Thee Talkers Podcast: Unscripted

Lost Car Keys, Laughter, and Baseball Battles: A Day in the Life

Joe, Remo, Benny and Thee Gooch Season 2 Episode 64

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Ever found yourself frantically searching for your misplaced car keys after a long day? That's how we kick things off, with Joe recounting this relatable tale of everyday chaos and how even the simplest tasks can sometimes turn into an unexpected adventure. Meanwhile, Gooch is enjoying a change of pace and a chillier climate in Wyoming. Join us as we chat about the amusing mishaps of daily life, the joy of taking a breather before starting a new chapter, and how weather shifts can bring a refreshing perspective.

Switching gears, we dive into the electric world of sports fandom, celebrating the Los Angeles Dodgers' latest victories while reminiscing about historical rivalries with teams like the Yankees. It's all about the rollercoaster of emotions that come with being a devoted fan, from enduring the heartbreaks to reveling in the triumphs. We also crack open the topic of parking etiquette at sports events, sharing laughs over the antics of bandwagon fans and reflecting on how sports bring out the true camaraderie among supporters.

As we wrap up, things get intriguing with a peek into current events and tantalizing conspiracy theories. We tackle some controversial political topics, like the Menendez brothers' potential release and George Gascon's tactics, weaving in our candid opinions on the ever-evolving political landscape. The conversation takes a mysterious turn with rumored UFO sightings and the myths surrounding them. Whether you're here for the sports chatter, the light-hearted banter, or the thought-provoking discussions, this episode promises a thrilling ride through a variety of captivating topics.

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what's up, what's up everybody. What's up. What's what's up, what's up? is The Talkers Podcast Unscripted. How's everybody doing what's up? Los Angeles, California. What's going on? What's going on everybody? This is the Talkers Podcast Unscripted. My name is Joel and the host Thee Gooch. Thee Gooch, what's up Gooch.

Thee Gooch:

How's it going, joseph?


What's up? What's up.

Thee Gooch:

Hello, everybody around the world. Everybody around the world, hello. We don't know if we're doing good or not because nobody replies to or writes the email, like Theegooch76@gmail. com yes, and they don't even send email messages in our show notes after the show, yeah, but we know they're out there, we know there's, you know, hundreds of thousands at that yes, you're right and before we start the show.


I just want to thank all our listeners and viewers are tuning into our podcast. Thank you for all your downloads. Really thank you very much. We're doing good on our downloads. So I just want to say thank you very much, supporter to our show. We'll give you a shout out included and the good thing is you could cancel anytime and it wouldn't hurt our feelings at the end. So there you go. You could cancel anytime $3 a month and cancel anytime $3 a month, that's it $3 a month and you could cancel anytime.


It's like just giving us a tip. You know what I'm saying. Oh, I'll take the tip.

Thee Gooch:

I'll take the tip. I'll take the tip. Well, how you been gooch uh, been been all right, just been pretty busy. Uh, taking the next few days off, um, wow, you're gonna relax, and until that, until the next job kicks in, and be busy after that again, and oh, and just keep pushing forward. You know what I'm saying.


Yes, I absolutely do. I understand what you're talking about, but yeah, it's been a good day. It was going to be a good day for me. Today's weather is 63 in the lows, really cloudy. It might kind of rain today, a little shower, but not too much. Not too much, but it's good weather. Today it's 63 in the highs and it's feels like it's in the morning. You know what I'm saying? That's good, because it's fucking cold over here. Wow, really, how cold is it? What's the degrees?

Thee Gooch:

you know, I think it's 48, I think my computer says 48 damn.


I just wish I was in that weather dude, 48 degrees.

Thee Gooch:

No, no, stay over there. We don't need no more Californians in Wyoming.



Thee Gooch:

We're good, just kidding.


Yeah, so I'm enough, you're enough. Well, let me tell you what happened to me today.

Thee Gooch:

Oh, boy, are you okay?


I'm all right, dude. I was all stressed out Like okay it was. I mean, you know I wake up early in the morning, right? Like oh, 1 o'clock to go to work, right.


Yeah, that's pretty fucking early, I get ready.


So I leave the house at 2 in the morning or whatever you know, and I do Google Maps and it tells me what time I get there on time and I'm tired and sleepy and I'm just you know, murodo, I don't know like all fucking sleepy. And you know, I do my daily routines. Once I get out of work, I lock my car and open my trunk, get my backpack and I get the keys and I put it in a little pocket, you know, and I zip it up, right, well, my day was going good at work and all that stuff, right and real good. We got out early and all that shit and I go. You know what? It's time for me to go home. Yeah, you know, I was like I'm going to go home early and shit, I'll be home right here, like around 11 o'clock in the morning, right, Right, well, I go. So I'm getting out of my work, going through all the detectors from work and where I get out and going out with security. So once I reached to the car because I parked real far, and once I was walking I went to my car where I parked, it turns out I go. What the fuck is my keys, you know, I go, what the fuck is my keys? I go, oh shit, I know I fucking put them in my fucking pocket right here because it's my routine. You know, I always do that every morning when I'm going inside to work. You know, right, right, I don't carry them to the when I go on to the walk into the security because it's a hassle, got to put your keys and the little thing and whatever. But I put it in my backpack. So I put it, I put it in my backpack and they have this little x-ray. It goes through, right.


Yeah, I think nothing much, but it turns out after the day's done work, I turn, I go, I go outside where's my fucking part and where's my keys? You know, I go, I'm right here Like like I'm mad because I'm fucking sleepy too. And Tyler, you know I'm right here. Fuck, I went back inside and go hey dude, I fucking lost my keys. I know I put my backpack right here in the next to the desk and I don't, I don't know if someone took them and just opened my backpack. And you know, someone might've took them. You know, right, why would someone want to take your keys? Well, yeah, that's what I know, that's what I'm thinking so I think I might have fucking left it in my car or some shit.


I forgot how it went, dude. I just, you know, coming out of going to work in the morning. So I was all going like crazy dude, looking in the I call it to the desk. I was fucking looking at the door, shelves and all that shit, I go. No, I had them with me. I locked the car and then I went to my trunk and then I put the keys in the pocket of my backpack, right, I was going, oh dude. I was like, oh shit, dude. The whole fucking thing killed my whole day Worth of day, you know Because I was going to get out. I got out early. If I would have got out with no problems, not looking for my keys, I would have went. I would have been home early, like been shopping right now and shit. So, um, I called Chico Chex so I called Chico Chex.


I know exactly who you're talking about but it's not Sexy Pants, it's Sexy Pants' brother.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, Sexy Pants' brother, yeah.


