Thee Talkers Podcast: Unscripted
We Thee Talkers Podcast will talk about different topics and subjects that come into mind. Our podcast show will be more about talking freely about topics that those that hear with an opened mind. Also, our show will express our fun times that we had or talk about certain topics that have to do about anything that is happening in the world. Our show will be an opened freely conversation. I will have some guess to joined me someday in my podcast for any interviews in the near future.
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Thee Talkers Podcast: Unscripted
Chaos, and Spiritual Warfare
What if the current global turmoil is more than just random chaos? On this latest episode of Thee Talkers Podcast Unscripted, we kick things off by soaking in a beautiful day in Los Angeles and sharing our excitement for the cozy vibes of the upcoming winter season. While we look forward to the holidays, the financial stress of Christmas shopping lingers in our minds. We also reflect on a recent debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, drawing parallels to our own work experiences and how actions often speak louder than words. It’s a tie, just like the everyday challenges we all face.
Have you ever wondered if there's a dark force behind today’s wickedness? We dive into the unsettling belief that Satan is orchestrating the chaos, pushing us to discuss biblical prophecies such as the rise of the Antichrist and creatures like Leviathan and Behemoth. With a deep exploration into the Antichrist’s plans to bring temporary peace before betrayal, we emphasize the importance of spiritual protection and the urgency of prayer. Our conversation touches on the necessity of wearing spiritual armor to navigate these dark times and the free will given by Yeshua and God to choose our path amidst the chaos.
As the episode progresses, we confront the reality of demonic possession and its impact on human behavior, including disturbing incidents suppressed by mainstream media. The absence of God and Yeshua in people's hearts is leading to moral decay and opening portals for evil spirits. We stress the impending test of faith during the Antichrist's reign, where believers will face persecution and the ultimate challenge of remaining faithful. Preparing spiritually for these end times is crucial, and we call on Christians to put on the "armor of God" and stay vigilant. Join us on this profound journey as we guide you on how to access and support the Talkers Podcast Unscripted, and remind you to stay safe and strong in your faith.
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What's up? What's up Los Angeles, california? What's up LA? What's going on? This is he Talkers Podcast, unscripted. What's up? My name is Joe.
Joe:Beautiful day in Los Angeles, california, and wherever you are, it might be a beautiful day too, because it's really cooled down already. It just cooled down 76 degrees in the highs. I can't wait. When it's winter, man, we're close, it's just around the corner. Winter is just around the corner. I just can't wait. We could wear all these clothing. We could wear our jackets, sweaters, you name it. We could be all cozy. That's what I want. Can't wait for that. The only thing I'm not ready for is the holidays, man, you know we got to get ready for that. So a lot of spending to do and Christmas shopping and all that stuff. But that's another topic I just mentioned, mentioned in the last episode.
Joe:There's a lot to talk about, a lot to talk about. It's just me today. You have me all to yourselves. I just want to.
Joe:Before we start, I just want to thank all my listeners out there and the new listeners that just got to know our podcast and just tuning in and download. All I need from you, all your listeners, is to know our podcast and just tuning in and download. All I need from you, all your listeners, is to support our podcast for $3 a month with a shout out. You'll be giving it a shout out and you could cancel anytime. There's all your listeners out there just tuning in. You could, just, you know, cancel anytime, and that would mean so much for us to support our show. For $3 a month. You could cancel anytime and we'll give you a shout-out included. How about that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there's a lot to talk about.
Joe:I was watching the debate with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. I mean, I think it's a tie. I was watching it and I think it's a tie. You know, um, and I was watching it and you know there's I think both of them were not answering questions. I think everybody, just you know, it's like, uh, when you're at work too, you know, when you're at work, everybody wants to be the metal, metal, like the Chingones, or you know they want to be, um, the top dog and all that stuff. They want to express themselves. I could understand that, because when they ask me questions at work, sometimes I'm quiet. I can't express the question like that. You have to do your work. I think you're more action than words. In other words, you know what I'm saying. Like I said, when I'm at work, when they ask me a question at work, it's like I can't explain it. I can't answer it, you know.
