no and no offense to women.

Thee Gooch:

Like I said, no offense. They're just as bad as men when it comes to sex. I bet you they're getting face fucked right now. We don't. You know what I'm saying. It's like, let's be real, that's true. I mean, it's just more power to them. That's their freedom. They want to have this movement. They think they're going to lose rights. It's fucking stupid.


Oh, I mean, the question is how they're going to lose rights, I mean, what way? I mean they have their good rights, they have everything you know it's because it all.

Thee Gooch:

It all pertains to the role versus Wade, right, when Donald Trump took it off of the Supreme Court, decided to take it off the federal control and leave it up to the states to decide if an abortion is necessary for women or not. That's what this whole shit's about, okay? So now, why the fuck do these women want? Why do these women want the federal government to control whether or not they're able to have abortions? Let the states decide. If you get raped, you're going to get raped and you get pregnant, fuck yeah. If you feel like you need to abort it, abort it. You know. If you feel, or if incest, like if, yeah, like if I got you pregnant, though, right, and I'll be, like, you know, a butt baby comes out, right, you know Okay.


You're going to have the right to abort it, right?

Thee Gooch:



Well, it's because, like it's the feeling that you don't, it doesn't feel right. Right, it doesn't feel right. When a girl gets raped and she gets pregnant, you think she's going to feel right Having a baby.

Thee Gooch:

It's not consensual.


It wasn't consensual sex. It's quite obvious. A woman's not going to feel right.

Thee Gooch:

And then these women think that they won't be able to abort because it's no longer under the federal government. It doesn't fucking matter whether it's federal government, the state it's under your state, you could still have an abortion. You're not being taken from that. It's stupid. Why do they think that Are?


you weird. I mean You're not being taken from that. Yeah yeah, it's stupid. Why did they think that? Really weird, I mean.

Thee Gooch:

I mean let's get back to the but baby but he's going to be a little little stinker, huh Little little, little poopoo head.


Um yeah, but that's funny. I mean, why would they want to think, why are they thinking that they're going to lose their rights when Donald Trump? It's just, it's just paranoia dude.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, they listen to CNN, the media, msnbc, you know all these. But listen, you guys want to do that. 4b, no sex, no men, bullshit. More power to you, but I'm telling you right now, you guys are having sex, no matter what, whether it's male or fucking female, it's sex. Sex is fucking sex. Even sex with yourself, right? Yeah, I had sex with myself the other day. You got pretty brutal.


Oh my gosh, oh boy.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah. So more power to you, to the women, the women you know hey, that's what you want to do, go for it.


Just don't bullshit a bullshitter, because we all know you're gonna have sex yeah, yeah you know, come on now it's gonna become a thing now, like it's gonna be those pronouns thing now, yeah, yeah it's one of that shit oh.

Thee Gooch:

Like come on, I start foaming at the mouth. Two days without sexting. I don't know how you fuckers do it, but two days I start foaming at the mouth.


That's fucking crazy. That's wild, really wild.

Thee Gooch:

So cut the bullshit, be honest to yourself. You know, I don't know it's controversial.


Fuck them. But you were mentioning about Howard Stern. I mean not Howard Stern, I mean when you were coming about, Donald Trump. And now what's her name? Whoopi Goldberg, that makes all this shit. You got Tom Hanks leaving out of the country. Leaving what? Canada? I think so.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, I mean why. You know I see you leaving the state. We have a lot of celebrities. What's his name? Mark Wahlberg left California for Vegas because he feels like it's safer. You got other celebrities Moving out because of a president like Donald Trump. It blows my fucking mind, because everybody loved him. He helped every politician. He donated to both parties, Republican and Democrat but as soon as he ran for president and he won, everybody turned on him. That's true, Everybody. Because he was that's fucking weird.


Everything's fucking Getting weird, dude. Everything's all fucking weird. Everybody's getting all weird. I mean I think he's gonna. Like I said again, I think he's gonna. I mean, like I said again, I want to repeat myself again, I'm not into politics, but I think I think he will do good for the country.

Thee Gooch:

He will, we'll see.


I mean if someone's against somebody and someone doesn't like that person, I mean there's something that they're hiding. I mean they're hiding something.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, and here's another stupid shit from society. Raj, everybody's fucking in an uproar because RFK Jr, robert F Kennedy Jr, right Jr, this is Robert Kennedy's son Son. Okay, donald Trump appointed him for the health food shit Like the foods right For America. He's going to take control of the FDA, I think, and all the chemicals are going to the food.