So I call Chico Chex. Hey, Chico Chex, can you go to my house? I mean, I'm sorry to bother you, dude, I know you're working too, but you know, can you get my key, my car, my extra spare key? Let me see, I'm in the fucking in my house. I go yeah, where is it? It's on the living room right there, you won't miss it. I'm right here Fucking. Oh my gosh, I think someone fucking took my key. My mind was going everywhere. It was like right.


Fuck, dude, I was thinking they didn't like me, they fucking took my. I was thinking a lot of shit, you know. Fuck. I was like waiting for two hours Right now, I would have been shopping right now, and shit. So Chico Chex arrived. This is two hours already past waiting, okay. So all the whole ordeal I was explaining to my managers and I was like, yeah, that's my key, do I come find it? I think I might have left them inside the car. I don't know, someone might have took him. I don't want to accuse anybody, but I don't know, maybe it's my from being a moron that I am, I'm fucking being a dumbass, I forget, you know.

Thee Gooch:



Oh yeah, Literally. Chico Chex came with a fucking spare key and I opened my door and there it was, in the fucking inside my trunk and I go, oh damn. I go, fuck dude, I go. What a fucking dumbass. I am dude, you go, I was like shit, dude.

Thee Gooch:

I wasted the whole fucking day, you know that's fucked up.


No, I mean. I mean it happens to everybody, I know that, but it's like that shit never happened to me. That shit fucking.

Thee Gooch:

It's a bad feeling, you know well, actually that's never happened to me, but okay yeah, you know it.


it just never happened to me Like leave me my keys inside the car.

Thee Gooch:

I actually did that once. Dude, wait, let me let me okay.


After that I was done, okay, after that was done, right, I was driving in a freeway. I was like, oh, relief and shit like that, right. So I was in the freeway, right, and I was like, fuck man, I had a good day at work. It was real good, no fucking troubles, nothing was really, you know, everything was right. Then I'm getting, I got my keys and everything like that and all that stuff Going to the freeway and then I go, what the fuck is flying around? I go shit. I'm fucking driving in the freeway. A fucking bee was attacking me on the side of that fucking car while I'm on the fucking freeway. Dude, no, shit, shit, and I'm weaving and all that shit. And I have a plastic bag I had there since I bought the new car, right, right, you know. So I'm like what the fuck? I'm like shit, get this fucking bee. So I guess it got stuck with the plastic and it flew out the window and shit.

Thee Gooch:

Oh, no shit.


I go fuck. I didn't want to get stung, dude, because you know I'm driving in the freeway.

Thee Gooch:



And I'm fucking fighting it and shit I go. Oh my God, it was going good at work until that happened.

Thee Gooch:

Did you at least take a nap?


I haven't even got a nap yet when you got home?

Thee Gooch:

No, then you must be exhausted.


Yes, I am and. I sound like I'm fucking drunk too.

Thee Gooch:

That shit happened to me one time dude, Putting the keys in the trunk Fucking years ago, when I went to LA by myself and I was getting ready to leave and I put my keys in a bag oh right, and I put everything in the trunk and I closed the trunk and the doors are locked Right and I'm looking for my keys oh fuck. And this was like at five o'clock in the morning.


Oh, no shit yeah.

Thee Gooch:

And I'm parking out there at Remo's house.


Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Thee Gooch:

And I just fucking. I just said, fuck it, I'll just wait until the light comes out and fucking everybody's awake and so they can see me break into my own car. Jeez. So I just waited, but that shit's a fucking horrible feeling, dude.


Yeah, dude it it is. I'm really like my mind was going in different directions, like a lot of scenarios were going in my mind. Right, what the fuck man? Well, I think someone don't like me at work or I'm gonna left them. I was thinking different, you know, like thinking stupid. You know it was me, I was a dumbass and I guess they stepped out of my lanyard and it just came out, you know.


You were thinking they were you're, they're gonna drive right to tijuana, mexico. I guess I was like fucking sleepy and tired and exhausting, you know well, the good thing.


I mean, that's a horrible feeling when you lock your fucking keys in the car, but it's a good thing they were in your car and that scenario didn't come to life, you know yeah, so most, most people, when they're working, when they take their keys inside where our job is, at right, some, some employees lose their keys inside the trailers and they go out of state and with their wallet too, it's crazy.


Oh, that's a good thing I don't carry my, because they were telling me did you lose them at the dock? No, I never take my items to the dock and shit. I leave it right here, right, well, that's done and done and shit well, here's a.

Thee Gooch:

Here's a fun fact. You work in a like a warehouse, right? A big old fucking warehouse. Um, I don't know if it's japan or china, I don't know. Either way, same people. It doesn't matter in china or in japan. Okay, the warehouse workers, everybody parks far away, far away. They don't park close to the building, they all park far away. You know why? So like that the people that are coming in late, they can get the front spots closer to the building so that they can be able to work on time if they're late, oh shit, yeah, that's courtesy.


I didn't know that, because I park in the back too.

Thee Gooch:

Oh, really, I would park in the back too.


Oh really, I would park in the back too. Dude, I park like far away. I'm talking about like damn, why you park? So it's the Chico Checos. Why you park so far away, I don't know. I just like to walk. I guess I like to walk here and shit like that.

Thee Gooch:

And you know what, sometimes I would rather park far away.


It's like it, you know, right, I say. But other than that, that was my day. What happened today when I was getting out of work? That's what happens when you, when you work in the in the morning, sort you're all fucking murodo and, yeah, being shit and tired.

Thee Gooch:

I guess you know I wish I was there so I could change a diaper.


Yeah, dude, I was like, oh shit, where's my fucking keys? Oh shit, I was thinking a lot of shit, dude. Oh my gosh dude and I go fucking. I'm never like that, dude, you know.

Thee Gooch:

It happens, man, and, like I said, it's a horrible fucking feeling when you lock your keys in the fucking trunk.


Yeah, yeah, and when. I look at it I go, oh my god, what a dumbass dude, what an idiot I am. Oh wow, I found them, at least you know.

Thee Gooch:

That's a good thing. So what's on your mind there, Joel?


Just well, the Dodgers won, you know.

Thee Gooch:

Oh yeah, that's right. Congratulations to the Dodgers.


Los Angeles Dodgers dude.

Thee Gooch:

As you can see. Yeah, I didn't put mine on.


I usually don't wear my gear. I don't take it to work or anything like that, because I don't want to get it dirty. Because I'm so clumsy at work, I wear it like when I was so clumsy at work.

Thee Gooch:

I wear like when I was in LA. Dude, I wear all my Dodger jerseys or shirts or whatever. The whole get up. I remember walking into CVS where mom used to work and there was this fucking arrogant cashier that worked. There Are the Dodgers playing. Why are you wearing a Dodger shirt if they're not playing? Bitch, shut up, Go over there and face fuck you. What's wrong with you? Oh shit.