Joe:You know, I don't know if you guys out there are feeling the same way. There's some people out there maybe all the listeners out there, they, they, they're brilliant, they know how to answer questions and all that stuff. There's some of you, there's some of us out there that don't we express it by just doing it, you know, instead of answering it. You know, and I was like saying maybe these two candidates are more action than words, but I see more Donald Trump more doing more action than answering. You know what I'm saying. I mean, there's a lot of people, like I said again, there's a lot of people out there that they have problems answering questions. Like me, I have problems answering questions because I'm more like a do-it guy than an answering guy. You know, because more people that answer more questions, they could answer questions like crazy.
Joe:I think people that don't know how to answer questions, they more know how to do the stuff. You know, they express their different ways. There's a lot to express. You know, like there's a lot of different ways to express what. You've been answering questions. You know what I'm saying. I don't know if I'm making sense here. I mean, there's a lot of people out there. It's like me when they again you know I hate to repeat myself over and over again sometimes, but there's a lot of people out there they express it more than answering. And that's what Donald Trump is. I noticed that when they answer a question, he goes to express what he has to say. I think it's just expressing what he's saying, because when you don't answer questions, it's like it's kind of tough to answer those questions. But when you're in office, when you're at work, whatever you may be, you're more like a do it. I'm more action than fucking words, than answering the questions. You know what I'm saying, but that's what I'm trying to say.
Joe:You know, and everybody's like oh, no, one didn't answer the question. Even Kamala Harris didn't answer questions. Well, I think you know what. I think it's just a tie. To be honest. Let's just be fair with them. You know it's a tie and I think they're both the same way.
Joe:And you know, no one didn't answer questions the right, proper way. I mean who's who's perfect, you know, I mean, it has to be a smart person to answer questions like that. There's a lot of people that love answering questions, like me. Sometimes, when they ask me a question, I will stay stuck too. I was like, because I look at that, I look at Donald Trump doing freestyle, answering questions whatever it will hit the same question, you know, but just to get that answer. But there's a lot of people out there that they have they struggle um answering questions. You know things like that, and it it includes me too. You know I'm not gonna say I I answer questions real, properly, correctly, but I just, you know it's like you just want to say what you want to say and then I want to do my job and then I'll express it right there. You know, she's the same way too. Maybe she's more action than words. You know there's a lot of people out there that express themselves that way.
Joe:And another thing, too, that when I was watching the debate, is that when Donald Trump mentioned that and you know it didn't come from Donald Trump at first, it came on media, from TikTok, instagram, facebook. All these videos are mentioning about this person was eating a cat. It's not only cats, and it's true. I mean they're making things, that they're saying that Donald Trump is lying. He's making it up. They're all laughing at him because you know he mentioned it in a debate that they were eating animals, migrants and eating animals. You know they're not.
Joe:It's not only migrants, you know migrants eating animals and all that stuff. It's people that are demented or they're possessed. You know these are people that are getting possessed out there. Like I was saying, it's happening everyone. It's really happening. This is the time and age that everyone's going to get possessed and this is the time of the spirit.
Joe:The antichrist is coming upon the earth already. Okay, because satan knows that his time is done. His time is it's it's, it's on his way. His time is done. He knows he's losing, he's not. He knows he's going to lose and this time is going to end. He knows that yeshua is coming. Okay, this is the signs of the ant to lose and his time is going to end. He knows that Yeshua is coming. Okay, this is the signs of the Antichrist and the devil is speeding up everything.
Joe:Okay, people eating animals. And you know it's not only animals. There's people out there in the previous media, in Florida or Texas or New York, there's people eating people. Okay, there's people eating a person's face out, you know, and they put that in the media and that's on TikTok too. You could look that up, man, when a person was eating a man's face, there was a person eating a woman's leg after she got pushed off on the train I forgot what city it was at but it's, it's happening.
Joe:People I mean all you listeners out there, just be aware, because the devil knows his time is ending and this is where people are going to start getting possessed and this is the time that, um, they're going to start pushing the agenda, to start, um, putting chips in our hands or getting marked already. This is the way, and I believe, the zombie apocalypse is happening. And it's not because we're drinking something that's going to turn us to be zombies, or the slab for the COVID shot and all that stuff. It's going to turn us to be zombies. No, it's not that, it's possession.