And all that stuff and you watch the news.

Thee Gooch:

You watch the news, right, and you say well, what does Robert F Kennedy know about the food industry? He's not a scientist, he's not a doctor. You know what's so fucking hypocritical about that. Everybody, all these fucking leftist democrats have a problem with robert f kennedy being in that position, but they're, but they're willing to eat all of bill gates's food. And who is bill gates? He's a creator of a fucking software who has no background in in science. No background in food in science, no background in food. But everybody's okay with eating his genetically enhanced watermelons, avocados, grapes with no seeds in them. Everybody's okay with that. Cancer causing fruits, right, cause we don't know. Homemade meat, right? That's what you mean. Yeah, he has absolutely no Scientific Education, but everybody's okay with that. Oh my gosh, fucking stupid, fucking Democrats, fucking Democrats.



Thee Gooch:

And some Republicans yeah, there's some.


That's true. There's some in the mix too. There's some Republicans that are against. Get me wrong. Yeah, that's true. There's some in the mix too. Right, Because there's some Republicans that are against Donald Trump too.

Thee Gooch:

Oh yeah.


We'll just leave it like that. We'll just, we'll see what happens next year. But you know what? There's a lot going on on the stock, a lot of things going up. I don't know if we know about, like the XR, xr, what is it? Xrl I forget what it is the. Bitcoin and what else? The Doge, oh yeah. Elon Musk so there's a lot of people investing, investing, investing I sound like Mike Tyson Investing, investing. I mean, I really got involved with it already.

Thee Gooch:

Who'd you invest in?


All of them Crypto Hold on. Let me see Investing. They say that to go right now to XRP right now, it wasn't a sheep, I'm into sheep. Right now to XRP right now, it wasn't a and SHIB, I'm into SHIB right now. They say, if it's red and it's going down, that's when you put your money in.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, because it'll skyrocket.


Yeah, and then if it goes up, you get the interest Right now. When they said that about the XRP, they said to jump on that, miranda, because right now, when they said that about the XRP, they said to jump on that because right now, let me check it out.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, because Dogecoin Elon Musk yeah, he owns that one. And when Donald Trump selected him for I forget what it's like it fucking skyrocketed dude.


It's like every time Elon Musk mentions something, he goes up, you know what I'm saying.

Thee Gooch:

I go up too every time Elon Musk says something.


Oh shit but um but um. Yeah. So I got Sheeb XRP. I got Etheren Doge Bitcoin and Pepe. I got SHIB XRP. I got Etheren Doge Bitcoin and Pepe. How about?

Thee Gooch:

it. I have Dogecoin.


You have Dogecoin.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, I do have that one. I've had it for roughly almost three years.


I haven't touched it. They say not to touch it.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, I'll have to check on it. It's been a couple, a few months since I've checked on it.


Because they say that most people what they do is, when they see it go down, they sell, they sell. They say that just to hold it, because you just hold it till it increases to the years.

Thee Gooch:

Well remember when Elon Musk came out on SNL Mm-hmm. What was it Two or three years ago, that's.


That's when I've had it oh, that's when you had it. Yeah, I didn't even know you were investing that.

Thee Gooch:

I don't know fuck you, never know I probably have 150k in that motherfucker right now.


I mean, like right now, bitcoins, right now it's about 90,000 right now, dude, oh shit, but it's about, let's see, $90,000 right now dude oh shit.


It's dropping and the SHIB right now is in a low, so I already put $10 on it. I mean it's not much, but it says that keep adding. It's like they say that do not put your money in the bank, invest it in there. It's like invest in there. It's like invest in there. It's like your money's saved right there because it's increasing. Yeah, and I just heard on I think it was in Google. You know how they say Google News. Yeah, that Chase my bank. Okay, GP Morgan. They said that I'm thinking in a week, I think about this week. Actually, they said that they're going to cut down the. You know when you get your money increases every month Right right.


They're going to cut down, I think 4%.

Thee Gooch:

Oh shit.


Now we're going to get 2%, you know. So I go fuck Shit. They're going to take money and I'm going to get too much rate on my.

Thee Gooch:

Right, you know what I'm saying, right.


Right, so I go fuck, I just have to deal with them. You know because? Is that only?

Thee Gooch:

JP Morgan or JP Morgan. Is it different banks doing the same shit too? Just JP Morgan Chase. How come you don't look into getting another bank account?