Yeah, there's some of them like that. Well, duh, we're fucking fans.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, you're just down the street from the Dodgers stadium. What's wrong with you? Yeah, no shit.


But yeah, dude, it's like I don't know. I just I knew the Dodger was going to win it, I knew they were going to take it, and I mean.

Thee Gooch:

I think they were just dangling the fucking carrot in front of the Yankees. Dude, honestly.

Thee Gooch:


Thee Gooch:

Dodgers knew they had it and you know the Yankees didn't even try dude.


Yeah, they didn't fucking try dude. Yeah, they lost their motivation after that, you know yeah.

Thee Gooch:

I mean they're tired. They played what? 170 games per season, dude. Yes, you know, I'm sure they were tired.


Well, you know what Alec? It's like this. You know the Yanke won 27 championships, right, yeah, and the dodgers only got. They won eight. This is our eighth world series, you know, yeah, and the yankees are like, I mean, in every tiktok, I don't know how, why they do that to themselves, why the fans do that to themselves. Make because you know what we lose, we all. We get them next year.


Well, we'll take it again, yeah yeah, oh, I don't know what they're doing. What they're doing, what they're doing, what's going on? They're always crying and feeling themselves Fuck, oh, shit, damn, they're like this.




Los Angeles fans. We go, we'll get them.

Thee Gooch:

Next year They'll do better, you know, or we burn down the city, one or the other yeah, exactly yeah, win or lose, you know same shit.


But like we've been struggling for what like five years, you know playoffs after playoffs. We don't want the 2017 with the Astros, but the Astros cheated, they cheated yeah, they cheated. So that was ours. But see, what did we do? We just fucking took it like that, we took it like real champs, you know.

Thee Gooch:

And there's been debates too, because of the 2020 World Series, when they won with the 60-game season. You know I mean to me, in my opinion, if they won, they won. You know it doesn't matter if it's 200 games, you know, or 40 games, you know, they still won.


Yes, and back then the Yankees, when they were winning those. That's how much of the games they had, Right, because they didn't have teams like the way we have today, right, that's why they won all the 27 World Series.

Thee Gooch:

And the Yankees want to brag about those 27 fucking games back from what? 1898 or some shit, right when they started? Well, keep in mind, there was only four fucking teams back in the day.


You know what I'm saying. Back then they were like no, there were not too much teams like they have today.

Thee Gooch:

You know they could brag about this or steroids or some shit.


They were just hitting hormones left to right, especially Babe Ruth, you know. Yeah, they were probably taking like supplements, like you know, like today's day, you know now they that's why they fucking you can't do it no more, because back then they, you know.


But so we won, we finally win, we won. And when they mentioned that 2020, I mean we deserve it. I mean, just because they didn't go in their favor and they went with ours and that's what they all saw about it. But yeah, if it was your fucking team, you would have been fucking. Yeah, we won fair and square, yeah, yeah.

Thee Gooch:

And you know who? Who wasn't I impressed with? I wasn't impressed with, uh, what's his name? Judd judge.


Oh yeah, Aaron.

Thee Gooch:

Aaron Judd yeah, I wasn't impressed with that guy dude at all. Yeah, $600 million fucking man dude. I'm not impressed with him at all.


Yeah, no, I mean not even Otani, I mean yeah, otani.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, otani didn't do shit this season, dude. I mean not this season, I'm sorry. Not this season. The World Series, yeah he didn't do shit.


You know what. I think. I think, like you know what, let the other players get their moments. Already did two moments on the season, right, I'll let let the rest of them shine, you know uh, freeman, freeman was a the mvp. Yeah, he's the mvp, mvp yeah and um, yeah it was, I mean it was good. I mean, to be honest, I almost shit in my, um, I'm gonna my fucking my shorts, you know. Oh, lucky shorts, yeah, but um, um, did you guys watch the?

Thee Gooch:

did you guys go to the parade?


Nah, I wanted to go, but I don't know, it was too much traffic and plus I was tired and shit I was sleepy.

Thee Gooch:

Did you go with Dad in 88?



Thee Gooch:



Benny the sisters, and the sisters and our Godmother, our Godmother Nina. Yeah, but they did it different. They did it back than it was in City Hall.

Thee Gooch:



And they put Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses at that time.

Thee Gooch:

Did you see that one idiot that fell off the 3rd story, fucking balcony.


Yes, I tweeted it and they showed a picture and they were like he cracked his skull.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, he cracked his fucking skull. He was a tagger. I don't know, allegedly, I don't know if he was tagging or not, but he was a tagger, a known tagger.


He was a tagger and he had an 11-year-old son with him.

Thee Gooch:

And when he was on the ground then they were saying that you know, check for his id.


They were going through his fucking wallet, dude yeah, yeah, no shit, they were like no, they were checking for his check, for his id check if he has a medical insurance, and like, yeah, right, yeah right, you know what you're looking for, you fucking hoodlums yeah, they were taking checking for money, but I didn't even think he had money. There was another one, another hum nitwit that he was in the middle of the street of downtown oh yeah, he had a firecracker, I don't know if it was an M-80. And he fucking blew up his hand.

Thee Gooch:

I got the clip. You want to see it? Yeah, let's do it.


Okay, here's the clip. All right, just give me a second, let me get um, we'll see, all right. But uh, let me let me um, just fix this up. Here we go. Oh, my goodness bro.


Oh, my goodness, no, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh.




Call the fucking 911 right now, call 911.


And you know the funny part is everybody's saying call 911. He has a fucking phone, dude. You know what kind of shit is that, dude, you know yeah, everybody's on their phone call.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, he blew his fucking part of his hand up, dude and you know what?


I think he might have fucking fucked up his eyesight too, because, like yeah, yeah, he was.

Thee Gooch:

He was fucking with his eyes more than he was with his hands yeah oh my god uh, the third stooge yeah holy shit, who is fucking anna? Oh, fucking idiot yeah, dude I bet you, I bet you, he wished he would. He stood home that day.


Yeah well, you know what, like uh, I was reading the comments. I was reading the comments that they're these supposedly fans are not fans. They're just excuses, just to wear a jersey, just for style, and they go out there and do the desmalade like they're fucking instruction. You know, out there.

Thee Gooch:

They call those people opportunists.