Joe:This is from Satan himself that is possessing all these people. I mean, it's wicked, and people don't know what they're doing. You know it's like they're deranged, they're out of it. You know they're zorinated too. They're like. You know like they're deranged, they're out of it. You know they're zorinated too. They're like, you know, like they're possessed. You could tell when a person's possessed. They look different. You know, and I said this on my previous episodes and I forgot we have like at least 115 episodes already, or maybe 200, because we've been in this podcast for two years already now and we have said that this is happening Because of possession from the devil.
Joe:Because he knows his time is up and he knows that Yoshi was coming, okay, he knows he's going to lose and he's speeding up the time to be um, be in power of the earth. Okay, and it's in revelations and some of some of you out there that are listening today, some of you out there don't listen, don't believe in um, all this, um, biblical stuff, the prophecy and all that stuff. You think it's a fairy tale. Mostly, all these fairy tales are true, you know what I'm saying. Like the Leviathan, it's true. They mention in the Bible and the behemoth. You know those are dinosaurs, okay, and Leviathan is going to start roaming in the earth once the Antichrist appears and this Leviathan is going to destroy mankind.
Joe:No nuclear war, no nuclear missiles are going to strike the earth. It's going to be Leviathan that's going to start burning the entire earth, Maybe three-fourths, a quarter of our earth, or something like that. I don't know my fractions and all that stuff. Forgive me about that, but um, it's true, it's in the bible, you know. So, um, there's not going to be no nuclear war. Okay, I don't think that will happen, I don't think it's. Uh, it's not a risk for the government's economy and all that stuff. Yeah, the economy is going to drop. It's in the Bible too. The economy is going to fail, not because of the nuclear war.
Joe:I mean, if there was nuclear war, it doesn't make sense that we're going to have nuclear war because who's going to be in power? Who's going to be in power? The only one that's going to be in power is the Lord Yeshua, and also maybe Lucifer. But Lucifer doesn't want that. He wants to conquer earth. Lucifer wants his son to conquer earth.
Joe:The Antichrist Okay, this is Lucifer's throne right now. Okay, this is Lucifer's earth. Okay, world, and actually everybody that's worshiping um materialistic stuff, you know I'm saying, and he knows his time is up and people don't know that. You know, like I said again, lucifer or satan, the antichrist, doesn't want to destroy the earth with nuclear missile. Maybe one country will be destroyed, and that's going to be probably Ukraine or maybe Israel, but it will not be destroyed with nuclear missiles.
Joe:The one that's going to destroy the earth is going to be Leviathan, the creature from the abyss. He's going to be awakened pretty soon, once the Antichrist awakens. He's going to be awakened pretty soon once the Antichrist awakens, because if we attack ourselves with nuclear weapons, missiles or whatever you want to call it, it won't make any sense. We'll be all sick, we'll be all dying. So what are the Antichrist is going to rule for? For nothing, you know. If we destroy ourselves with a nuclear missiles, I believe that we're going to. They're going to attack maybe another city or state for one nuclear missile, but the Antichrist is going to stop that. Well, they will. We'll use a nuclear missile for some other country, but the Antichrist is going to stop it. He's going to bring peace to the earth and he's going to stop the madness first, and then that's when he's going to control the earth. Because I don't believe that God Yeshua will allow that, because he wants all this to happen. He wants the Antichrist to rule the earth. God, in other words, yeshua wants to. In other words, yeshua wants to test our faith, he wants to test our faith, if we believe in him or not, because yeshua and god himself gave us free will to believe and what not to believe.
Joe:Okay, and this is what I'm trying to say, that it's gonna, it's happening real quick. People are are eating each other. People are eating animals. Cannibalism at like at its best. You know what I'm saying. I mean, they're not cooking these animals, they're eating them like raw, you know, like tearing their heads apart, opening their guts and putting it in their mouth and they're eating it. You know, animals, you know, and this is demonic, this is possession already, and when this happens, lucifer is already getting anxious. Anxious already, okay, and when this happens, this is when lucifer wants his son to start conquering.