I was thinking going to Wells Fargo's.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, wells Fargo has been good to me, aside from somebody hacking my account three times since I've been with Wells Fargo. But they recovered my money the next day. I think one of the last times I had to close my account because somebody I don't know who somebody had my account and was fucking. They drew out a few hundred dollars. Oh no shit. I think in Mississippi.

Thee Gooch:

All the way over there I don't know how the fuck they did it, dude, Because I don't like buying shit online. If I buy shit online, I'm using either Apple Pay or I won't put my debit card straight up on the fucking. You know, when you're ordering, I'm going to go through a second party. You know PayPal or Apple Pay, yeah. But yeah, dude, somebody got my account and I think it was like almost 400 bucks. Oh, shit.

Thee Gooch:

Someone was ordering food, commissary, for a prisoner in Mississippi. Oh fuck, no way. Yeah, oh shit, yeah. But then, like I said, wells Fargo has been good to me. They recovered it. You know, the following day they put that money back in and they caught.


They alert you right.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, no, actually they didn't, Because I was trying to use my card or some shit and it was declining. Because when something suspicious like that happens, they're supposed to alert me, which they do on the app, but I don't have my alerts on. They shut down the account.


Yeah, because when you go out of state right. That's when they look suspicious on that shit.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, so like right now, I use my card, obviously in Wyoming, but once I go to California and I use it over there, I'll get an alert.


Yeah, chase does that real good. Once I go like out of state, like the other time I went to Las Vegas, once I used that card, they alerted me on my text. So I had to call my bank and say, yeah, it's me, you shit yeah. But yeah, dude, other than that, I mean very interesting days are. That's what's happening. You should know.

Thee Gooch:

Are you guys doing like a turkey for Thanksgiving?


I don't know, you know what? They haven't told me anything, but I'm pretty sure we are.

Thee Gooch:

I'll be your turkey. I'll be your turkey.


Be my turkey.

Thee Gooch:

I'll lay down on the table with the apple in my mouth.


Yeah, baby yeah, but I don't know, dude. It would be pointless for me, dude, to have Thanksgiving, because I gotta know I got to go to work, you know like.

Thee Gooch:

What about the sexy pants and fucking?


Yeah, they're going to do. Yeah, they're going to do. I think they might do a Thanksgiving dinner. I'm not sure they haven't said anything yet, but I bought one of those deep fires fryers oh you did, yeah.

Thee Gooch:

One of those deep fryers, oh you did. Yeah. The real big ones where you put the turkey in the oil and you fry it. Yeah, I bought one of those. It's a big one, yeah, it's pretty big Jeez, I got one of those. I just need the turkey now and oil. That's all you need.


Yeah, because for me, I'm going to eat and I'm going to go to's like I'm gonna eat and I'm gonna go to sleep, because I'm gonna wake up at around fucking 4 o'clock in the morning or 2 o'clock in the morning to wake up to go to work.

Thee Gooch:

God damn, hey, you know LB's gonna. He applied at Walmart, oh he did. Yeah, I don't know if they're gonna get him or not.


I don't know yet. They'll get him, they'll. I don't know yet They'll get him They'll get anyone dude? Yeah right, Walmart, Is that the?

Thee Gooch:

sexy pants guy.


Yeah, sexy pants is here. Yeah, in his room.

Thee Gooch:

He should show his ass on the camera.


Like he won't go in. He won't jump in. He's too shy, Is he? Yeah, tell in he won't jump in.

Thee Gooch:

He's too shy. Tell him I said what a shame.


I'll say it when I talk to him. He's probably watching us right now. You should throw him a kiss, yeah, so.

Thee Gooch:

I don't know if this is true or not, but the boys' mom and their side of the family they're talking about moving to Texas. Oh really, yeah, even the boys. Boys too, yeah.


Oh shit.

Thee Gooch:

Why is that? Because DJ wants to go to college in Texas and LB wants to work out there. I don't know, dude. It's like what the fuck am I doing over here then?


Are you going to follow them?

Thee Gooch:

What the fuck am I going to do in Texas?


Ride a horse.

Thee Gooch:

Ride a horse. I could ride one right here. But, I don't know. If it does happen, what would I do in Wyoming?


Right, it would be meaningless dude.

Thee Gooch:

Because I'm here for the boys.


Yeah, you're just there for your family, right?

Thee Gooch:

Right. I'm here for the boys, Right. So what am I'm here for the boys, Right? So what am I doing here? Should I sell the house and go back to LA?