Yes, and if they were really true fans of the Dodgers, they'll be home sitting home watching the game. You know what I'm saying. Right, yeah, true fans, they'll be home sitting home watching the game. You know what I'm saying. But yeah, true fans of, they'll be watching home. They'll be at home watching the Dodger game and it's like, oh, I'm going to watch the Dodger game. Oh, shit, they want I'm going to go outside and fucking do my fucking bullshit out there, you know.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, those are the opportunists that go out there because they know there's going to be a bunch of people out there. Start fucking looting and shit. They looted that fucking Nike store in Compton.


Yeah, in Compton they took mostly everything and shit. And then I think it was in Whittier Boulevard or somewhere on Whittier, they burned a mom and pop Chinese store. I mean restaurant, my bad Restaurant, oh no shit. Yes, so that's kind of like messed up, you know. But what can we say?

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, it's pretty fucking lame dude. Yeah, but anyways, the fucking Dodgers won.


Yes, and I got a clip of when they won. Here we go.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, do it.


For the Yankees, Bueller throws For the Yankees Fielder throws and misses. Downstairs Top of the order, Glaber Torres. If Verdugo can reach Dave Roberts giving directions to his outfielders, swing and a miss. One ball, one strike.


One and two on Verdugo, that's Verdugo.


He's the ex-Dodgers. The Dodgers are a strike away From a championship, from a proper celebration. Start the party, los Angeles, your Dodgers have won the World Series.


What do you think about that?

Thee Gooch:

Pretty exciting. You know, when I was watching that I felt like Mr Miyagi. You know how Mr Karate Kid at the end when the kid loses won . I kind of teared up dude, because the first person I thought about was Dad.


Yeah, same here. I thought of my Dad too.

Thee Gooch:

Dude, I'd love to have seen that shit. You love the Dodgers and the whole back story about Bueller the pitcher when he raises his arms like this.



Thee Gooch:

The whole back story about that, because Verdugo the one he was pitching to when he was a Dodger he was talking shit about the Dodgers. Oh, okay, winning that World Series in 2020, the 60 game World Series.


Oh yeah, okay.

Thee Gooch:

And then Bueller Dodgers winning that World Series in 2020, the 60-game World Series. And then Buehler, when he raises his hands like that, he says now what yeah?


okay, now I get it. That was a whole story, I was figuring why he was doing that. Okay, now that makes sense now.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, that's the whole story behind that, which is pretty cool.


I'm glad he did that though.

Thee Gooch:

It was exciting, dude.

Thee Gooch:

I was glad to watch it and I was complaining to the store clerk that night of the World Series because I went to go get a soda and shit right, and I was like fuck, I remember back in the day you used to be able to turn on the fucking TV and watch a fucking game, right the World Series. Now I got to go through fucking hoops, dude. I got to get an app, I got to pay for fucking membership. I got to jump on YouTube and you know sometimes they play like 10 minutes of it and then they cut off. So I got to look for another fucking channel. It's like holy shit, dude, what a fucking drag man. Just to watch the World Series. That's fucking bullshit.


Talk about fucking money pit, no, no shit I mean, and so I've been circulating and all that stuff on the internet and all that stuff. So you know I'm fucking happy that the Dodgers won. At least you know, I mean, let us celebrate our eighth World Series. They have their fucking moments. The Yankees have their moments 27. What more do you want, dude? I know you wanted to make it 28. Chill. Let us have our eighth one.

Thee Gooch:

And if our sister is hearing, sis, if you're hearing, you don't have to pay me. I want the bet, but you don't have to pay me, it's okay.


I told my sis I'm sorry, sis that the Yankees they lost, you know.

Thee Gooch:

Oh, I didn't tell her sorry At all. I didn't tell her sorry, sorry.


You know, because I felt bad. I want my sis to be happy, I want them to win.

Thee Gooch:

You know I did too, but as long as they made it to the World Series, you know they didn't win.



Thee Gooch:

But that's okay, that's okay.


That's true, but did I tell you about what happened the other day? I was in TikTok.

Thee Gooch:

No, yeah, you did, but let's tell the listeners.


This is what I can't stand about content creators and all that stuff and people that are in podcasts and all that.


This is the reason why I don't like to go on TikTok anymore. I want to use TikTok to promote my episodes, what's coming next and all that stuff, what episodes are coming up. But, um, I was coming across, I was just scrolling and scrolling and this guy, he's a, he's um, a podcaster and a content creator and tiktok, um, I mean, I know I, I don't, I don't really bash like podcasters and content creators. I'd rather have them join us as a guest. You know things like that. You know I'm trying to be cool. You know I'm trying to make a, I made a, I think I made a decent comment. You know it's like when you say something and TikTok, they get real offensive or real offenses and all like that. I mean, I think in New York, bum is like a bad word to them or something. Oh, really.


Yeah, because they get real sensitive because that's the word over there when you, you bum I don't know if you noticed it Get out of here bum. You know, I guess it's like a. It's a really, really bad word for them, you know. So I was coming across, well, I got a clip, okay, and when I heard him say this his podcast. I don't know if I should mention his podcast.

Thee Gooch:

No, don't mention his fucking podcast. Fuck that dude.


Okay. So I'm not going to mention his podcast. He's a Yankee fan and his podcast is about nothing but talking about Yankees. Okay, but yet he talks. He says oh, I'm okay, I'm gonna give you the script. I mean the clip and um, I don't know what you I took it. I took it that he was getting upset and frustrated because we were celebrating, the fans were celebrating, and he says to relax. When he says he's telling us to relax, right, it's like what do you mean? You're telling us to relax that we're 2-0 and you're telling us that you're upset because we're celebrating too early, because you know we're only 2-0. So I took it like oh, we're celebrating too early. So I comment on him. So here's the clip.


Dodgers fans calm down, okay, I'm sure some of you will find this again. Relax yourselves, okay, as I said earlier in the video, you're up 2-0, okay, this is a Yankee podcast. This is a Yankee channel. I'm a Yankee fan. I'm taking this from the Yankee perspective. You guys are up 2-0 in the World Series.


Relax yourselves, okay, you go, you're that good, you're that great. You go, you're that good, you're that great. You know the underdog, the big. You know that you want to play this underdog role. Go, finish us off at home. Don't let us get back on a plane to LA. Ok, relax yourselves, though. You guys are in the catbird's chair right now to all up in the World Series, but the Yankees played a better brand, the baseball one that they they had to play going into this World Series. You're not up to-0, and you know it. Maybe that's why you feel a little chirpy right now, that you feel a little lucky to be up 2-0, but you're up 2-0. You take it, you put it in your pocket and you know what? Hopefully and I'm saying this as a baseball fan, as somebody that wants to win the World Series too, as a Yankee fan I hope Otani's in the lineup in game three.


I can't hear him anymore. He gives me my nerves now.