Joe:But an antichrist is going to appear already when, when they strike a country with a nuclear missile, this is only going to happen one missile, one nuclear missile is going to happen to attack a city or a town or a country. It's only going to take one. It could be israel, I don't know, but this is when. When that happened, that's when the antichrist sees that he's going to prevent that to start hating each other. Stop attacking. He's going to want to make the world have peace, one world order, one world religion. He's going to stop all that. He's going to stop all the madness, but only for maybe three years, and that's when he's going to start betraying everybody. But he's going to start betraying everybody, but he's going to want us to worship him when he stops all this. And this is when the Leviathan is going to start appearing. He's going to start appearing, attacking everybody in the country.
Joe:This Leviathan, it's a dragon. It's a huge dragon and no one cannot kill it. The only one that could kill it is God himself. God has the power. No bullets will penetrate the Leviathan skin. Arrows, bullets, whatever. No, tanks will not penetrate the skin of the Leviathan.
Joe:Okay, and it will torch, scorch, I should say. I should say scorch, not torch, scorch the earth, third quarters of the earth. You think about it? Because why? It doesn't make sense. Why would the governments want to kill themselves? What's the point? They're not going to rule the earth. We're all going to die.
Joe:Why would russia want to attack the united states with a nuclear missile? Or iran? Who's going to rule the world? The devil went on. The devil wants to rule the earth. He wants to be god to the earth. He wants to. He, that's what he. Why would he want to kill all the people? Okay, why would he want the nuclear war? So the only reason the Antichrist is going to stop all that bring peace in the earth. And then after that, when he says peace and safety, the earth is going to have a lot of destruction and this is where the Leviathan comes in and starts scorching the earth with fire, because that's what the Antichrist wants. He wants to take over the earth. He doesn't want to destroy the earth because he wants to control it. And Yeshua is going to win the defeat because the devil knows that his time is up.
Joe:And you know, I'm not. I don't know my Bible, like every Christian that knows the Bible, like the chapters and the verses and all that stuff, that knows the Bible, like the chapters and the verses and all that stuff. I mean I could read the Bible and I could, you know, just re-memorize it and say you know what it says and all that stuff, but I don't remember what chapters and all that stuff and verses. Okay, forgive me, but as long as I know it and what I read it, I don't know most of the Bible. I mean, I don't remember it. Some, some parts I read on the bible, but I don't know by memory like all the christians do, the people that are religious and on the bible, you know, and this is going to take place and a lot of people are eating animals. And this is what I'm saying, that I didn't mean to be out and I'm over the place and all that stuff.
Joe:But these people that are eating animals, they're getting possessed little by little. All these people right now, they're getting possessed. Right now. It's all possession by evil. It's evil. People are going insane. People are going insane. I don't know if you noticed it. How hard can it be? It's common sense that everyone's getting possessed by the devil. You know, it's like, um, the more evil you do, the more satan gets stronger and stronger. It's like opening, opening the portal that way, opening the spiritual world for them to come out. It's like you're opening the door, you know, and he's like he's getting stronger, like everyone that kills. It's getting satan stronger and stronger the more the the door is opening for these evil spirits to come out and start possessing people. It's like a domino effect. The more they start hurting people, start killing people, eating cats or animals, dogs, whatever you want to call it. It's opening doors, and the more the opening doors in these portals, the more possession you're getting, the more possessed you're getting.
Joe:If you put, if you put, the armor of God, of Jesus or Yeshua, that will block all the evil spirits and the wicked Away from you, believe me, it works. It works Every time I leave to go to work. I pray every day. Some people that don't do that. You know, because possessions is real. I mean, in the Bible it says that if you drink a lot, like if you drink a lot of alcohol, you could drink, yes, but not heavily. Don't get drunk. But even if you drink a lot and you get all drunked up and all that stuff, you're still opening the door for Satan to control you. That's why when people get drunk really bastard drunk they do stupid things. You do a lot of them stupid things.