It's like well you buy the house.

Thee Gooch:

I know right.


You buy a house for your kids.

Thee Gooch:

And they're gonna move. Ain't that about a bitch and a half Jeez?


Is it a done deal or?

Thee Gooch:

They say as soon as Her sister moves Out to Texas, and yeah, it's a done deal, I guess they're moving.


But Whatever you do, do not come back to California.

Thee Gooch:

You know what? I'll probably just go to Mexico, dude, you know, go ride a fucking donkey in Mexico probably just go to Mexico, dude.


You know, go ride a fucking donkey in Mexico, oh jeez. But what else was I going to?

Thee Gooch:

say yeah, it's still up in the air though. We'll see, dude, we'll see, I'll keep you guys posted. Fuck it. Just stay in Wyoming, just die here In a cold.


Yeah, fuck it stay in Wyoming and just die here in a cold you know, fuck it. Work at Walmart so LB is going to work at Walmart, did he apply?

Thee Gooch:

yeah, he applied. He got an interview. I don't know if they're going to hire him. He hasn't had a phone call yet, but we'll see good for him.


He gets a call and they ask for a drug. I don't know if they do that still. The last time I went over there in Wyoming and applied for Walmart over there, I had to do a drug test. I don't think they do that anymore.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, I don't know.


I think they saw me as a Mexican.

Thee Gooch:

Hey, you want to work at Walmart, you stupid. Come on man.


Hey, that paisa drug test on the little trusses Might be stealing stuff.

Thee Gooch:

Check his pockets, check his pockets, boy, you have a lot of knives there. Little Mexican fella, yeah, oh, you have a lot of knives there little Mexican fella.


Yeah, oh, my God, yeah. But when I was over there they drug test me.

Thee Gooch:



Yeah, I don't know if they still do that here.

Thee Gooch:

I don't think they do that anymore. I don't know. I think the last time I got drug tested was for the school district.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I mean it's a lot to learn. It's tested was for the school district, yeah, but I mean it's a lot to learn. It's a good process to learn all that on the Walmart retail, to learn to talk to people and all that stuff communicating.

Thee Gooch:

When I did it. It was fun. You get to know a lot of people and shit. I worked for that car dealership out here in Wyoming. It was fun. What ever happened to worked for that car dealership out here in Wyoming it was fun. What happened to that?


The car dealership thing.

Thee Gooch:

I fucking quit, you quit. Oh, fucking A I quit. Yeah, I didn't like this shit.


You didn't like it no more.

Thee Gooch:

No, they demoted me and then I quit. This ain't working out, man. Go back to drywall.


But you make more money when you're doing drywall right, I make can you hear me?

Thee Gooch:

yeah that's weird. I made, I made decent. You know they're working at the car dealership oh you did. Yeah, I made decent, but I make more now, of course work too so that's crazy.


Let me talk. Talked to Benny and Remo.

Thee Gooch:

You know what? I hope Remo's listening because ever since he got his position for the city I don't talk to him anymore. No shit, huh, he doesn't call me when I call him, but you know why?


You know why Because he has money already. That's why.

Thee Gooch:

No, he's my little brother and he needs to fucking Talk to me. But, he's probably busy, which I need to understand. You know, in love or some shit, I don't know.


Love is in the air. Love is in the air.

Thee Gooch:

Maybe I don't talk to him as much as.


I used to Like before.

Thee Gooch:

He hasn't called either. Once a month maybe, when I used to talk to him every other day or some shit.



Thee Gooch:

Just like my oldest. What? Just like my oldest. What Just like my oldest son. He got married and he got married. I don't even hear from him.


There's no shit.

Thee Gooch:

Everybody's busy, I get it.


Everybody's all. Yeah, I was going to ask you um, have you seen them? I saw the movie. Uh, wolverine I mean deadpool and wolverine oh, you barely saw it yeah, I barely saw it.

Thee Gooch:

How did you like it? Did you like it? It was it was good.


It was uh. It was very, uh, very entertaining. I liked it. A part that made me laugh was the pretty boy, deadpool. That was what made me laugh, because I think it was almost like the ending of a movie. I don't want to give no spoilers, but fuck it.

Thee Gooch:

I think it's okay.


When he has him, he's carrying him and they're shooting him. He's like, oh, that shit was fucking funny they're fucking the joker.

Thee Gooch:

Part two is already on streaming.


Oh is it yeah, I gotta watch it. I gotta see how, if it's really cheesy, cheesy or not.