Thee Gooch:

Let me say something real quick, and this is for that fucking podcaster. First of all, it's called excitement. We're excited, we're up fucking 2-0. You would have been on the same fucking boat. It's a two-way fucking street. Oh shit, I forgot what my second view was.


My second yeah, I mean I mean, I mean it's like I don't like to. I don't want to bash anybody, you know, like me, like that but I mean the thing is I'm trying to get my point. I want to like, at least want to tell them, talk to them and tell them. Why did you report me? Why did you block? That's the thing I don't get Just because I told him that. Why are you being upset? Why are you telling us to relax? Because we're celebrating and all that stuff? He deleted our comments and he blocked me too, so I couldn't find him, so I could put him on the page.

Thee Gooch:

Oh yeah. And second, okay, the Yankees didn't go back to L. A. Okay, we left them in New York. So deal with it.


And I noticed about the Yankees fans. They're always, you know crying.

Thee Gooch:

They're loud, they're obnoxious, just like that fucking idiot that fucking assaulted fucking Mookie Betts when Mookie fucking caught the foul ball and they ripped the ball out of his fucking hand.


Literally almost bending his arm.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, they're obnoxious. I mean not that LA fans aren't, but I mean to each his own. And shit. At least we burned down our city, yeah no shit, but yeah.


So all I told them was you know? So you're telling us that when we relax, we're celebrating too early and you're upset because we're celebrating too early. What about if you would have wanted to annoy? If we were zero and you were two up in two, it would have been the same shit. Double standard right yeah they would have been excited too. Yeah, they would have been. Oh yeah, you know, like the way they are oh yeah, we're the best.


We have 27 series championship and all that stuff. They would have been turning all that shit on us, you know, throwing it in our face. But and then he said you know what you're corny? He tells me in the comments section. Know what you're corny? He tells me in the comments section. You know what you're corny? This is a Yankee podcast. You're supposed to be mentioning podcasts of the Yankees and all that stuff. It's all about talking about the Yankees and blah, blah, blah and this and that I go. Well then, if you cannot handle the comments, then turn off your comment section. Turn it off.


And then I told him bum, and that's when he fucking reported me on TikTok.

Thee Gooch:

Or get the fuck off the internet. One or the other.


Yeah, and that's what I go. Well, take off your comment section so that way you don't have to deal with all the comments. So this is the butthurt letter that I got and deal with all the comments. So this is the the butthurt letter that he that I got, and so this is, like the butthurt letter, what I got from from him. He, he deleted me I mean well, not deleted me, he reported me, so my content can't be restored. You know the comment. This is what I said. I said I'm not trolling, I'm commenting. If you can't handle the comments, turn off your comment section. Teacher, you bum. I thought that's what I told him.


So that's why he reported me on this shit what a fucking bum and um, I mean, and I told him, if you cannot handle comments or opinions, you don't have what it takes to be a content creator and you don't have what it takes to be a podcaster. That's what I said.

Thee Gooch:

It's like us dude, Like we're the talkers, right, We've been on the fucking podcast now going strong almost three years now. Right, I love constructive criticism. Okay, that's exactly what it is Okay. And that's exactly what it is Okay If, if, if, we don't get constructive criticism, we can't change anything, Meanwhile we'll stay the same. Yes, If we're fucking stupid or jerks or assholes or morons or idiots whatever you want to call us then we'll change something. Until then, you know I'll, I'll accept any construction you know I'll accept any construction criticism in any way, shape or form.

Thee Gooch:

Dude, all right, we're morons. Yeah, all right, maybe we do pass on some misinformation, maybe we don't, and then we correct ourselves, or we don't have time to, so fucking be it, you know.


True, that is true, Gooch. That's why we always tell them to send us a message Say what do you think about our show If it sucks? If we suck, we suck, Don't hear it, but you know so.

Thee Gooch:

No, hear us anyways. We want them to hear us.


And then if they criticize us that's what I want to hear I mean people out there. They can't handle the comments out there. Like the content creators from TikTok, they like to fucking talk shit to you, okay, but then when you talk back, they can't handle it. They report you.

Thee Gooch:

And they report it. Yeah, yeah.


You know what I'm saying? They like to get on you, right, they like to be the bully, but when you bully them back, they get all upset and then they fucking report you.

Thee Gooch:

And then they cry around. This is my show. I can say whatever I want.



Thee Gooch:

Then that means you need to get the fuck off the show.



Thee Gooch:

Find a different Talk about knitting or some shit.


Yes, there we go, but yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like, when they look at our podcast, when they want to figure out what we are about, you know what I'm saying? So I just look at our I call it our bio and it tells you a warning that we have a lot to say. Open freely it's unscripted. We can talk whatever we say. We're open freely, it's unscripted. We can talk whatever we want. If you're going to get offended, do not listen to us If you have to have thick skin. Oh wow, that's what I went through.

Thee Gooch:

November 5th is coming up. It's just around the corner Election day, Keep in mind. Like I've always talked about on the past podcast vote for the lesser evil. Like you guys really need to do your research on who's who. I mean, I'm against Kamala Harris, not because she's a woman, it's because she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing. If she had better policies out there than trump, then most definitely I would vote for kamala yeah but she has none. And if and if you notice dude joe, if you notice every singer, or actor.

Thee Gooch:

Oh yeah, yeah, I noticed it too every one of them that has endorsed kamala Harris are on that P Diddy's list.


Oh yeah, yeah, that's what I.

Thee Gooch:

They've all gone to the fucking freak parties or whatever the fuck they're called. I noticed it too. You know, Notice that shit. You know he's involved in child trafficking.


He is, and I bet you that guy. He's living luxury right now, even though supposedly he's in prison, you know.

Thee Gooch:

Maybe, maybe, yeah, maybe, I don't think he's really in prison. I think he's probably in like in In another fucking island Probably. But you guys got to think about that shit, Like you know. Look at the people that are endorsing her, Look at all that you know. Yeah, I noticed it too All these performers. Trump doesn't have performers going up on stage, he has fucking patriots. Like, what's wrong with you people? What's going on here?


Yeah, you're right, you're right.

Thee Gooch:

Vote for the lesser of the evils, man. Oh, he's a convicted felon. Get over yourselves. All that shit's being overturned, all of it all of it.


The veil has opened. There's, yeah, evil just right in front of your face. Yeah, the evil is front of their faces and they can't see it you know, because you know why the people are, that are sinners and they feel evil. They go to that, and it says in the bible too yeah, but um, that's the way it is, dude I don't know.

Thee Gooch:

I haven't seen the polls. I haven't seen the update on the polls. I don't know who's winning or who's close, or if they're neck and neck. I don't know, I haven't checked it out. I'll wait till Tuesday. Wake up Wednesday morning To a new president elect.