Joe:You know, I'm saying, and it's, it's not you, it's it's probably the devil, the, the demon that controls you, because you're drunk and you and you don't remember, you blank out, you know, because you're doing stupid things, because right there, the demons controlling you, you're unconscious, in other words, you're unconscious, unconscious. You know possession is real, everyone. I mean this is the time that we we gotta start putting Yeshua through our hearts and minds and we got to start having control and protect us, our family and our kids and children out there that getting kidnapped, you know, getting sexually assaulted, getting raped Some of you out there that don't believe in this is because it hasn't happened to you yet. Just wait till it happens to you and you're going to wonder why. You're going to wonder why this is happening to you because the demon knows that you don't believe in Jesus or Yeshua, god himself. I mean, it's happening, folks. It's happening and it's awakened already. It's getting stronger and stronger. Evil is getting stronger now.
Joe:But possession is real and I bet you anything, I guarantee you these videos that they're showing that they're eating animals, cats and dogs or anything that's alive, people that consume that. It doesn't make sense. I think there's more videos out there they don't want to show us. I mean there's videos out there they don't want to show us. I'm pretty sure. I guarantee you that. I'm pretty sure I guarantee you that, like when the lady was eating a cat, when the officers were arresting her, they didn't put that in the media on, like Channel 7 or ABC News and all that crap, you know. Have you ever seen it in the media news? No, because they're blaming that on the Democrats.
Joe:They're into more talk about being liberals. I mean being free. Everybody wants to be free and do. That's what it meant. I mean it means that God's giving you free will to do what they want to do. So this is what they're doing. You know God gave us free will. We could do what we want to do. So this is what they're doing. You know God gave us free will. We could do what we want. So let us be free. Let us do what we want. We don't have to believe in God, with Jesus and all that stuff. So that's what they're doing.
Joe:But you guys are getting feed up, brainwashed, manipulated. You know whatever you want to call it. But I say this is possession at its best. It's getting stronger and pretty soon, pretty soon, you're going to see. Well, it's already happening. But I bet you anything they haven't put it. I bet you anything they haven't mentioned it in the media People eating people. I mean there's portions that they put a man eating a man's face and a man eating a woman's leg. But it's happening.
Joe:You guys got to wake up. Start putting the protection of Yeshua on yourselves. Start praying. You know, got to put the armor of God, you know, because if you don't, it's going to be too late. If you deny him, he's going to deny you. And then it's funny, because people don't believe in the eternal life. If you believe in Yeshua, he's going to give you eternal life, and the ones that don't believe in Yeshua he's going to give you the second death. You got to remember Yeshua conquered death, conquered Hades. He went to hell on the third day when he was crucified. When Yeshua died, he went to hell for three days. Believe that. And possession is really, really, really real.
Joe:Everybody says it because it's mentally disturbed. Everybody says it's mental illness. It's not. Mental illness is a possession. It's possession. You're possessed by the devil, by the demons. It says it right there. You have demons in you. That's why you do crazy stuff. I mean it says it right there. You have demons in you. That's why you do crazy stuff. I mean there's no way to put it, how you want to put it that. No, it's just mental illness, he's just sick in the head. That's what's making you doing it, because it's the demons are doing it Spiritually. It's spiritual, it's a spirit. It's an evil entity that is going in you to do all these wicked stuff.
Joe:This is when the officers arrested that woman and there was another one. They arrested a guy, a man, eating a goose, and she was all disordinated, like she was frozen. She didn't speak or anything. And it's possession, she's possessed. And the other fellow he got arrested for eating a goose or a geese, he was smiling like, like what? Like, like he was. He's been doing it for a while. It's not it, ladies, ladies and gentlemen, it's not mental illness. They're possessed by the demon and Lucifer knows his time is up already and he's working overtime. This is why everything is happening like that.
Joe:Have you noticed that the days are going fast? You know, like right now you just woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning and bam, you're up at six o'clock in the morning and bam, you're already at 12 o'clock in the afternoon. You know, have you noticed it? I don't know if anyone I'm. Am I the only one that's feeling that time is going fast, like the days are going, the days are shortened up really quick. It's like once you wake up at six o'clock in the morning and bam, you're already. Like what damn, it's already 12 o'clock. I just woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning. You know, I don't know if I'm the only one.