Thee Gooch:

I heard it was horrible dude I heard it was but you have to understand. You have to watch it for yourself to understand what makes it horrible because, according to the comic books, this movie is dead on. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. According to the comic book, they just fucking ruined it.


I don't know what the fuck yeah, yeah, I mean it says that, um, he's not the real Joker. That's what they said.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, and that's the thing that really boggled my mind, because he's not the Joker, because the Joker kills Arthur, right yeah, in part two it's like what the fuck?



Thee Gooch:

So I do want to watch it, but I'm going to wait until it's free, because I don't want to pay anything.


Oh, okay, it's not free yet. No, it's free. I was watching you, gotta pay it.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, you go on Prime. You can rent it for like 14 bucks, I think.


Shit that should be fucking four bucks, yeah, but yeah, I heard that he's, I call it. He's pretending to be the Joker. Yeah, yeah, because he's a big fan of the Joker and he imitates him and blah, blah, blah and shit like that.

Thee Gooch:

I thought part one was a badass movie. Yeah, it was the best.


Really good movie. They should have kept it the way it was. They locked it up.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, I'm curious to see part two. Don't get me wrong. I just don't want to pay $14 for that.


I can buy two packs of cigarettes with that but I just want to see what's the big fuss why does it suck I? Would have gone and seen it, I would have gone over there and seen it. But, like I said, I get out of work and that time I get home I get tired and all that stuff. Old man, shit. Yeah, old man shit.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, old man shit.


Old man disease Fuck dude.

Thee Gooch:

I'm feeling it bad, dude. I'm just not looking forward to my peepee to go limp, you know.


That's the only thing that hasn't gone away. For the only thing that hasn't gone away, I still have that shit. Fuck, you got to go to the store.

Thee Gooch:

I still feel like I'm, 18.


Right, I'm pretty sure you do too.

Thee Gooch:

Oh yeah, I just don't want to have those days where oh wait, I'll be back. I got to go to the store and get some dick lifters or upper lifters or whatever. Yeah, Enhancers, yeah True. True, but um get a pump. You know, pump your penis. Let's do it all day.


I wanted to. Uh, last week I wanted to go to see the Dodgers. You know it was um Chris Taylor was there in Montebello, ma no shit, yeah. And who else? Muncie was there.

Thee Gooch:

No shit.


And what do they charge? They charge a lot, really, yeah, because you could assign your bobblehead, you could sign your baseball or a picture or get a photograph taken. They charge for to have your ball signed with a signature. It's like $169. God damn, then that's not all. But when I went I got. When me and Benny went to the Camelback Ranch We'll see the Dodgers play in spring training. After the game we went to Dave Buster's. Tommy Losoto was there.

Thee Gooch:

Oh shoot.


I got an autographed ball with Tommy Losoto signed, but that son of a bitch cost me fucking $300 just to get it.

Thee Gooch:

God damn. And then he goes and he dies oh, you're watching now. And through all goes and he dies. Oh, you're watching now.


And through all that he's only worth? I think it's only worth 80 bucks. Oh my God.

Thee Gooch:

So he took you for 240 bucks 300, yeah, oh my God.


And plus paying the baseball $35.

Thee Gooch:

At least give me the ball. Yeah, no shit.


At least give me the ball for free, because those baseballs, they're authentic balls that play in the field. They're leather. You can smell it real Once you open that case. You can smell the leather of the ball.

Thee Gooch:

Are they bigger than the ones you would buy at Walmart? The baseballs they use in the field?


They're about the same, yeah, the same. How do you call it? Dianical, whatever you want to call it. Diameter Diameter yeah.

Thee Gooch:

Oh, you mean thrifty.


Well, they're the same. It's the same shit, but the materials are different. It's made of leather, the real one, the Rollins, it's made of leather. And you buy the practice baseballs, what they call them, when they go practice, see them hitting them every day and they're hitting home runs when you're catching them and they're right there practicing and you go to like, you go to Dodger stadium, right, I'm saying yeah, um, yeah, those are practice baseballs. Those are not the official baseballs that are playing in the field, but the ones you go to like when you go to Dick's. You go to Dick's, you go to the sporting goods. They're like, they're like a plastic thing, right, and once you open it, you can smell the leather on that ball, right, you can tell the difference.

Thee Gooch:

So because I, when you do, when they do events like that, all that shit should be free, dude, Because if it wasn't for the fucking fans dude you know what I'm saying they wouldn't have a paycheck.