If I vote Monday, I'm gonna vote. If I vote Monday, I'm going to vote when you vote Monday.

Thee Gooch:

Okay, it's not if when you vote Monday.


I get lazy.

Thee Gooch:

No, no, no, no, no, no no.


But um, when I vote, when I vote, and I'm going to vote out Gascón, that motherfucker.

Thee Gooch:

Oh that motherfucker. Oh, speaking of Gascón, do you hear the Melendez brothers? They're going to cut him loose.


Yeah, because he wants to give him. Oh my gosh, I can't believe this guy. I don't know why people are still voting. You know, I think it's the criminals that are voting for him, like, not the felonies, like the ones that are about to do crime and all that shit. There's the ones that are voting for him, so they could do a lot of crime, right.

Thee Gooch:

So I can't believe the Melendez brothers are going to be released, dude, they're going to be released, I think, by next year, right? Probably before the end of this year, dude, yeah.


Probably before the end of this year, dude.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, well, yeah, because all they have to do, like seriously, all they have to do?


is they want to pardon them?

Thee Gooch:

No, what's going to happen is that, because of the sexual allegations that they're making against their dad and there's supposedly there's witnesses and one of the members of the 80s band, Menudo oh, yeah, yeah, menudo yeah. He came forward and said that the dad, jose Melendez, yeah, because he used to be a promoter.

Thee Gooch:

Uh-huh, he sexually assaulted him. Okay, shit, yeah. So there's a bunch of shit coming out. So I think what's going to happen. What's going to happen is they're going to give them probation. They served three what has it been 30 years? Three what has it been 30 years? They served three times what they could have gotten off of parole. They could get parole now. Yeah, so they're going to be released. If Gascona is going to fucking, let them go. They'll be released.


But still, I mean, you didn't have no right to kill somebody just because.

Thee Gooch:

No, not at all.


It doesn't give them the right.

Thee Gooch:

No no.


That's one of the reasons.

Thee Gooch:

That's why I want to vote him out Because. I didn't know that fucker talked Spanish.



Thee Gooch:



Either I didn't even know either.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, he has a broken English accent.


Oh, no wonder yeah, hey, no wonder yeah.

Thee Gooch:

Hey, what's happening.


But yeah, dude, this is like I'm going to vote. I'm going to try Not boat, Vote.

Thee Gooch:

You're going to vote, let me motorboat your butt cheeks, huh.


Oh shit, yeah, yeah, that shit.

Thee Gooch:

Boat you're gonna boat, let me motorboat, your butt cheeks, huh, oh shit. Yeah, now that shit. But, um, what else is going on in the news? This is just a bunch of shit. The rallies, and you know, between kamala and and trump. I don't know, dude, I'm just blown away, okay, so here's a scenario. Okay, this is, this is something we need to again, this is allegedly. This is the theory. This is my theory. These are a handful of people out there their theories. This is what potentially that could happen. Okay, because these democrats, the liberals, even some republicans, even some conservatives, they fucking hate Trump, okay.


Oh, yeah, yeah.

Thee Gooch:

Okay, here's one of the things that could happen. Trump wins, okay, if he wins, the Biden administration doesn't have to certify his presidency. Oh shit, right, which would make Kamala or Biden the Biden administration, make them continue their presidency. Okay, now one of two things that can happen Massive protests in the United States because of it, or a revolution.


Jeez. What do you think might happen? A revolution? I don't think a revolution will go.

Thee Gooch:

I don't know man. It's kind of hard to say because there is a lot of pissed off people, but a lot of pissed off people have a lot of fucking bark and no bite right, yes, yes, the only talk, yeah. But I mean you never know, dude. I mean there's militias out there that are growing and growing and growing, that are against the Biden administration, that are against the government, and when people vote, we, the people, we have the last word, supposedly Right.



Thee Gooch:

But the democratic party? They don't fucking don't. They don't have it in them, dude. They don't have it in them to listen to the people.



Thee Gooch:

You know it's like and I'll go back to a couple months ago, when I said kamala harris was installed, she wasn't elected, she wasn't nominated it was uh forced to go in there yeah, and they did a coup she was put in there right and they did a coup on joe biden. They're keeping joe biden in the fucking closet or the basement, one or the other.

Thee Gooch:

He doesn't know what the fuck's going on yeah you know, we could assume he's still president, but really who is really running this country? You know, it's not Biden. It never was Biden.


To begin with. What's his name? Oh, that motherfucker. Well, it's the. I call it the. What is that? The fuck? Barry Sartorio yeah that's his real name yeah, that's probably him, that's right the dark, the dark, the dark. Fuck dude, I always fucking farted on that shit next time, next time write it down.


I know right is that your fart? I brain farted.


Next time write it down. I know right, is that your fart? My brain farted. But yeah, dude, I don't know, dude.


Does our vote really matter.


I don't know, man. That's what gives me doubts. Dude To vote, because I don't know, and then they fucking, they burned the fucking ballots.

Thee Gooch:

I know I've seen that shit. Yeah, I've seen that shit. They burned the ballot box.


Yeah, fucking chicken shit, man. You can't have nothing, fucking you can't have nothing anymore, dude, because everything's fucking up.

Thee Gooch:

You can't even wear a Trump hat to go vote.


And you know what? I forgot. What team was it they were going to? I forget what game we were going. They were going in the stadium and they were wearing a Magna hat and they couldn't even go into the stadium to watch the game because they were wearing a Magna hat and they kicked them out. What kind of shit is that?

Thee Gooch:

Fucking liberals. Are you serious Fucking?


hat. You're going to get hurt by a stupid fucking hat dude, but if they see a middle finger, they could take it on their fucking face, right?

Thee Gooch:

Or a child, you know what they wear.


They wear a hat and has a middle finger and they don't get upset about that.

Thee Gooch:

They don't get upset on that shit, and they don't get upset with children being trans.



Thee Gooch:

Or mutilating their bodies. They don't get offended with that, but they get offended with a MAGA hat. Yeah, stupid. Come on man, Wake the fuck up.


It's stupid. I think they live in a bubble, dude. That's why they live in a fucking bubble, fucking horseshit.

Thee Gooch:

Jeez, dude, you know what I got into lately. What's up? You know the VR sets. What is it called? Fuck, I don't know. Quest, metaquest, the VR.



Thee Gooch:

MetaQuest. You put the VR on your eyes and shit. Yeah, fucking badass dude, you ever try it.


I haven't tried it, dude. I know Remo did. I had a video on him doing it with his daughter and you could see he's like this. They're all looking around like that.

Thee Gooch:

DJ got me into that shit.