Joe:I mean if all you listeners out there if I'm telling you the truth, if I'm right or wrong, send it at the end of the show notes. Send me a text. You'll see it right there. There's a button that says send me a message. You could tell me if I'm right or wrong. Or also you could send me an email at my gmailcom. You know Dtalkers4Us at gmailcom. You could also send me an email and tell me if I'm right or wrong. Or you could tell me things like I don't make sense and all that stuff or whatever. Whatever you want to say, you know, but the facts is true.
Joe:I mean they're making fun of Donald Trump and you know everyone's making fun of the people and you know saying that they're eating animals, cats and rabbits or whatever, just natural bear. You know they're eating animals, cats and rabbits or whatever, just natural bear. They're not cooked, they're just tearing their guts apart and putting it in their mouth. They're eating these animals. Some states are getting worried already.
Joe:But it's common sense that it's evil. It's a demonic entity that's around. Common sense that it's evil. It's a demonic entity that's around already Because everybody's doing evil stuff and it's just opening portals, opening the doors. It's opening more doors to evil spirits to conquer and possess people already. I mean, it's common sense.
Joe:The way I see it, it is like it is possession. They're getting possessed. They don't have God in their heart, they don't have God in their mind, they don't have Yeshua in their mind. All they want to do is just worship the world, the earth. They want to worship idols.
Joe:And that's the thing that um lucifer knows about humanity, the humans, that they're weak minded. Lucifer knows that we're weak because it's like jesus says in the bible but it's easy to do the wicked stuff. But it's easy to do the wicked stuff, but it's hard to do. It's hard to be good, it's hard to be good, it's easy to do the bad stuff. I don't know. And so he says it in a different way. I'm saying it in my way because I'm not good, I'm not too good at memorizing biblical chapters and verses and all that stuff, but I know this. In some chapter he, he, says it's easy to go do bad stuff than doing the good stuff. You know.
Joe:So, like all you listeners out there, pay attention. Start praying to Yeshua, because he's the only way. He's the only way to save us. He's the only way to save us. Who wants to be in this earth, where there's a lot of crying, a lot of pain, a lot of crying? Because when the day that Yeshua comes and conquers earth, that's all going to stop. We're not going to cry anymore, we're not going to shed a tear. We're able to pet a lion or alligator. I don't think we'll eat no more or something like that, but that's when we're in paradise. We're allowed to pet a lion, like a dog Petting a dog. That's why we've got to start putting the armor of Yeshua, god himself, because this is all a test believe it or not, believe it or not, this is all a test.
Joe:All you Christians out there that you're so sane in social media that I'm a Christian. I can't wait when Jesus Christ comes. All Christians out there that believe in Yeshua have sinned. We're not going to. Yes, I believe in Yeshua. I apologize to Yeshua, saying I'm sorry I sinned my Lord and all that stuff, but we're still going to be in this earth. There's people out there that believe in Yeshua and in the Bible and all that stuff. They read the Bible, like you know, and these people that haven't sinned I think there's 144,000 people that are having sinned they're going to go to Yeshua first. Yeah, we may believe in Yeshua, but we're not going to be caught up in the air with them because, you know, just because we apologize and we believe in His name, no, we have a test.
Joe:He's going to test our faith and you know what the test of the faith is that when the Antichrist rules the world and he's going to tell us to believe in Him or face death or face persecution. In other words, you're going to cut off our heads. You want to live and worship me or you want to worship Joshua, the false god? He's going to call him the false god. Just get prepared for that. But this is the test of faith. This is what God's going to do, yeshua. But this is the test of faith. This is what God's going to do Yeshua. He's going to test our faith.
Joe:All a billion Christians out there, don't say that you're going to go meet God just because you believe in Yeshua. We all sin, so he's going to put us to a test to have faith on him. You really have faith in me? Okay, he's going to put you to death. Lucifer is going to put you to death and then he's going to see if you believe in me. But if you're scared of death and you say, no, I don't want to die, oh, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, no, I'll believe in you. I'll believe in you. Your majesty, do you, do you denounce Jesus Christ as the mighty God and all that stuff? Yes, I do. I believe in you. I believe in you Just because that person Didn't want to die. So you're going to believe in the antichrist. So you just denounce Jesus, jesus Christ, yeshua, because you're afraid to die. So that's, that's the test, test of faith from Yeshua. So Yeshua is going to test us. He's going to test our faith, all you Christians out there that believe in Yeshua. It's going to be the test of faith.