They wouldn't have a paycheck, exactly Because you're paying their tickets and all that stuff. That's all for them.

Thee Gooch:



I mean, they should do it for free dude.

Thee Gooch:

What do they got to lose, yeah?


I know right.

Thee Gooch:

It's like when you, when, I think, five years ago I went to Coors Field to watch the baseball against the Rockies, watch the Dodgers against the Rockies, and I went down, dude, like close to the field. At that time Cody Bellinger was there, right Turner. All those guys right. I was out calling Cody Bellinger. Hey Cody, oh really Over here, man, I want a signature right. All of them Fucking. All of them, all of them Fucking stuck-ups.


Oh yeah, mm-hmm, but you made a good point there. They should be for free because all you got to do. They should show them your ticket that you bought and a receipt. And show them hey, you know what I paid for your ticket that you bought and the receipt? Hey, you know what I paid for your ticket? Because you're the way you are, you're a baseball player, we're paying you. So here's the receipt and the ticket. Give me something.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, no shit, dude. $300 for a fucking ball. Dude, they took you on that one dude A proof of purchase. And at that point you're the dumb one.


Yeah, right there I got stuck around and then he was a grouch. He was yelling at Benny Because Benny was asking too much.

Thee Gooch:

Hey can I take?


another one, one more year, one year, and Benny was like what the man? He is getting old. Well, dude you gotta, he was always like that, Since he was young too. You know, he was always. You know, when he's out in the field You'll go argue with the umpires and shit. Did you guys take a picture with him? No, they charged for that, but Benny, he got an autograph. And me the puppet. They charge for that, but Benny, he got an autograph, me, the the puppet. Then walking to gig. Can you take my ball, tell me the story For 300 bucks, the dumbass, dummy, me Fucking 300 dollars, dude fuck.


I mean, you gotta think about it, the tax and all that shit, I mean.

Thee Gooch:

I buy. I just buy stupid shit with my money. Dude, right, yeah, but I don't know if I can spend $300 on a ball.


I mean because you got to see it, that's Tommy Lasorda. He's right there.

Thee Gooch:

He's a legend, yeah.


He's a legend. Oh fuck, I got to get his autograph from him.

Thee Gooch:

I don't know, tommy, I don't know, Tommy Lasura $300. Now, if it was Mike Tyson, yeah I would spend $300 to get a glove sign or some shit.


It's all like a big glove.

Thee Gooch:

Did you see his butt yesterday?


No, I didn't see it.

Thee Gooch:

That was fucking laughing. What the fuck, what the shit.


Yeah, he was doing an interview, he was doing an interview.

Thee Gooch:

He was doing an interview before the fight and then he fucking walks away and he's not wearing any fucking. He's wearing his penis guard right in boxing, but in the back it's exposed. He's not wearing any underwears and he walks away from the interview and they show his butt. That shit was fucking hilarious, dude. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, that was fucking hilarious. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh, my god, oh, my god, but um, but um, alright, guys, I think this is it.


This time is up. Thank you for joining in and listening. Tuning in this will probably be I probably be published by tomorrow and thank you for joining for our live recording. And, like I said again, if you guys want to join in and chat with us for 15 minutes, just send us your email and we'll send you the invitation and we'll give you the date. If you guys want to join in, you can remain anonymous, whatever you want to be, and I want to thank all your listeners out there for making us how and everything. Thank you for all your downloads. We got a real good spike. Just help us on downloads and everything and support our show For $3 a month. We'll give you a shout-out included and you can cancel anytime, and that's the good news. And no hard feelings on our end. Any last words for you, Gooch.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, I have a question for the male and females. Would you guys last until 2028 on having zero sex, just to make a stand against the winnings of Donald Trump? That yeah.


Send us your email about that or send us a message. What do you guys think? Send it to Thee Gooch's email.

Thee Gooch:

T-H-E-E-G-O-O-C-H 76 @ gmail. com, and I'll tell you right now there's no fucking way I would do it.


Yeah, oh yeah.

Thee Gooch:

I'd have to cut my penis off if I want to do it.


Oh shit, that would be a wild hot dog. Yeah yeah, it would be like running around screaming and you know, I mean dude, got to fucking organize my alright, guys. That's it. This is the talkers podcast unscripted. My name is Joe and this is Thee Gooch. Hey, thank you for the support. Good night, good night, everybody, and thank you for all your downloads and keep on listening and tuning in. See you Bye. Thank you.

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