Oh, you did. Is it good, is it cool?

Thee Gooch:

It's fucking badass. So I bought myself one. He has one. I got the latest version. He got his one, he has his and I tried it and it's pretty cool. So I was like, fuck it, I'll buy one, you know.


Check it out. How much did they go by?

Thee Gooch:

I'm not going to say how much it is.


It's one or two, I mean they still make them big like that. They should make them small, dude.

Thee Gooch:

They're. They're wide enough to you know for what they are, vr. For what they are, they're pretty compact. I was going to put mine on, but that means I had to take off my earphones.


Are you hiding or something?

Thee Gooch:

No, I'm smoking a cigarette back here. Damn, smoke that shit, smoke it. Oh, you know the other thing that, um, I pulled. I pulled dj out of school yesterday early. Right, he wanted to get out of school early, so ask your mom. First thing, I did just ask your mom if it's cool. So he did, and he was all curious hey Dad, can I go to a party? I said, well, you know us, you know us, our parties were house parties back in the day, right, ditching parties and shit. Well, it all depends. Are they going to have jungle juice Everywhere? That shit, what's jungle juice.


I remember that shit.

Thee Gooch:

What's jungle juice?


That's what he told you.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, and I explained to him what jungle juice was and shit, the one we used to drink. They used to throw LSD in that son of a bitch. But it was pretty cool. We had a little father-son moment, you know, having breakfast and shit.


Is it like the party that you went to?

Thee Gooch:

it was like a rave or just no, no, nothing like that here and probably just, you know, five guys and one girl kind of deal, you know oh shit sausage party yeah yeah, but um, I don't know, he was just kind of curious, I guess yeah, that's cool dude, this dude. This is the VR set I bought, dude. I don't know if you can see it.


I can't see it. Oh, there you go. Oh, wait, wait, wait.

Thee Gooch:

Fuck, you can't see it.


You can show it to me later.

Thee Gooch:

It's pretty cool, dude. I got one dogfighting where you can dogfight like World War II. Shit, oh, no shit. That shit gives you motion sickness, dude.


Oh fuck, I'm going to have a heart attack on that shit.

Thee Gooch:

It's pretty cool eh.


Yeah, oh, I was going to ask you too. I don't know if this is real. I mean, anything that's on TikTok. Everybody believes it. Now, everything's coming out. Who's that? That's on TikTok? Everybody believes it. Now, everything's coming out. Who's that? Everything on TikTok. I don't know if you saw it on TikTok, but I'm not trying to want to believe it, because it's probably just CGI or Project Bluebeam and all that stuff.


I don't believe it, but I mean they're trying to make it look like it's real. But they say that in New York City there was a flying saucer passing by and everybody was like looking up and videotaping and everybody was on panic. I don't know if it was a fucking movie, a commercial, but I don't know. But if that was true I mean the dodgers and yankees are playing, they would announce that shit on tv, you know right you probably saw it in when the dodgers and yankees were playing.


You know, know, yeah, you haven't seen it.

Thee Gooch:

No, I haven't seen it, no, but yeah, we got to watch what we see on the internet these days because a lot of it's a lot of AI. Yeah, true, a lot of it, but there are some where it's more convincing than AI. You know, the UFOs, aliens, the demons, whatever you want to call them, they're here. The aliens, the demons, whatever you want to call them, they're here. They're here with us. Yes, and I, and I believe, like like that bashar character we were talking, about last two weeks ago.

Thee Gooch:

Yes, I believe. When he says that you know we're going to be in contact with them late 2025, early 2026 well I don't think we're going to be contact, but we're going to see them more yeah, and everybody up little by little yeah, open. So we don't be surprised that, hey, we're not alone. We're not alone. If people think we are alone, we're not alone.


I think it's opening up more because social media is out there and everybody has a fucking computer in their pocket and a camera in their pocket.

Thee Gooch:

So yeah, I think we'll see more and more.


But the one thing I don't believe in is the crop circles the crop circle stopped since the cameras and um the cameras came along yeah, yeah, digital cameras, yeah you're right. The stop, the, the crop circle stopped from there, and that's when I know that was shit, was man-made already. Yeah, you're right, you know I'm saying so where's the crop circles now?


yeah I haven't seen any crop circles I haven't seen any either so that shit was man-made, that's they give themselves away right there, so things like that. But but then, uh, there's another thing. Um, I think it was in, I don't know if it was mexico. They say that they, um, they have a statue of a demon like closing up, like that, but they're saying it's a vampire, but it's a demon. It's like looks all bronze and all that stuff.

Thee Gooch:

I haven't seen that one.


But I don't think it's a fucking. Is it a vampire? They said it's a vampire, but I don't think it's a vampire.

Thee Gooch:

I think it's a fucking demon that just got stoned you know by god, you know things like that I should have done my research, but I didn't.


I didn't really look at it, yeah but they're saying it's uh standing in a tree like that they're saying, too, that um the statue of liberty was actually a transvestite oh yeah, they're saying it's lucifer they.

Thee Gooch:

They're saying that that's Lucifer as well. Yeah.


Yeah, and yeah, true yeah.

Thee Gooch:

I haven't done my research on that, so I won't speak too much on it.


What about the Statue of Liberty?

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, when you hear about it it's like fuck, you start putting two and two together. It's like God damn, this shit makes a lot of sense.


And I think, doesn't it have chains in her feet? Yeah, there's chains.

Thee Gooch:

I think it's a broken chain. Okay, like it's a symbolism for freeing the slaves. I guess Slaves yeah.


Right, I don't know, that's crazy, dude. I mean lots going on. I mean I'm just happy that the Dodgers won let's put it that way and I'm really proud. I mean there's a lot going on about Teoscar Hernandez. He was emotional when they were, like you know.

Thee Gooch:

Not to change the subject real quick, a lot of these fucking Democrats too, now, and liberals are fucking Now. They're calling Trump too old. They're calling him dementia Now, they're calling him slow. Now they're saying that he can't walk down the. Where the fuck were all these Democrats about Joe Biden?


Yeah, no shit.

Thee Gooch:

You know what I'm saying. Every single one of Joee biden's fucking followers, supporters, whatever the fuck you want to call them. Where the fuck were they?


when, yeah, when they were, when he.

Thee Gooch:

They were seeing them walking slow and shit yeah, tripping, tripping in front of everybody in social media that fucking guy doesn't even know if it's monday or fucking friday, dude exactly, exactly got no shit.


Huh, always fucking crap, dude always.

Thee Gooch:

Uh, and what really bothers me the most is that kamala harris was the least popular vice president in us history. Dude, that goes along that what 260 something years? Yeah, the least popular president, vice president of all fucking time. How the fuck is she more popular now? I?


don't know shit, dude.