Joe:Some of you think you're going to go right away to Yeshua for the rapture. It's not going to work that way. It's not going to work that way. It's not going to work that way. It's not going to work that way. It's not going to work that way. It's the test of faith. You're going to get tortured or beheaded for your faith. It's either you die for Yeshua or you believe in the beast, the Antichrist, so you could live. I'm going to be honest with you. Some people are scared to die. Okay, I mean, you're going to die anyway, so must well just believe in Yeshua, right? So why don't you believe in Yeshua and just sacrifice yourself to God? You have to sacrifice yourself. This is the test of faith.
Joe:Some people out there are really scared to die and they will denounce Yeshua, because you know they want to be spared, they don't want to die, they want to remain to the earth. And then, when Yeshua conquers earth, when he's already fighting Satan, you're going to go to hell just for denouncing Yeshua. I mean, this is what I know. It's kind of common sense. It's kind of common sense.
Joe:Some Christians I'm saying Christians sin. Yes, we believe in Yeshua. I still sin. I ask Yeshua for forgiveness all the time, but I still sin. But Yeshua is going to put us to a test. If you really believe in me, I will wipe all your sins. You're going to be put to death and they're going to ask you Do you denounce Yeshua? And Yeshua is just waiting for you to say no, I believe in Yeshua as the son of God. And then they're going to chop off your head because you didn't worship the beast. So Yeshua is going to purify you as a new being to be with him in paradise, in heaven, forever and ever. But that's your choice. Don't be scared of death. Don't be scared to die because upcoming years to come.
Joe:Time is coming fast. Lucifer knows his time is coming, his days are shortened. He knows I don't even think he knows Yoshua was On his way yet, but he senses it and he knows his time is shortened and that's why he's doing all this crap, all this mess he's. He's manipulating all the children first, because that's the weakness. All these Kids are in the gangs.
Joe:You know how many demons that Lucifer has, his army. It's like every sinner that dies. Those are his soldiers, all these people that are killing and they die. Those are the souls that he's collecting so he could add more soldiers to the world, so they could possess evil. That's the way I look at it. If you die in sin, you don't believe in Yeshua. The Lucifer is going to start collecting your souls and make you as an army, like a soldier, one of the soldiers. That's why it's like it's going on rapidly, like real fast, like evil's spreading like fire. Like it, it's spreading. That's why a lot of people are going crazy. A lot of shoplifting, a lot of smashing grabs out there and a lot of kids are just killing kids, um, killing everybody, killing each other, because that's what he wants, collecting souls for his army to fight the good.
Joe:You know what I think? I think that when we die yes, we die we sleep. In the Bible it says we sleep. No soul roams the earth. No soul roams the earth. But we do visit Yeshua and he tells us that you will be put to sleep until he does the judgment to the whole world. That's when he's going to wake us up. We see Yeshua at first when we die, but I think he puts us asleep. Then he goes well, you will be awakened in judgment day, that's it. And then, blank, he keeps our soul and to the day judgment arrives, till he judges the world that crucified him and curses him, the ones that deny him. He's going to wake us up from there. But remember, I'm saying time is up, lucifer's time is up.
Joe:That's why crime is increasing more, murdering is increasing even more. A lot of people are going crazy in France and all that stuff they're doing, all these protesting, kill Israel. They're doing all the Jews and all that stuff they're doing all these protesting, kill Israel. They're doing all the Jews and all that stuff. Kill this, kill that. Have you noticed? There's a lot of mentioning of killing in the world. There's no one that will save lives and all that stuff. It's always kill this, kill that. Oh, I hate this person, oh I can't stand this person, person. There's more jealousy in the world now. There's more hatred. It's spreading. You know, it's really spreading. The hate is spreading and the evil is spreading.
Joe:This is what lucifer wants possession. And you think it's mental illness. No, it's not mental illness, it's possession. And this is why people hear voices, because those are demons talking to the people. People laugh about this because they haven't experienced this yet. When they experience it, they're going to say, oh shit, fuck, it's real. But you guys got to put the armor of God because it's here. I mean, come on Eating animals alive.
Joe:I haven't seen that since. Damn, I don't remember seeing that back when I was young, my younger days, on the news. Or you know, people eating animals like if they were just potato chips. You know, that's when you know that something's wrong, something's about to happen. Either a zombie apocalypse is on its rise right now, little by little, little by little and I don't think it's something that they get poisoned or they drink something out of the water.
Joe:It's all demons possessing humans. I mean, who in their right mind Would just shred a cat open and start eating it, or Shoots a person in the head, or you know, in point blank range, who does that? Who drives a person to do that? Who has the urge to kill someone? Who has the urge to kill somebody in the first place or kills a cat or dog? That's weird, isn't it? No one has that love. Everybody has the hate. It's what the devil wants. Lucifer hates. He has the anger because he's what the devil wants Lucifer hates. He has that anger because he knows that Joshua is near.
Joe:And it's like when you see someone so lovely, lovely, giving oh, hi, oh, I love this, I love this, I like to do this, I like to do that, and that person's like, oh, I can't stand that person because that person is so fucking lovely and he's so gentle, he's so generous and this, and I can't stand that person. He's like that's the devil. That's the way the devil feels about Jesus, yeshua, because he's so loving. There's people out there that can't stand people that are so lovey-dovey it. There's people out there that can't stand people that are so lovey-dovey. It's like it bothers them, it burns their souls, like, oh, I can't stand that person. He's so generous, he's so kind. There's something wrong about that person because he's so generous and he's so kind, he's so nice, he's so giving and all that stuff. That's envy. That's like the devil is the same way with yeshua and that's what's going on.
Joe:These people, they can't stand. People are so nice and kind and and generous. It's the, it's the evilness, that's, that's the devil, that's the possession right there. Oh, I can't stand. He's so generous and so kind. I can't stand people like so generous and so kind. I can't stand people like that. They get so hatred, they hate that. You're supposed to love one another and you don't hear that no more. People can't stand when a person is so generous and so lovely and so kind, because the devil does the same thing to Yeshua, to Jesus. He can't stand Jesus because he knows he's powerful and Yeshua is going to win and the devil knows it and that's why he's doing all this destruction right now.
Joe:He's doing everything right now. You know, do everything in one shot. You know it's like you go. You know what I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this real quick and do everything in one shot. You know it's like you go. You know what I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this real quick and give it everything in one shot. And you know, might as well, just do it. Might as well, just go to jail, make the best of it. That's what the devil's doing. He's doing all this just to make the best of it. I'm just going to get everybody crazy and insane and start murdering. And I could have my soldiers to, you know, to fight Yeshua and his angels. This is what it's all about.
Joe:If you have children listening to this, this is what the devil wants. He wants your children to join his army, to Satan's army, and he gets them young too. He manipulates the children first. Keep that in mind, because and all you Christians out there, just because you believe in Yeshua, you know he's the son of God. I'm cleaning myself too on this.
Joe:This is the test of God. He's going to put us on a test If you're really, if you're really really a follower of Jesus. He's going to put us on a test Believe him or not, if we believe him or not, if we would worship him, you know. So, like I said again, it's a test of God and test of faith. It doesn't include that just because you believe in Yeshua 100%, or I mean because we're all sinners, we're all sin, we're not going to Jesus won't accept us because we sin, like yeah, we apologize we, we, we tell him, we tell him sorry, sorry, lord, my lord, my lord yeshua, it's going to be a day you might die tomorrow and you haven't said my oh, forgive me, lord, you know you could forget, and then you die by sin. You know. But um, if we're, if we're in this earth still, when an antichrist starts ruling the world with one world government, just get ready for the test of faith. It's about the test of faith.
Joe:Well, I think I said enough babbling. I think this is it. Just remember, like I said again, all you listeners out there, just put your armor of God. And because the possession is real out there, and if you guys want to support our show for $3 a month, you can cancel anytime. We'll also give you a shout out if you're continuing your subscription or supporting our show and, like I said again, you could cancel anytime.
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