Thee Gooch:

It's mind-blowing. It just goes to show that money talks and bullshit walks. You know what I'm saying?


But they don't see that they haven't done anything for the last past four years.

Thee Gooch:

Oh, I promise you we're going to change this, we're going to change that. Yeah, you've been in fucking office for four fucking years. You ain't done shit, you know. Now she wants to stop the war between Israel and Gaza.

Thee Gooch:

Now she wants to stop the war between Russia and fucking Ukraine. But let me tell you something Now she wants to stop the war between Russia and fucking Ukraine. But let me tell you something If I was vice president, I would persuade my boss to be like, hey, why don't we fucking bring peace to the table? Let's talk to these guys, let's fucking do it. None of that happened. None of it. None of it happened. Now they want to do something about it. It's all fucking, it's all going to be broken promises.


Yeah, it's all of it, and I don't know if you heard in the uh the another news that I think is um North Korea, no, north Korea, they're going to uh China actually North Korea, russia.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, they're in Russia right now.


Yeah, they're in Russia right now. The whole army is going over there.

Thee Gooch:

Yeah, last I heard there was 8,000 North Koreans in Russia right now, something's going to go down.

Thee Gooch:

And that's what I'm saying, dude. Okay, it's like everything's a fucking puzzle that we've seen, right, everything's a fucking puzzle, right? Okay, that we're watching right now the media, the fucking internet, whatever. Okay, that we're watching right now Media, the fucking internet, wherever. Okay, they're telling us that there's 8,000 North Koreans in Russia. We're about to have a fucking election here in the United States. Trump wins. There's world war three. They're going to put all that shit, the process of him being fucking president, on hold, so the fucking Democrats can still be in control yeah and then we'll see a revolution.

Thee Gooch:

All the fucking immigrants that you, that and then and again. And when I mentioned immigrants, I'm not talking about Mexicans, I'm talking about the Venezuelans, I'm talking about the Chinese, I'm talking about the Indians, the Pakistanis, uh, general, generally the, the Muslims yes I'm talking about all. We're going to see shit here in this country that we've never fucking seen before.


And it's going to get worse.

Thee Gooch:

And it's going to get worse. So everything's being put in place. So when the elections happen, if Trump wins, we're all going to have to hold on to our hats and see what happens.


Do you think that all these migrants are coming to this in their country, or sleeper cells, and they're going to put their uniform on so they can help us active? You know like they're going to have us? How do you call it? What's that word? When you go to the detention centers and all that shit?

Thee Gooch:

I think they're waiting for either Biden or Kamala for them to. They're waiting for Kamala and Biden to be like, okay, go Attack. And then we're going to see all hell break loose.


Because I have a feeling that all these migrants that came in, it's something major. I think it's more like more to it. I think it's like, uh like a license for them to be like a soldier for them so they could have us captive, so they could uh detain us. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, oh yeah it's possible.

Thee Gooch:

I mean because they have more money than we do.


Let's be real, they have more money than we do exactly and that's what I'm thinking, you know, I mean, it's just my thought, you know I'm I'm not learning it from someone else. It's like common sense, you know. They're like why these hundreds of thousands of migrants coming, breaking into the border, border and all that stuff, and it's like it doesn't seem right. It's like they're giving them money, it's like they're being in the service and I don't know if it's the, what is it? United Nations? Or what's the other one, nafta or whatever the fuck it is.

Thee Gooch:

Or fucking FEMA.


FEMA and all that shit. I mean they're trying to detain us, put in FEMA and all that shit. I mean they're trying to like detain us, like put in detention centers and all that stuff and control us. You know what I'm saying.

Thee Gooch:

Well, there's going to be a lot of us that are not going to go down without a fight.



Thee Gooch:

And it's going to be mass murder. That's all. It's going to be mass murder.


I think that's what you were mentioning, like the revolution, the. I think that's what you were mentioning, like the revolution, the revolution.

Thee Gooch:

It's against them. Yep, my question will probably be who's them? Who are we fighting? You know what I'm saying? You know that's probably the bigger fucking question who's them? But it's all going to boil down to we'll see what happens on Tuesday.


You know yeah.

Thee Gooch:

It all boils down to that Because these people hate Trump and if you look back before, trump was fucking president. Everybody loved him. He went on the View. He went on the View. He kissed every single fucking woman that was on the View. Everybody fucking checked.

Thee Gooch:

But as soon as he walked down that fucking stairs. When they fucking did the inauguration, they fucking hated his ass, dude. The inauguration, they fucking hated his ass, dude, he's a boss. What boss isn't an asshole? I'm an asshole sometimes, you know. Yeah, but we'll see, dude, it's going to be scary. But again, vote for the lesser evil. Yes, that is true, I think I'm done, joe, I'm done too. I'm'm gonna go take a shot of tequila and everybody.


Thank you for tuning in and listening. Thank you for all your downloads. I just want to say that thank you.


Dodgers, Mookie Betts and if there's any and if there's any and if there's any Russians out there listening to us, just remember it isn't us, it's them exactly, and I want to say thank you to the Los Angeles Dodgers for giving us the championship, the World Series, Mookie Betts, Freddie Freeman and Mookie Betts has a podcast, by the way, does he Just to let you know? And thank you. I want to thank all the listeners, thank you for all your downloads, thank you for listening in, and if you guys want to support our show for $3 a month, you can also get a shout out included. That's if you're a monthly supporter. It's only $3 a month, and the good news is you can cancel anytime, and the good news too, is it's no hard feelings on our end, so let you guys know about that. It's very awesome. Thank you guys very much for tuning in and listening to our podcast. And my name is Joe and this is Thee Gooch. Got any last words? Final words, Gooch.

Thee Gooch:

If you guys, if you any of you little fuckers, want to reach out to the talkers podcast, you can reach out at T H, E, G, O, O C H, 76 @ gmail. com, Don't be shy.


There you go, Thee Gooch, and if you guys want to send us an email, Thee Talkers. Oh man, I forgot, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You know what I'm talking about. After the show notes our email is there. If you want to send us a message At I'm talking about it's in the after the show notes, our emails there. If you want to send us a message, at the end of the show notes there's a send a message. You could see how you feel about our show, what you think about it, ask us questions, you could tell us anything you know.

Thee Gooch:

Whatever you feel, let us know Criticize, yeah, we accept it, we accept it.


We accept it All. Right, guys, this is it. This is Thee Talkers Podcast Unscripted. My name is Joe and The Gooch.

Thee Gooch:

The Gooch. Thanks for the support, guys, we appreciate it. Thank you.

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